Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      maybe down to mine having less water in it.. or maybe moreeee

      but tbh i couldn’t care less


        @AdsW 348515 wrote:

        swim has tried two types of what is supposed to be mephedrone, one (the original kind swim tried) was really nice and was more of a white slightly clumpy powder, the other got off of a reliable party vibe source was a white crystal, the white crystal felt alot different, very spacy, and with every redose things seemed to become more spacy and spinny and swim started to loose the happy buz he had once assosiated with mephedrone, is it possible that the crystal form was methylone although this seems strange as it was raved about by pv users…. or that the orignal powder, was a mix of different things to give a different buz.

        It is also possible that this is partly down to abusing the substance however between swim and his friends it was agreed that the crystal had a very different feeling.

        Can anyone help swim out because he has been put off quite badly.. cheers :group_hug

        it might also be worth mentioning that swim lost the urge to continue re-doseing for the first time whilst taking the crystal as before he found it very moreish

        I would advise SWIY to grind up the crystals, the effect is amazing. I think thats it’s because the meph isn’t absorbed so quickly in crystal form.

        I guarantee that you will be able to feel the difference!


          If your bombing the mephedrone it shouldn’t really have any effect on it.


            But i find that mixing the clumpy and powdered crystals give me a strange high.


              hmm swim did grind it up, was deffinately a good source too probably the same one which all of you have got yours off, maybe swim accidentaly got sent methylone. everyone also noticed it burnt like a bitch compaired to the powder although it went up easier and one guy said it completely fucked his nose compaired to the powder… strange….


                they wouldn’t send you methylone… it’s more expensive

                basically drugs effect you different each time, i’ve had lots of different feelings off meow i think it depends where i am/what i’m doing/how much i’m doing.

                for example, being at a festival or sitting around at home. both give somewhat different experiences


                  can some1 tell me if this is a legitimate website plz!


                    yeh, your initial mood has a real effect on your trip. If you have a really big session i’d advise putting vaseline at the front of your nasal passage when you go to sleep. Otherwise the tissue in your nasal passageway can become very sore and dried out.


                      that website will scam u =D


                        yeh report’d it to t mods


                          @smokeitup 347120 wrote:




                            ayup every 1 this ma first post! duno if this tha right place 2 write this on bin lukin rnd n wunderin if n e 1 can help me wiv a decent reliable website? woz usin champ and everythin was fine till last week n the b******s av shut down! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! never used any otha site and am a bit dodgy bout jus usin n e old site cuz iv herd few bad things bout them so jus wunderin if sum 1 can link me a site wiv like the same sort of reliability as champ cuz iv got a loads of cat plants that r hungry as mutha f*****s and need feedin!! lol any info wud b appreciated cheers guys!
                            o yea jus incase im tlkin bout mephedrone! lol!


                              Hi everyone… Hope you’re all cool.

                              Would one of you kind people let me know a reliable place to get this stuff? P0ly??

                              I tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and wow! Seriously amazing stuff! I want to get some more, but i dont know where to get it from, as my mate got it…

                              Also, when i tried it, i took it like most people on here snorting it. Has anyone ‘bombed’ it? and is it safe to do it that way (not that taking it is safe anyway!) ;o)

                              If someone can let me know where i can order this, please pm me.

                              Cheers People!



                                try asking your mate where he got it from


                                  I could, but he is on holiday for 2 weeks! ;o(

                                  And i’d like to know where i can order it anyway…



                                      theres meow, M … what is B?


                                        butylone, mbdb


                                          Yea id agree that its very different depending on your mood and environment, this was the first time in a festival environment, but between everyone we did agree the crystal had a different and more spacy buz than the more powdery stuff (tried both at the same festi on differnt nights) could just be that its stronger, everyone commented on how it felt more chemical feeling than powder.

                                          Ah well was a fun weekend anyway :crazy:

                                          was deffinately a lot better than the yellow powder’d mdmgay which tasted like a bag of sweets mixed with paracetamol and’s effects were making me insanely hot and feel like a sick space cadette on a comedown…why oh why is will mandy not come out to play any more 🙁


                                            @AdsW 348752 wrote:

                                            was deffinately a lot better than the yellow powder’d mdmgay which tasted like a bag of sweets mixed with paracetamol and’s effects were making me insanely hot and feel like a sick space cadette on a comedown…why oh why is will mandy not come out to play any more 🙁

                                            sounds like the good ol’ pipz again


                                              Could some pm the link to get this stuff using paypal, had few dodgy times trying to get hold of it over the summer thanks



                                                Tank Girl

                                                    Tut, tut…. advertising drugs on a public forum!. Gotta be a fool to do that.:crazy:


                                                    Tank Girl

                                                      @deliriyummy 348827 wrote:

                                                      Tut, tut…. advertising drugs on a public forum!. Gotta be a fool to do that.:crazy:


                                                      just doing as Dr B says!!

                                                      he’s the one who puts the huge majority of work into keeping this place going ………..

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC