Forums The Vibe Chat where can i buy a bottle of real deal Absinthe?

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  • #1047972
    Soul glow Bro

      Its for a very good friend’s birthday, and ive heard that its hard to get the real thing?? So any help of where to purchase?

      Tank Girl

        I got mine in Prague…..


          well it’s illigal over here .. so you will have to get it from abroad or from some one who has been abroad … and not all countrys alow it

          Tank Girl

            I know ebay sells really nice absenthe spoons – may it be worth looking on there for a european seller ?? or do you know anyone off to france as think it stilll good there


              Just remember that absinthe doesn’t make you trip instantly, doesn’t it send you mad and thats how you trip?


                u can buy absinthe making kits n shit…..

                just buy it off the net from somewhere

                Soul glow Bro

                  @ketordeath 348899 wrote:

                  Just remember that absinthe doesn’t make you trip instantly, doesn’t it send you mad and thats how you trip?

                  yeah Didn’t Van Gogh go mucho Loco on that shit???


                    Well i heard that if you drink Absinthe you make out with your sister, Saw it in a film once so it must be true.


                      im pretty sure absinthe is legal in the uk. also isnt it a myth that it makes you trip as there isnt enough of the thujon (sp?) in it to work, just gets you really pissed…


                        @DJCliffy 348949 wrote:

                        Well i heard that if you drink Absinthe you make out with your sister, Saw it in a film once so it must be true.

                        what kind of films do u watch u dirty raccoon


                          Heres a list of La Fee Absinthe (My favourite) retailers:
                          UK Retail La Fee – Buy alcoholic liquor online

                          Tank Girl

                            when I drank it – its very moreish, just got horrendeously wasted, no trippy effect
                            70 or 80% proof or summat


                              yeh you just get smashed, but you can buy extra wormwood which is the stuff thats meant to be hallucinogenic

                              Mr Mojo Risin

                                Last time i drank some of the wilder absynthe i ended up horribly wrecked in a prague nightclub and doing a piss on one of the dancefloors. I double dunted these tiny little pills i bought over there which were fucking crazy, lost my mate and next thing i know im doing a slash in the middle of a nightclub but didnt even know how i got to the nightclub never mind what the fuck i was doing pissing on a floor!! Ive never done anything like that before and was pretty shocked but not as much as the punters who were all slipping about on the floor in my piss lol.
                                I was still barred 2 years later when i returned with some mates (who i never told about the incident but got told of every detail by the bouncer much to their delight, who although was really pleasant, still didnt let me in. haha i had just about forgot about that god knows how he recognised me 2 years later!)

                                I came round again (must of got chucked out and headed to somewhere else) in a strange flat full of russian chicks and 2 serbian guys who hardly spoke english which was good fun 😉 and missed my flight home!

                                That was several years ago now and (bit of a cop out/excuse) i still blame absynthe for that crazy night! Big thanks to the russians for making my extra days in Czech so memorable though! 😀 It took me 3 days to find my hotel as my mate i was over with (the hotel finder) had fucked off and was away back to working on oil rigs so i couldnt call him to find out where it was! The hotel staff had called the british embassay as they thought i was in the bottom of the river haha. Nobody had told them that goonies never say die obviously.. They looked so happy to see me and gave me loads of free drink and a free bed for the night while i told them my story and gave them a puppet show from some pinocchio puppet i had aquired along the way! Mad times..

                                My advice is to buy your mate a bottle of macallan whisky!


                                  @joshmow56 348985 wrote:

                                  Heres a list of La Fee Absinthe (My favourite) retailers:
                                  UK Retail La Fee – Buy alcoholic liquor online

                                  I can’t stand that stuff it’s just flavoured grain spirit.

                                  It’s all about the hapsburg.


                                    @elretardo87 350371 wrote:

                                    It’s all about the hapsburg.

                                    im suprised your not blind if you’ve been drinking any of this El! :crazy_drunk:
                                    Hapsburg Absinthe / Yellow Label


                                      @Mr Mojo Risin 349931 wrote:

                                      Last time i drank some of the wilder absynthe i ended up horribly wrecked in a prague nightclub and doing a piss on one of the dancefloors. I double dunted these tiny little pills i bought over there which were fucking crazy, lost my mate and next thing i know im doing a slash in the middle of a nightclub but didnt even know how i got to the nightclub never mind what the fuck i was doing pissing on a floor!! Ive never done anything like that before and was pretty shocked but not as much as the punters who were all slipping about on the floor in my piss lol.
                                      I was still barred 2 years later when i returned with some mates (who i never told about the incident but got told of every detail by the bouncer much to their delight, who although was really pleasant, still didnt let me in. haha i had just about forgot about that god knows how he recognised me 2 years later!)

                                      I came round again (must of got chucked out and headed to somewhere else) in a strange flat full of russian chicks and 2 serbian guys who hardly spoke english which was good fun 😉 and missed my flight home!

                                      That was several years ago now and (bit of a cop out/excuse) i still blame absynthe for that crazy night! Big thanks to the russians for making my extra days in Czech so memorable though! 😀 It took me 3 days to find my hotel as my mate i was over with (the hotel finder) had fucked off and was away back to working on oil rigs so i couldnt call him to find out where it was! The hotel staff had called the british embassay as they thought i was in the bottom of the river haha. Nobody had told them that goonies never say die obviously.. They looked so happy to see me and gave me loads of free drink and a free bed for the night while i told them my story and gave them a puppet show from some pinocchio puppet i had aquired along the way! Mad times..

                                      My advice is to buy your mate a bottle of macallan whisky!

                                      mad times indeed!!

                                      Soul glow Bro

                                        @Mr Mojo Risin 349931 wrote:

                                        Last time i drank some of the wilder absynthe i ended up horribly wrecked in a prague nightclub and doing a piss on one of the dancefloors. I double dunted these tiny little pills i bought over there which were fucking crazy, lost my mate and next thing i know im doing a slash in the middle of a nightclub but didnt even know how i got to the nightclub never mind what the fuck i was doing pissing on a floor!! Ive never done anything like that before and was pretty shocked but not as much as the punters who were all slipping about on the floor in my piss lol.
                                        I was still barred 2 years later when i returned with some mates (who i never told about the incident but got told of every detail by the bouncer much to their delight, who although was really pleasant, still didnt let me in. haha i had just about forgot about that god knows how he recognised me 2 years later!)

                                        I came round again (must of got chucked out and headed to somewhere else) in a strange flat full of russian chicks and 2 serbian guys who hardly spoke english which was good fun 😉 and missed my flight home!

                                        That was several years ago now and (bit of a cop out/excuse) i still blame absynthe for that crazy night! Big thanks to the russians for making my extra days in Czech so memorable though! 😀 It took me 3 days to find my hotel as my mate i was over with (the hotel finder) had fucked off and was away back to working on oil rigs so i couldnt call him to find out where it was! The hotel staff had called the british embassay as they thought i was in the bottom of the river haha. Nobody had told them that goonies never say die obviously.. They looked so happy to see me and gave me loads of free drink and a free bed for the night while i told them my story and gave them a puppet show from some pinocchio puppet i had aquired along the way! Mad times..

                                        My advice is to buy your mate a bottle of macallan whisky!

                                        wicked story! raaa


                                          @DIONYSUS 350384 wrote:

                                          im suprised your not blind if you’ve been drinking any of this El! :crazy_drunk:
                                          Hapsburg Absinthe / Yellow Label

                                          It’s so easy to drink as it just fizzes on your tongue and evaporates so no burn.

                                          Me and a friend polished off a bottle in an hour because it was so smooth. She collapsed in the street and I fell asleep face down in my sick in the hall.

                                          Nowadays I just try and moderate it, I’ll pour like 8 shots and hide the bottle.


                                            @elretardo87 350579 wrote:

                                            It’s so easy to drink as it just fizzes on your tongue and evaporates so no burn.

                                            Me and a friend polished off a bottle in an hour because it was so smooth. She collapsed in the street and I fell asleep face down in my sick in the hall.

                                            Nowadays I just try and moderate it, I’ll pour like 8 shots and hide the bottle.

                                            a bottle in an hour, suprised you havent got kidney failure! :crazy:


                                              @DIONYSUS 350583 wrote:

                                              a bottle in an hour, suprised you havent got kidney failure! :crazy:

                                              Drinking is Scotland takes on a new meaning.

                                              All my English mates from uni took a couple years to get the hang of drinking up here.

                                              You guys can cane drugs we can destroy our livers.

                                              Tank Girl

                                                @elretardo87 350579 wrote:

                                                I fell asleep face down in my sick in the hall.





                                                  I saw that film too, Euro-Trip – I guess they took a bigger trip than they expected on that holiday… However, Michelle Tractenburger (or however you spell her name) basically Buffy’s little sister is VERY HOT – So I think it can be forgiven.

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                                                Forums The Vibe Chat where can i buy a bottle of real deal Absinthe?