Forums The Vibe Chat Homeopathy [username]

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      Tell me you dont believe [username], please!


        Even if it’s just a very good placebo, it’s been proven to work with me.


          @Moonie 445925 wrote:

          Even if it’s just a very good placebo, it’s been proven to work with me.

          always amazing just how powerful placebos can be


            I do not believe, I know it works, it worked on a dog I had when conventional medicine failed and saved its life. How the fuck do you convince a dog about the placebo effect?

            Do I use it my self?
            No, conventional medicine haven’t failed on me yet, and it is a money Question.


              @!sinner69! 445929 wrote:

              I do not believe, I know it works, it worked on a dog I had when conventional medicine failed and saved its life. How the fuck do you convince a dog about the placebo effect?

              Do I use it my self?
              No, conventional medicine haven’t failed on me yet, and it is a money Question.

              How do you know know it was the homoeopathy that cured the dog?


                Cause we could see clearly the progress and it came back it did it again. Conventional medicine had 9 months and that dog got worse and worse. We was at the vetrinarian university. In the end they said it was nothing to do…. But then i heard radio program about the issue so we gave it last shot with vetrinarian that use both conventional and alternative medicine. The progress started at week 2. That vetrinarian is used by the most high class stables with top racing horses. So as I stated I do not believe I know it is working. But as in normal medicine, something is good for some while it do jack shit for others… for acute infections I still go for penicillin.


                  Can people clue me in on what exactly is it? I tried reading up but can’t really sum up what it is?..

                  Treating illness/disorder with stuff/material that causes those symptoms in a very diluted form?

                  Something also rings a bell that this has something to do with ‘being near positive’ you become positive yourself?
                  So if a dog is near healthy dogs it will heal up, which makes sense in a way.
                  Is this related or is it regarding something else?


                    don’t think being near positive is particularly relevant. Basically it’s a tiny tiny tiny amount of onion skin diluted thousands of time by water, and the more you dilute, the stronger it gets. Or so they say. Now that sounds like BS to me but when I was a kid, and as an adult, despite being sceptical of the theory, it’s always worked for me.


                      I don’t know much about it but you know me Slim. I believe anything is possible so I believe it’s possible it works. I will do more research into it though and give you a better answer though!


                        My grandad is a fully trained homeopath and he’s not the kinda person who would do something unless he 100% knew it was the case (he’s noramly way more sinicle even then you extraslim!). I allways used to get given homeopathic medicen when I was younger and rarely got ill … this could of been for many diferant reasons tho.

                        If it does work then I can imagin it not working for everyone as people react diferantly to things. Some people might be sensative and react to this kind of treatment .. some may not and may need some stronger form of medication.

                        Homeopathy isn’t so much a cure for illnesses – more a way of stimulating the body to fight it for it’s self. This is I think the common missconception alot of people have with it and why alot of people are like “This will never heal me” … because in alot of cases they are right. YOU heal you … the homeopathic medicen will help your body do the best job it can – and you can’t say that the body doesn’t allready heal it’s self as we know it does.

                        It’s suposed to work kinda like a vacsine … a tiny little bit of something that causes a certain reaction in the body will help the body learn to deal with something that makes you ill in said way – and again we know vacsines work and on this exact same princible

                        Also don’t confuse homeopathy with herbal remadies – they are two diferant things .. herbal remadies are suposed to directly heal the aylement.

                        Alltho test’s can’t prove it works well on a grand scale and it’s has roughly the same sucsess rate as the placebo effect, I recon it does work for some people (as the tests are showing), even if this is just the placebo effect (Which is essentualy what homeopathy is trying to achive … tricking the body into healing it’s self/ feeling better).


                          It’s just a placebo, but placebos work


                            How can placebos make a difference when it comes to stuff like cancer?


                              @TheLostOne 445972 wrote:

                              How can placebos make a difference when it comes to stuff like cancer?

                              If your mind/body thinks it’s healing then it will work in a such a way that will help healing even more. Alltho the sucsess rate of placebo’s healing cancer can’t be too shit hot I wouldn’t imagin.


                                @TheLostOne 445972 wrote:

                                How can placebos make a difference when it comes to stuff like cancer?

                                The placebo is a massive mystery to medical science, but it’s an objective scientific phenomenon, it works 30% of the time. The more severe the condition the less likely to work it is, but it’s real and measurable, it can even work with cancer, the probability is just less. Mind over matter I think, but that’s not very scientific.


                                  Ok, I do not deny the power of the placebo effect, but I still cant get my head around how 10 – 15 drops of a sollution two times a day on a dogs tounge have anything with placebo to do. I didn’t do anything to make that dog cured except that. All though I suspect the dog to enjoy the stuff after 3 -4 weeks due to the first thing she asked for in the morning and last thing before bed time was to get the drops…


                                    @!sinner69! 446000 wrote:

                                    Ok, I do not deny the power of the placebo effect, but I still cant get my head around how 10 – 15 drops of a sollution two times a day on a dogs tounge have anything with placebo to do. I didn’t do anything to make that dog cured except that. All though I suspect the dog to enjoy the stuff after 3 -4 weeks due to the first thing she asked for in the morning and last thing before bed time was to get the drops…

                                    It wont be the placebo effect it will just be that some other reason that she got well again. Perhaps misdiagnosis, the illness not taking the expected course/just good old fashioned luck. Its a bit like people who get told they have weeks to live and then go on for another 10 years and think its a miracle I suppose.


                                      No it was the potions she got, they monitored it by blood tests… no miracle at all. there were different potions and for best effect they needed to monitor her liver, kidney and bacteria count…and the potions was changed after the way she progressed…


                                        @!sinner69! 446016 wrote:

                                        No it was the potions she got, they monitored it by blood tests… no miracle at all. there were different potions and for best effect they needed to monitor her liver, kidney and bacteria count…and the potions was changed after the way she progressed…

                                        that’s not proof though all that shows is the two things happend at the same time not a cause and effect relationship.


                                          What about Herbal remedies, Slim? Do you believe in those?


                                            @GiantMidget 446023 wrote:

                                            What about Herbal remedies, Slim? Do you believe in those?

                                            Depends what the herb is but most of our drugs, as far as I understand it, are derived from plants. So yes I am sure lots do work though I am equally sure there are many that dont. Some have even been shown to cause harm so I am glad they are more regulated now. I dont take any myself though I have taken St Johns Wart in the past.


                                              do you belive in x-crank?


                                                @Kung Fu Fader 446056 wrote:

                                                do you belive in x-crank?

                                                hell yes :love:


                                                  I have had had homeopathy a few times; sometimes it works and a couple of times it didn’t. Its always worth trying homeopathy – just because we don’t understand how it works does not change the fact it does….
                                                  If I restricted myself to only things I understood fully for regaining my health I probably would not be here now :p


                                                    @Raj 446113 wrote:

                                                    I have had had homeopathy a few times; sometimes it works and a couple of times it didn’t. Its always worth trying homeopathy – just because we don’t understand how it works does not change the fact it does….
                                                    If I restricted myself to only things I understood fully for regaining my health I probably would not be here now :p

                                                    just because people think it works does dont mean it does 😉 people used to think all sorts of crazy stuff cured things, then we developed scientific method and now we no longer die at around 40.

                                                    plus there’s a fair bit of evidence to show it doesn’t work.

                                                    *sits on hands* sorry I am banging on rather a lot about this. I will shut it now.


                                                      okay one more thing…

                                                      Tiger Away – YouTube

                                                      watch this lol (its the Simmons ;))

                                                      the tiger is the illness and the rock is homoeopathy :weee:

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Homeopathy [username]