Forums The Vibe Chat The HAPPY Thread! Opposite Of Rant Thread

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  • #1209962

      cadbury’s chocolate spread is so much nicer than nutella..


        @hat 450838 wrote:

        cadbury’s chocolate spread is so much nicer than nutella..

        happy thread talk, not competition of what’s best 😀


          okay, i’m happy that my stepmum bought an expensive pair of jack wills jeans and then decided she hated them and gave them to me. jackpot.


            and happy that i finish early tomorrow and get some quality time with my gorgeous ickle cousins.


              happy that someone loves me 😀



                I pick up these two cuties tonight!
                Happy days!
                Suggestions for names for the fluffy one more than welcomed. So far all I have is Fluffy and Schoochels.


                  @kiwifruit 451030 wrote:


                  I pick up these two cuties tonight!
                  Happy days!
                  Suggestions for names for the fluffy one more than welcomed. So far all I have is Fluffy and Schoochels.

                  hard to name a cat without meeting it :p

                  m ferdia [from the annals of ulster hero and also cos the cat is quite furry ]

                  f fionna [fair coloured] or fiona

                  seem to have an f thing going on with the names:laugh_at: but there is my offering


                    @kiwifruit 451030 wrote:


                    I pick up these two cuties tonight!
                    Happy days!
                    Suggestions for names for the fluffy one more than welcomed. So far all I have is Fluffy and Schoochels.

                    Ìs the one on the right a manc?


                      Whats a manc cat? They are sisters, but one has long hair and the other short! We decided on Tiger and Lynxie as she looks like a lynx cat.
                      They are just two unwanted cats that we took in from a cat home.

                      There is a lady in her late 70’s who takes in unwanted cats and she has a massive cat run out the back of her place. She gets no help or funding and does it out of love.But the sides are chicken wire so all the cats need to find homes before it starts snowing. We went to look at one, but left deciding to take the two sisters as we didnt want to split them as they are nearly one years old.

                      Tiger is still behind the couch but Lynxie has been exploring today. When I got home from work she came and had a cuddle and a scratch round the ears.
                      Thanks for the suggestions Raj, but I just couldn’t get excited about F words 🙂

                      Must dash, have heaps more patting and scratching to do!


                        manc is what i call maine coons


                        Big hairy fookers. 🙂


                          aww cute kitties :3 i love my carlos but sometimes he wakes me up by sitting on my chest and licking my face and he’s too cute to shoo away.


                            @kiwifruit 451109 wrote:

                            Whats a manc cat? They are sisters, but one has long hair and the other short! We decided on Tiger and Lynxie as she looks like a lynx cat.
                            They are just two unwanted cats that we took in from a cat home.

                            There is a lady in her late 70’s who takes in unwanted cats and she has a massive cat run out the back of her place. She gets no help or funding and does it out of love.But the sides are chicken wire so all the cats need to find homes before it starts snowing. We went to look at one, but left deciding to take the two sisters as we didnt want to split them as they are nearly one years old.

                            Must dash, have heaps more patting and scratching to do!

                            IMO pairs are better because they have a partner in crime and company when humans cant be there – I am envious of your new mogs – I love cats and young cats are wicked fun

                            Tank Girl

                              @kiwifruit 451030 wrote:


                              I pick up these two cuties tonight!
                              Happy days!
                              Suggestions for names for the fluffy one more than welcomed. So far all I have is Fluffy and Schoochels.


                              they are beautiful!!!

                              err….. names ….. wool, buster, dog


                                my mums boyfriend has been gone for a week! and the moon is looking extra beautiful through my scope tonight 🙂




                                    @hat 451153 wrote:


                                    hhhmmmhhhhmmmm chhheeeesse


                                      Yaaaaay!!! Trying to sell my house!!! (also going to post this in the rant thread lol)

                                      General Lighting

                                        @DaftFader 451110 wrote:

                                        manc is what i call maine coons

                                        I had expected a scrawny ex-stray from a shelter up North what robbed food whenever it could :laugh_at:

                                        Actually one of the northern ladies on another forum I use said her young kittens befriended and brought back with them a old stray tom cat – literally encouraged him back through the cat flap with them to share their food, and although she wasn’t sure about encouraging him the other two kept bringing him back and missed him if he wasn’t there. She ended up getting him checked out by the vet and keeping him :laugh_at:


                                          Haha. 🙂


                                            Im Moving to a house with 4 dogs and 2 cats and they all get along , Also the two lasses are sound 🙂 … so happy ….better times ahead i think 🙂



                                              happy happy happy, oh yes i remember happy… when people treat me with the respect i deserve and definitely earned.


                                                Feeling very loved up courtesy of my two cuties who have settled in fantastically. So tired though. Staying up late playing tag, catch the string and swipe the ball are all very exhausting.


                                                  had alot of my hair chopped off, it’s a bob now and i loooove it. thought it would look really dodgy but the bus driver on friday said i look like a pixie.


                                                    Just found out that all Avon and Somerset Constabulary’s speed cameras have been out of action since spring due to funding cuts (they’ve stopped buying wet film and the contract with BT for its digital cameras has run out), so the one I triggered last night was nothing more than an expensive disco light! Cheers Tories!


                                                      @cheeseweasel 451601 wrote:

                                                      Just found out that all Avon and Somerset Constabulary’s speed cameras have been out of action since spring due to funding cuts (they’ve stopped buying wet film and the contract with BT for its digital cameras has run out), so the one I triggered last night was nothing more than an expensive disco light! Cheers Tories!


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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat The HAPPY Thread! Opposite Of Rant Thread