- This topic has 506 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated May 27, 2013 at 12:03 am by 12BarBlues.
March 30, 2013 at 12:32 pm #1055506
Farewell everyone, ill be deleting my profile (hopefully) and never returning, why? Not because of you all, I wish you all the best in life.
but because of a revelation I’ve had through psychedelics, how the represent the third eye, and how the third eye is at the high end of the spectrum of evil and the devil. God has guided me away from drugs and to the right path. I hope he does the same for all of you also.
my 2cents, dmt is making a deal with the devil, that is why people’s lives improve so much when taking this drug.
believe me or not its not our decision to make, it’s gods. Best of luck guys and good luck finding the right path.
March 30, 2013 at 12:33 pm #1270334Had a great time speaking to many of you and had a nightmare exploring myself what I thought was the right way. Psychedelics are deceitful !
March 30, 2013 at 12:36 pm #1270662you wanna chill on the psychs pal
March 30, 2013 at 12:41 pm #1270504This aint Part Drugs Forum,, theres a lot more here than that, ask the mods if they can delete your access the drugs sections if your want to make a clean break from that stuff, that way you can stick around for the tune, chat & VIBE : )
March 30, 2013 at 12:57 pm #1270687No the drugs don’t work, they just make you worse!
March 30, 2013 at 1:07 pm #1270233you can still stay here even if you are religious, all modern religions including moderate forms of Islam do not prohibit folk from enjoying music..
March 30, 2013 at 1:19 pm #1270688Yeah mate to be fair this forum isn’t just about drugs. It is about the UK underground music scene really and even life in general. You should stick around.
March 30, 2013 at 1:36 pm #1270335@General Lighting 537033 wrote:
you can still stay here even if you are religious, all modern religions including moderate forms of Islam do not prohibit folk from enjoying music..
I understand that completely, but its just temptation, I don’t want it to even be relatively close to me, if I explain to you what I’ve experienced you might understand.
Through psychedelics i feel like I’ve been through a worldly equivalent of hell, fear and pain. I don’t intend everyone to understand but I feel as a religious person, the devil almost had me, and I’m blessed to have had a revelation, if I was to show you signs I’ve received, to anyone, even if they aren’t religious, you would be baffled, as long as you don’t believe in coincidence.
March 30, 2013 at 1:38 pm #1270689To be honest mate, to me, it sounds like you’ve had a few to many trips in to short a space of time..
March 30, 2013 at 3:59 pm #1270262Ez Lshak, glad to see you’re trying to improve your life. I’ve possibly had similar experiences to what it sounds like you’ve had on strong psychedelics, but may have come to different conclusions, but then that’s the beauty of humanity, we are all individuals yet made of the same stuff.
If you not gonna be around here anymore, and that’s a shame, as others have said this isn’t souly a forum about drugs, but I can understand what you mean about temptation, You should hit me up on skype as I don’t think I got ur number when we met up the other week.
peace dude and take care of your self.
March 30, 2013 at 4:35 pm #1270234I can also understand the issues with temptation and guilt as I originally come from a religious upbringing myself with parents who were fairly strict due to their ancestral cultures, and also grew up in an era where society simply did not tolerate the sort of activities discussed here to the extent things are permitted nowadays. but part of life religious or not is being able to deal with such temptations.
Yesterday evening and much of the night I was at my friends housing co-op and what is amazing is how well behaved and focused everyone is in what is essentially a genuinely anarchic organisation. No one there is anti-drugs (including psychedelics) but they are a very small part of the lifestyle compared to the realities of keeping their venture running, and they do believe in a lot of spiritual and new age stuff (half of which I do not understand fully myself, but I think it does provide them with the focus and discipline required to face up to other demands of life).
March 30, 2013 at 6:15 pm #1270434Oh. Right. Have fun LShak.
Personally I think life without temptation is a bit… dull. But whatever path you feel is right, pursue. 🙂
March 30, 2013 at 7:30 pm #1270671@Lshak 537028 wrote:
Farewell everyone, ill be deleting my profile (hopefully) and never returning, why? Not because of you all, I wish you all the best in life.
but because of a revelation I’ve had through psychedelics, how the represent the third eye, and how the third eye is at the high end of the spectrum of evil and the devil. God has guided me away from drugs and to the right path. I hope he does the same for all of you also.
my 2cents, dmt is making a deal with the devil, that is why people’s lives improve so much when taking this drug.
believe me or not its not our decision to make, it’s gods. Best of luck guys and good luck finding the right path.
WTF you talking about
You do some DMT and LSD and suddenly you think you know it all, just stop taking psychedelics for a long time
no such thing as the devil
March 30, 2013 at 7:40 pm #1270336I don’t need to prove anything to anyone man, each to their own opinion, I don’t hate on people who decide DMT is a way of life for them, if that’s what they want then I have no say in what they should and shouldn’t do. This is just MY PERSONAL OPINION
I don’t think I know it all I just believe in my guy intuition and the feelings I get when I even come relatively close to these drugs.
I have my proof, I have had my signs, but I don’t expect everyone to believe me.
Best of luck in life brother and I hope life brings you the best it can, and best of luck with your course Nigboat
March 30, 2013 at 7:40 pm #1270337If you trip 10-15 times and never have a single good trip, I’m sure you’d feel the same. So I’d just rather just stop it all together
March 30, 2013 at 8:12 pm #1270534@Lshak 537035 wrote:
Through psychedelics i feel like I’ve been through a worldly equivalent of hell, fear and pain. I don’t intend everyone to understand but I feel as a religious person, the devil almost had me, and I’m blessed to have had a revelation, if I was to show you signs I’ve received, to anyone, even if they aren’t religious, you would be baffled, as long as you don’t believe in coincidence.
To be honest, personally I believe in coincidence a hell of a lot more than I do in what a 2000 year old book of folk tales tells me man. Sorry to hear you’re going though, hope life treats you well on your new path dude, all the best.
March 31, 2013 at 1:35 am #1270326mohammed was more violent than any man on psy’s (except maybe the vikings). i see drugs as neutral, but combined with your mental state and environment makes them + or – . maybe you don’t enjoy them due to inferred pressure of a fairly oppressive deity ruining the ambience?
i doubt if dmt will ever promote violence or bashing homosexuals… where is the devil here actually?
if you go then good luck in your life. remember it is ok to think for yourself and challenge your beliefs. that is the path to avoid the devil at least
March 31, 2013 at 4:18 am #1270206Anonymous
fuck me I am sick of wankers taking cid and seeing the truth of the universe. Do bugger off.
March 31, 2013 at 10:18 am #1270256Do what is best for you, and enjoy what this wonderful life has to offer
March 31, 2013 at 10:52 am #1270557Yeah nice to meet you, although we didn’t chat much but seriously dude you’re behaving quite irrationally to a few drug experiences. But hey ho, I’m not going to tell you what’s right and wrong in your own life. Pursue whatever you feel is right. Just make sure you catch the bugger and don’t spend your life simply chasing.
March 31, 2013 at 10:53 am #1270553If you have a bad trip on any of the classic psychedelics (acid, dmt, shrooms and mescaline) then you did something wrong. Your mind needs to be in the right place, the setting needs to be relaxed, take a sensible dose and don’t do psychs all the time. As for the uncommon “RC” psychedelics, either stop doing them or do better research and be more careful.
March 31, 2013 at 10:53 am #1270338Thank you for the support people, really appreciate it.
For those of you getting aggressive about a choice I have made in MY life, I feel empathy for you and hope you can find a way around these troubling thoughts that you have.
I believe everyone has a different meaning and answer to life, and mine is this, yours is something else.
I’ve decided ill stay on the forum, just won’t be so active, and a ban from the drugs section 🙂
March 31, 2013 at 10:58 am #1270558That’s a bit more rational.
We’ll have you taking drugs again before long. *Jokes
March 31, 2013 at 11:07 am #1270554@Lshak 537120 wrote:
Thank you for the support people, really appreciate it.
For those of you getting aggressive about a choice I have made in MY life, I feel empathy for you and hope you can find a way around these troubling thoughts that you have.
I believe everyone has a different meaning and answer to life, and mine is this, yours is something else.
I’ve decided ill stay on the forum, just won’t be so active, and a ban from the drugs section 🙂
That’s all well and good mate but saying taking DMT is like making a deal with the devil is bound to get peoples back up. The third eye is exactly that, an eye. It perceives things the other two don’t. It’s not anything to do with evil or the devil. I’m happy to let people have whatever opinion they want but it’s my opinion that whatever trip caused this “revelation” has made you deluded and you need to address the issue before it gets more ingrained into your mind.
March 31, 2013 at 11:27 am #1270339I had this revelation the first time I took psychedelics.
Every time I took them I would feel like I’m slowly going to death/hell, I’m not deluded I just believe there are some things in this world we possibly shouldn’t see, we should just have faith, and accessing your third eye is possibly it, I’m not too sure myself to be honest I am just going with guy instinct and physical signs I have been shown.
If you felt like next time you were to take a drug you would be abandoned by god and get dragged to hell and be making a deal with the devil when you didn’t even know if you believed in god just a few months ago, what would you do?
I’d rather be safe than sorry, I have been trying to find reason behind life, my purpose. And now I feel like I have meaning and purpose in it… What is the meaning of life? Be peaceful, love and thank our creator for the life we have here.
I took psychedelics to find out the meaning of life, I never used to believe in god, from my first trip, I started to believe, and since December my faith and thoughts have fluctuated and now my faith couldn’t be more stronger, I feel like my life has been purposely led to this point.
I don’t expect people to understand (maybe religious people) but its like trying to explain your body feeling on a trip, its very difficult and others can’t comprehend.
If I ever come across anyone in person on this forum and your interested in knowing my thoughts I could easily explain it to you in words, but its just too difficult over writing, unless I make a blog… Which I might just do… Hmm
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