Forums The Vibe Chat Homeopathy [username]

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      @extraslim 446115 wrote:

      just because people think it works does dont mean it does 😉 people used to think all sorts of crazy stuff cured things, then we developed scientific method and now we no longer die at around 40.

      plus there’s a fair bit of evidence to show it doesn’t work.

      *sits on hands* sorry I am banging on rather a lot about this. I will shut it now.

      most of that ‘crazy stuff’ is what we call modern medicine today, it’s just been refined more. Having read up on Homoeopathy I might try it one day, should I need it that is.


        @GiantMidget 446139 wrote:

        most of that ‘crazy stuff’ is what we call modern medicine today

        I bet there not, the vast majority of ancient cures have no place in modern medicine.


          And modern medicine is sadly symptom fixated, sometimes with side-effects which are cumulatively worse than the disease being treated, and no admission of the effect of nutrition on the general health of a patient. Standardly doing nutritional analysis of patients would be diagnostically useful in many cases as both malnutrition and diseases cause deficiencies/alterations in level of nutritional chemicals our bodies need to function normally.

          There are a lot of modern medicines ( eg aspirin and valium to cite a couple) which came from research done on ancient cures; in most cases the western drugs so derived focus only on the most active ingredients in a cure and ignore all other compounds found with them which usually ameliorate the side effects of the main active ingredient.

          This issue is not black and white but has a lot of shades of grey in between. There is an inherent danger in discounting all truths that do not fit in with your chosen operating assumptions [you will be in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater…] of the moment; once the accepted truth was that the world was flat and the sun rotated round the earth.:crazy_fre


            I’m actually gobsmacked at the amount of people on this thread who place any faith in homeopathy.

            Maybe when I get the chance I’ll write something a bit more in depth, but we’ll leave it at that at the moment. Truly shocked.

            Lt Luna

              Someone at work, who constantly likes to remind me how intelligent they are believe in this crock of shit.

              The “amazing” thing about it is they can treat you from all over the world. All you need to do is send them a strand of your hair. So for a bargain £250 (!) they will treat and cure you… I wonder if they cure stupidity? Besides it must be true they have thrown the word quantum in it!



                  @extraslim 446206 wrote:

                  I bet there not, the vast majority of ancient cures have no place in modern medicine.

                  You’re kidding me. Alot of the old school ways that cure people, herbal extracts etc have proved very effective and are used in most modern medicines today. Hell, I have a book made by an SAS bloke which tells you which plants to use for various ailments, these prove very effective and are used by the bloody military in the field!!!

                  Look it up mate, you’re so narrow minded sometimes Slim. I love you for it though! x


                    *gets the deck chair and a cuppa – nothing I love more than a lively discussion*

                    looking forward to your info BIotech 🙂


                      Also Slim, where do you think most modern medicines we use today came from? Seriously dude, look up history of medicine.


                        @GiantMidget 446360 wrote:

                        You’re kidding me. Alot of the old school ways that cure people, herbal extracts etc have proved very effective and are used in most modern medicines today. Hell, I have a book made by an SAS bloke which tells you which plants to use for various ailments, these prove very effective and are used by the bloody military in the field!!!

                        Look it up mate, you’re so narrow minded sometimes Slim. I love you for it though! x

                        I am not disputing that though, you said “most of that ‘crazy stuff’ is what we call modern medicine today”. I am not saying none of our medicine comes from ancient cures etc, I am saying that most ancient cures have no place in modern medicine. I studied the history of medicine for my GCSE history and I would think the vast majority of things over time have been dropped in favour of the few things that work. I may be wrong but I dont think so. Look up medieval medicine and tell me how much of that is used today/has led to cures we use today.



                          @GiantMidget 446362 wrote:

                          Seriously dude, look up history of medicine.

                          I did, GCSE History, A* 😉

                          perhaps a little rusty though been a while


                            The underlying principle of medieval medicine was the theory of humours. This was derived from the ancient medical works, and dominated all western medicine up until the 19th century. The theory stated that within every individual there were four humours, or principal fluids – black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood, these were produced by various organs in the body, and they had to be in balance for a person to remain healthy. Too much phlegm in the body, for example, caused lung problems; and the body tried to cough up the phlegm to restore a balance. The balance of humours in humans could be achieved by diet, medicines, and by blood-letting, using leeches. The four humours were also associated with the four seasons, black bile-autumn, yellow bile-summer, phlegm-winter and blood-spring.

                            The astrological signs of the zodiac were also thought to be associated with certain humours. Even now, some still use words “choleric”, “sanguine”, “phlegmatic” and “melancholy” to describe personalities.
                            The use of herbs dovetailed naturally with this system, the success of herbal remedies being ascribed to their action upon the humours within the body. The use of herbs also drew upon the medieval Christian doctrine of signatures which stated that God had provided some form of alleviation for every ill, and that these things, be they animal, vegetable or mineral, carried a mark or a signature upon them that gave an indication of their usefulness. For example, the seeds of skullcap (used as a headache remedy) can appear to look like miniature skulls; and the white spotted leaves of Lungwort (used for tuberculosis) bear a similarity to the lungs of a diseased patient. A large number of such resemblances are believed to exist.
                            Most monasteries developed herb gardens for use in the production of herbal cures, and these remained a part of folk medicine, as well as being used by some professional physicians. Books of herbal remedies were produced, one of the most famous being the Welsh, Red Book of Hergest, dating from around 1400.

                            medieval medicine summery. The majority of that is not relevant to today’s medicine. That is all I am saying


                              Maybe ‘crazy stuff’ was the wrong wording mate, I meant more the herbal side of Medicine and their origins in our ancient past. I don’t mean the witch doctor doing a little dance then peeing over the victim to ward off demons ahahahaha!!!!


                                @GiantMidget 446372 wrote:

                                I don’t mean the witch doctor doing a little dance then peeing over the victim to ward off demons ahahahaha!!!!

                                lol!! nice image there, I often piss on myself to keep those demons off me back. Hell of an angle mind.

                                Well perhaps you are right then if you mean specifically herbal medicine, I would still bet more has been discarded than taken forward, but only a few quid 😉


                                  @extraslim 446373 wrote:

                                  lol!! nice image there, I often piss on myself to keep those demons off me back. Hell of an angle mind.

                                  Well perhaps you are right then if you mean specifically herbal medicine, I would still bet more has been discarded than taken forward, but only a few quid 😉

                                  Sorry for the narrow-minded bit as well mate. In a bit of a bad mood atm. Got a inflamed gum and said inflammation is causing tremendous pain in my teeth and henceforth I am in a foul mood. Although perhaps a bit of urine may solve it lol!


                                    @GiantMidget 446375 wrote:

                                    Sorry for the narrow-minded bit as well mate. In a bit of a bad mood atm. Got a inflamed gum and said inflammation is causing tremendous pain in my teeth and henceforth I am in a foul mood. Although perhaps a bit of urine may solve it lol!

                                    no worrys mate, sorry to hear that, you got something other than piss for it?


                                      pharma companies tend not to research what they can’t patent which discounts lots of stuff :you_crazy and in a perfect world someone would be doing that research [not sure how that would be achieved – any ideas?]

                                      @GM rub some clove oil on the offending tooth and gums [numbs the root] or maybe swill your mouth with some whisky [kills the toothworms dontcha know – seriously] and get to a dentist pronto


                                        If you show me that, say, homeopathy works, then I will change my mind
                                        I’ll spin on a fucking dime
                                        I’ll be embarrassed as hell, but I will run through the streets yelling
                                        ‘It’s a miracle! Take physics and bin it!
                                        Water has memory! And while it’s memory of a long lost drop of onion juice seems Infinite
                                        It somehow forgets all the poo it’s had in it!’

                                        You show me that it works and how it works
                                        And when I’ve recovered from the shock
                                        I will take a compass and carve ‘Fancy That’ on the side of my cock.

                                        – Tim Minchin


                                          Just painkillers Slim, And Raj, I’ve been swilling salted water around the mouth and it seems to be giving some relief. I seem to recall scratching that area last week when I was eating a packet of crisps. could be inflamed because of that. Going to see the dentist tomorrow though, hopefully they’ll be able to sort it out. I’ll probably be charged heavily for it as well lmao!

                                          Also yeah agreed about the pharma companies. Big bucks in managing illnesses but I think if they cured it outright then there would be a big loss in profits for them! :/


                                            @GiantMidget 446381 wrote:

                                            Just painkillers Slim, And Raj, I’ve been swilling salted water around the mouth and it seems to be giving some relief. I seem to recall scratching that area last week when I was eating a packet of crisps. could be inflamed because of that. Going to see the dentist tomorrow though, hopefully they’ll be able to sort it out. I’ll probably be charged heavily for it as well lmao!

                                            Also yeah agreed about the pharma companies. Big bucks in managing illnesses but I think if they cured it outright then there would be a big loss in profits for them! 🙂

                                            I recommend Corsodyl always sorted out my gums when I was in a bad way, can get it everywhere. Corsodyl mouthwash (chlorhexidine)

                                            Comes with slims seal of approval lol hope you feel better soon man


                                              Also if anyone is interested I have a link to an interesting site with information for natural remedies to the worst of human cancers. Let me know if you want the link via PM.

                                              Nice one Slim mate. I use that stuff as well but have run out, will get some soon. Thanks though man, Appreciate it fella x


                                                Aye corsodyl is good stuff [but usually more likely to have spirits in the house and the alcohol in neat spirits will kill most germs stone dead so it can really help]
                                                salt water is good too but most people I have suggested that to in the past have cringed or outright boaked; mouths are cess pits of germs sometimes and sore teeth are grim as the pain is inside your head :/

                                                think Paracelsus would have an awful lot to say about homeopathy :crazy_fre and I speculate some of it would be very badly received :laugh_at:


                                                  @Raj 446385 wrote:

                                                  Aye corsodyl is good stuff [but usually more likely to have spirits in the house and the alcohol in neat spirits will kill most germs stone dead so it can really help]
                                                  salt water is good too but most people I have suggested that to in the past have cringed or outright boaked; mouths are cess pits of germs sometimes and sore teeth are grim as the pain is inside your head :/

                                                  any excuse for Gin ay matey 😉


                                                    Yes , i believe that birds often collide with windows or start to attack them.


                                                      @aamir009 446440 wrote:

                                                      Yes , i believe that birds often collide with windows or start to attack them.

                                                      Birds on acid?

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Homeopathy [username]