Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!

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  • #1132014
      redneck wrote:
      women eh.
      wtf are they all about?
      when you want a girlfriend you cant find one but when you’re in a relationship or unavailable they’re all over you like a rash.:crazy:

      women are bitches like that

        redneck wrote:
        women eh.
        wtf are they all about?
        when you want a girlfriend you cant find one but when you’re in a relationship or unavailable they’re all over you like a rash.:crazy:

        women are bitches like that

          starlaugh wrote:
          Urm good luck on understanding women :laugh_at:

          I think the logic of letting them get on with it being the easiest… one day man will understand women, I think this will be the point at which the world will collapse.

          There are just some things that we are not meant to understand, I would leave it at this… you do not want to enter teh darkside of life :laugh_at:

          someone showed me a book titled ‘what men know about women’
          she said have a look through that.
          every page was blank :laugh_at:

            starlaugh wrote:
            Urm good luck on understanding women :laugh_at:

            I think the logic of letting them get on with it being the easiest… one day man will understand women, I think this will be the point at which the world will collapse.

            There are just some things that we are not meant to understand, I would leave it at this… you do not want to enter teh darkside of life :laugh_at:

            someone showed me a book titled ‘what men know about women’
            she said have a look through that.
            every page was blank :laugh_at:

              DaftFader wrote:
              .. they just fucking dawdle along like they haven’t even noticed theres about 50 billion people with red faces screwing behind them just wishisng they would of a sudden have heart attack or just fuck off ..or take the next turn instead of holding every one else up …grrrr .. i got places to go .. move out the fucking way !!!!

              I’m a courier . . . . I know what u mean :crazy:
              Just when i hit my stressiest point in the day, toooo much to do still, in half the time . . . they just come CRAWWWW-LING out of the woodwork eh?
              People who are probably quite intelligent in their working lives, some clearly get paid loads more than i do. But all of a sudden, they turn into complete funkin pillocks who can’t put one foot in front of the other without dithering about. Also – they do that STUPID thing where they appear to have to strain their neck to look at things/places/signs. They actually don’t ‘look’ – they ‘PEER’ – and THAT is what makes my blood boil. It’s like suddenly they don’t seem to know where they are going or sthg. It’s the same on the road(oh ffs here we go lol) – ‘suddenly’ ppl are ‘straining’ their necks to PEER over their steering wheel, with a look of puzzlement on their faces, as though lost, or maybe ‘suddenly’ can’t drive, braking nervously, when they see oncoming traffic about half a mile away. Oooh! FFS . . .

              1. get a cushion to sit on, so u can see properly.
              2. If you are lost, PULL INNNNN! JUST GET OUT OF THE PIGGIN WAYY!
              3. STOP winding me up on purpose. I know u r cos i saw u notice me and then u slowed right down! Ur sittin there all self righteous, muttering about van driver lunatics and speed limits aren’t u? NOB! :rant:

              *Err, number 3 is my little joke 😉
              But at that point – my brain is doin weird shit and i do actually believe at the time, that the other person has nothing better to do than get in my way on purpose by pretending to be completely stupid! And all that shit is what starts spewing from my gob! (only in the van like, i don’t do actual road rage, not worth it)

              Phew! I feel quite tired after that lol. I’m really sorry for my outburst, hope i haven’t given u a headache or put u in a bad mood for the day :love: I wasn’t stressy before i posted this, but once i started – well . . . lol. A peaceful type is me honest i am – but we all fall into the stress trap sometimes . . . don’t we? :hopeless:

              Thankyou for this rant thread i feel strangely calm again :group_hug
              Just wonderin where that nursery music’s comin from . . .

                DaftFader wrote:
                .. they just fucking dawdle along like they haven’t even noticed theres about 50 billion people with red faces screwing behind them just wishisng they would of a sudden have heart attack or just fuck off ..or take the next turn instead of holding every one else up …grrrr .. i got places to go .. move out the fucking way !!!!

                I’m a courier . . . . I know what u mean :crazy:
                Just when i hit my stressiest point in the day, toooo much to do still, in half the time . . . they just come CRAWWWW-LING out of the woodwork eh?
                People who are probably quite intelligent in their working lives, some clearly get paid loads more than i do. But all of a sudden, they turn into complete funkin pillocks who can’t put one foot in front of the other without dithering about. Also – they do that STUPID thing where they appear to have to strain their neck to look at things/places/signs. They actually don’t ‘look’ – they ‘PEER’ – and THAT is what makes my blood boil. It’s like suddenly they don’t seem to know where they are going or sthg. It’s the same on the road(oh ffs here we go lol) – ‘suddenly’ ppl are ‘straining’ their necks to PEER over their steering wheel, with a look of puzzlement on their faces, as though lost, or maybe ‘suddenly’ can’t drive, braking nervously, when they see oncoming traffic about half a mile away. Oooh! FFS . . .

                1. get a cushion to sit on, so u can see properly.
                2. If you are lost, PULL INNNNN! JUST GET OUT OF THE PIGGIN WAYY!
                3. STOP winding me up on purpose. I know u r cos i saw u notice me and then u slowed right down! Ur sittin there all self righteous, muttering about van driver lunatics and speed limits aren’t u? NOB! :rant:

                *Err, number 3 is my little joke 😉
                But at that point – my brain is doin weird shit and i do actually believe at the time, that the other person has nothing better to do than get in my way on purpose by pretending to be completely stupid! And all that shit is what starts spewing from my gob! (only in the van like, i don’t do actual road rage, not worth it)

                Phew! I feel quite tired after that lol. I’m really sorry for my outburst, hope i haven’t given u a headache or put u in a bad mood for the day :love: I wasn’t stressy before i posted this, but once i started – well . . . lol. A peaceful type is me honest i am – but we all fall into the stress trap sometimes . . . don’t we? :hopeless:

                Thankyou for this rant thread i feel strangely calm again :group_hug
                Just wonderin where that nursery music’s comin from . . .


                  crappy office full of annoying bitchy women


                  thanks, thats better :crazy_diz


                    crappy office full of annoying bitchy women


                    thanks, thats better :crazy_diz


                      work gave me a rise that takes the piss, I am sure it cost more to pay the girl to type the letter than my raise was worth…. And they wonder why I want to leave :you_crazy


                        work gave me a rise that takes the piss, I am sure it cost more to pay the girl to type the letter than my raise was worth…. And they wonder why I want to leave :you_crazy

                        General Lighting

                          why can’t BT present correct inbound caller ID on international calls (like mobiles do) rather than just “INTERNATIONAL?”

                          That way I could distinguish between calls from my mum and random sales people in foreign call centres (the companies in Malaysia are too well off to take part in cold calling, its normally just first line helpdesk support if stuff is outsourced out there)

                          General Lighting

                            why can’t BT present correct inbound caller ID on international calls (like mobiles do) rather than just “INTERNATIONAL?”

                            That way I could distinguish between calls from my mum and random sales people in foreign call centres (the companies in Malaysia are too well off to take part in cold calling, its normally just first line helpdesk support if stuff is outsourced out there)

                              General Lighting;221193 wrote:
                              why can’t BT present correct inbound caller ID on international calls (like mobiles do) rather than just “INTERNATIONAL?”

                              That way I could distinguish between calls from my mum and random sales people in foreign call centres (the companies in Malaysia are too well off to take part in cold calling, its normally just first line helpdesk support if stuff is outsourced out there)

                              That drives me crazy as well :rant: :rant:

                                General Lighting;221193 wrote:
                                why can’t BT present correct inbound caller ID on international calls (like mobiles do) rather than just “INTERNATIONAL?”

                                That way I could distinguish between calls from my mum and random sales people in foreign call centres (the companies in Malaysia are too well off to take part in cold calling, its normally just first line helpdesk support if stuff is outsourced out there)

                                That drives me crazy as well :rant: :rant:

                                General Lighting

                                  oh, and the amount of jaywalkers in Ipswich..

                                  now I actually follow the (somewhat complex) rules about where you can and can’t cycle in town, and don’t ride on the pavements or run red lights (there is no need to do so with traffic levels a fraction of those of London and the SE), yet people just seem to wander in front of you and its a mission not to collide into them

                                  sometimes I think I should get one of these, but sadly as only about 1% of me is a NHS resource and i’m only support rather than operational staff I don’t think I’m eligible to have one … (Eastern Ambulance street bike paramedics in Norwich have got them though)


                                  General Lighting

                                    oh, and the amount of jaywalkers in Ipswich..

                                    now I actually follow the (somewhat complex) rules about where you can and can’t cycle in town, and don’t ride on the pavements or run red lights (there is no need to do so with traffic levels a fraction of those of London and the SE), yet people just seem to wander in front of you and its a mission not to collide into them

                                    sometimes I think I should get one of these, but sadly as only about 1% of me is a NHS resource and i’m only support rather than operational staff I don’t think I’m eligible to have one … (Eastern Ambulance street bike paramedics in Norwich have got them though)


                                      General Lighting;221266 wrote:
                                      sometimes I think I should get one of these, but sadly as only about 1% of me is a NHS resource and i’m only support rather than operational staff I don’t think I’m eligible to have one … (Eastern Ambulance street bike paramedics in Norwich have got them though)



                                      1 of these on the helmet then.. :laugh_at:

                                        General Lighting;221266 wrote:
                                        sometimes I think I should get one of these, but sadly as only about 1% of me is a NHS resource and i’m only support rather than operational staff I don’t think I’m eligible to have one … (Eastern Ambulance street bike paramedics in Norwich have got them though)



                                        1 of these on the helmet then.. :laugh_at:

                                        General Lighting
                                          Angel;221299 wrote:

                                          1 of these on the helmet then.. :laugh_at:

                                          nah, that would slow me down too much (aerodynamics)

                                          you can get handlebar mounted sirens too, this one has got all 3 sounds as well (yelp. wail and the “air horn” type)

                                          I actually found myself using the “silent approach” tactics for getting quickly through a crowd without causing undue alarm that I saw on some US police/paramedic training site (a lot of it is simply about having good control of your bike and looking for gaps). This was however without pointing a Sig Sauer at people, which although tends to make them move rather quickly is highly illegal in this country….

                                          General Lighting
                                            Angel;221299 wrote:

                                            1 of these on the helmet then.. :laugh_at:

                                            nah, that would slow me down too much (aerodynamics)

                                            you can get handlebar mounted sirens too, this one has got all 3 sounds as well (yelp. wail and the “air horn” type)

                                            I actually found myself using the “silent approach” tactics for getting quickly through a crowd without causing undue alarm that I saw on some US police/paramedic training site (a lot of it is simply about having good control of your bike and looking for gaps). This was however without pointing a Sig Sauer at people, which although tends to make them move rather quickly is highly illegal in this country….


                                              In college and feel :yakk:

                                              And it’s going to be a looooooooong day today 😥


                                                In college and feel :yakk:

                                                And it’s going to be a looooooooong day today 😥


                                                  Why is it that when i didn’t need to get up until 8 this morning did i wake up at 6 after going to sleep at 3, i have a long day today this should be a fun drive:yakk:


                                                    Why is it that when i didn’t need to get up until 8 this morning did i wake up at 6 after going to sleep at 3, i have a long day today this should be a fun drive:yakk:


                                                      i love to walk slow:hopeless::hopeless::hopeless::hopeless:

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!