Forums The Vibe Chat New Rave?

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  • #1040704

      Please tell me if im just having a rant but does it not piss anyone else off that a bunch of wrist-cutting,legging wearing emo’s have adopted the term rave to decribe a shocking mixture of shite screaming with some fuckwit pressing a few keys on a synthesiser? These people wouldn’t know a rave if it came and slapped their grandmother with a wet fish. Again am i ranting or has this annoyed anyone else?


        dnt worry ur not the only one i get pissed off by it too and im sure there is more people out there (ravers) who agree with wat ur saying !!! …


          i noticed that in a fashion magazine my little sister reads, they refer to this summers “in” fashion as “new rave”. It just looks like bright make up and clothes :you_crazy

          That article is not the magazine article i refer to just something i came across searching “new rave fashion”

          Something about the style. I really dont get it though the Klaxons are just a strange looking band. There is nothing amazing with this new style it just look daft to me! :weee:

          General Lighting

            yep, it pisses me off as its yet another blatant marketing ploy which occured at the same time as real ravers were/are getting their heads cracked by police batons and legal events are being shut down left, right and centre :rant:

            the mainstream music industry tries to make out its “rebellious” but its so fucking controlled and sanitised its unreal..


              leave them be, its just like nu-metal is wasn’t metal it was just a load of corprate spunk monkeys running around with wanky distortion on, just like now the corprate spunk monkeys are running around with wanky synth sounds,

              you know you loved the corprate dick in your mouth when you were 14, pussie-punk-rock, emo, nu-metal, glam rock (for the older ravers), or now the fluro glo-stick ravers who’s gigs end at 11pm, we all loved corprate cock at some point


                Are you talking about the Klaxons?

                Well, they can piss right off.


                General Lighting

                  What is most annoying is that “back in the day” when on occasions underground dance tracks crossed over and charted in the mainstream the money eventually trickled back down to the underground scene…

                  Even the chart cheese helped build new studios and funded more underground labels.

                  With this “new rave” bollocks its seems to be merely a case of major labels and big record companies trying to wrestle back some of the control they have lost due to underground dance music – seems more like an attempt to try and get youths back into the mode of going back to commercial gigs and worshipping conventional bands….


                    maybe we need to come up with a new term for what they do then? :groucho:

                    a wail of emos? :laugh_at:


                      has anyone heard of this new type of free party,

                      no tunes just kasabian like bands setting up in fields and barns etc


                        How strange .. i read this post about 2 hours ago .. then i was on myspace and i see a link to this


                        is it a piss take or what? .. im well fucking confussed 😛


                          fu{in corporate middle class spunk gobblins that watch television and….well errmm my oppinion wouldn’t be accectable so i’m not gonna get started-hardcore hypnotic beats the woods and people who r realx


                            what a load of old pony

                              Sandals wrote:
                              How strange .. i read this post about 2 hours ago .. then i was on myspace and i see a link to this


                              is it a piss take or what? .. im well fucking confussed 😛

                              Yeh thats wot set off my rant! Altho i was already fairly pissed. And point taken about corporate music when your younger but the sad thing is this seems to be a 16-25 sorta thing, not a group of pre-teens trying to rebel. Glad others feel the same way!

                                lukeo wrote:
                                fu{in corporate middle class spunk gobblins that watch television and….well errmm my oppinion wouldn’t be accectable so i’m not gonna get started-hardcore hypnotic beats the woods and people who r realx

                                fair play man 🙂


                                  Its not the bands that piss me off (even though theyre shit), the klaxons said themsleves that it started as a joke. Its the fans that piss me off. A bunch of twat teenagers (i despise teenagers even though i am one myself) thinking theyre part of some musical revolution, that theyre part of some underground scene and thinking they know what “rave” means. Twats, all of them, they give the word rave a bad name.
                                  Speaking of which, i was disgusted to hear friends of mine saying they were goin to a “rave”. It turns out what they meant was a breaks night in a club. Idiots.


                                    it annoys the fuck outta me, cos i’ve recently got into the rave scene and dont know many other people (asides from on the ‘net) who are really into the stuff i’m into, i.e. techno, jungle/dnb and other dancey genres.

                                    but when i ask people about dance music, free parties or definately if the word “rave” comes out my mouth, they start goin on about the klaxons and all that shit. and it’s a fuckin disgrace – it’s like an elitist group, arrogant snobby middle-class cunts, and weren’t the whole thing about free parties and raves about tolerance and acceptance of things? misuse of the name is an understatement.

                                    on the other hand i gotta agree that it’s just a phase, the glow-stick wavin klaxon-worshippin “ravers” (haha) will move onto something else pretty soon, probably some other form of repetitive indie-rock given a name by the NME. remember their campaign of the “yorkshire rock” genre just cos kaiser chiefs, arctic monkeys and a couple other bands happened to come outta yorkshire?

                                    so yeah, it’s ultimately NME’s fault i reckon, as they coined the term. the only positive thing i can think of is some people might get into more dancey stuff instead of rock, and progressively start likin the true rave scene. unlikely though, cos underneath the flurescent t-shirts it’s still the pretentious indie kid.


                                      Mind u “enter shakari” if that means anything to u are playing near me soon, n i kno a few people who r goin, so i mite have 2 neck a few stellas, whack on the steelcapped boots and wifebeater n take out sum revenge.. :groucho:


                                        well if the emo things are now raves too then the police are going to have their hands full :groucho:

                                        could be good in the long run 😉

                                        Shit Robot

                                          Taken from Starloughs link:-

                                          “From its inception at the end of the 1980s, “old rave” (as it is now called) gradually degenerated into a dreary free-party scene.”

                                          WTF,Like this “New Rave” is fresh and interesting NOT:hopeless: Give me the dreary free-party scene every timeraaa

                                            “From its inception at the end of the 1980s, “old rave” (as it is now called) gradually degenerated into a dreary free-party scene.”

                                            they were going to the wrong parties raaaraaaraaa

                                            [guess no one told them when the good ones were on :groucho: ]



                                              And I think its spelt Nu-Rave….

                                              Im a little suprised at the reaction, yes they are a bunch of teenagers thinking they are discovering something… but werent we?

                                              Were just all older a generation now and the 80s and 90s are coming back round with an indie twist…

                                              Let em party…

                                              We sound like 50yr old hippies slaggin us off for partying ‘oh we were doing that in the 60s only better’


                                                SD wrote:

                                                And I think its spelt Nu-Rave….

                                                Im a little suprised at the reaction, yes they are a bunch of teenagers thinking they are discovering something… but werent we?

                                                Were just all older a generation now and the 80s and 90s are coming back round with an indie twist…

                                                Let em party…

                                                We sound like 50yr old hippies slaggin us off for partying ‘oh we were doing that in the 60s only better’


                                                what annoys me though is unlike the hippy and early rave scenes, which were all about tolerane and acceptance – unity n all that – “nu-rave” is an elitist, snobbish scene mainly full of middle-class wankers. i mean, if it was a big youth movement that promoted the same ideals that rave/hippy scenes do, i would have no problem with it, whatever the music is like.


                                                  Fair enuf…

                                                  They are good punters though :groucho:


                                                    each to their own

                                                    just keep the party scene neat, tidy and undercover

                                                      jed_22 wrote:
                                                      Please tell me if im just having a rant but does it not piss anyone else off that a bunch of wrist-cutting,legging wearing emo’s have adopted the term rave to decribe a shocking mixture of shite screaming with some fuckwit pressing a few keys on a synthesiser? These people wouldn’t know a rave if it came and slapped their grandmother with a wet fish. Again am i ranting or has this annoyed anyone else?


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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat New Rave?