Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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    General Lighting

      @p0ly 376452 wrote:


      I’ve fixed the subject line so its got the correct spelling + a couple of other street names

      Methedrone is what has turned up in countries such as Sweden where mephedrone has been classified, and is even more toxic!

      apparently there are two isomers of DOB and one is stronger than the other (thats what the wavy line in the chemical formula means). but its hard to tell what mixture is in a deal unless you have a spectrometer and chemistry lab and are very brainy…


        Regarding the DOB

        Yes, there is another variant known as D.O.M, heard about it a couple of years ago at a freeparty when it was still in it’s adolescence… Ended up with every1 who took it being absolutely terrified! 1 guy was smashing his face into the ground, most of the people that took it royally fucked themselves up in 1 way or another and had 2 b carted off, ambulancey styley. Glad i didn’t take it then, would now though!!!

        BOOMTRIPS 2 BE HAD !

        p.s i think its been around a bit longer than 2years, but it was still a bit dodgey back then, or maybe they just too much. Who knows, party on


          it’s been around for 20+ years. think shulgins time was 1980s.. not sure


            I did less than half a g of mephe on saturday and was throwing up the whole of sunday, disguting, didnt even have anything 2 throw up

            It was stuck 2 the walls of my stomach


            Draining me of my life source.

            What dom or dob or both??!


              DOM and DOB. they are part of TIHKAL. tryptamines i have known and loved. alexander shulgins many created psychedelics. he made all the 2Cs n shit.


                PIHKAL actually ;P

                I’ve been wanting to get some DOB/DOC/DOM for ages, you have to be very careful with them though because the dosage is around the 3mg mark, you cant eyeball that sort of quantity

                lots of people got ill when it first hit the streets because people dropped one, didnt come up straight away, so dropped another, if you overdose it restricts blow flow to your extremities and you can need a limb amputating

                General Lighting

                  I remember reading about the DOB turning up at a free party in the area on the border between the Thames Valley and East Anglia.

                  I think the Ambulance Services of two regions as well as the Emergency Departments of two hospitals got involved, one person needing long term treatment. the cost of that could easily have reached £10 000 – all paid for by the British Taxpayer (and out of a crowd of ravers these days, how many are students or NEETS compared to being in full time employment?)

                  it only costs £10 000 to send the riot squad in to close down a rave and thats probably an overestimate as all those cops are usually on duty anyway as part of the patrols against anti-social behaviour, and if they deter people from putting more events on, its viewed by the rest of society as a net gain (even though people just sit at home and do drugs instead!)


                    people are idiots.. never take a drug until you’ve researched the dosage curve, effects, time taken plateau, time until back to bassline etc.


                      the DOx’s are phenys? ah that puts me off abit, not suprising though seeing as how long it keeps you awake.


                        @p0ly 376567 wrote:

                        the DOx’s are phenys? ah that puts me off abit, not suprising though seeing as how long it keeps you awake.

                        fraid so.. supposed to be like a speedy trip.. good for festivals cos they keep you perky and last so long. wish id tried it last time it went around dammit


                          speedy trip ftl 🙁

                          tryptamines are what my brain needs!!

                          though i’d take the DOx’s in a heartbeat =D

                          General Lighting

                            cops can still make arrests as its illegal to distribute mephedrone for human consumption – or to encourage someone to take a poisonous substance (Offences Against the Person Act 1861)

                            23. Maliciously administering poison, &c. so as to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm.

                            Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously administer to or cause to be administered to or taken by any other person any poison or other destructive or noxious thing, so as thereby to endanger the life of such person, or so as thereby to inflict upon such person any grievous bodily harm, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable… to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding ten years…

                            Police are investigating the deaths of two teenagers in North Lincolnshire who are thought to have taken the legal drug mephedrone.

                            Louis Wainwright, 18, from Winteringham and 19-year-old Nicholas Smith from Winterton both died on Monday.

                            Police said the boys had taken the drug known locally as M-CAT, which appeared to have contributed to their deaths.

                            Two men, aged 26 and 20, and a 17-year-old boy have been arrested in connection with the incident.

                            BBC News – Arrests after teenage M-CAT users die in Lincolnshire




                                I saw this on the news earlier, again it mentioned a “cocktail” of drugs… I think if things like MDMA were as easy and cheap to get hold of we would still have stories of deaths :hopeless:


                                  @joshd96320 376618 wrote:



                                  more people combining powerful drugs i bet…. so silly.

                                  General Lighting

                                    @starlaugh 376620 wrote:

                                    I saw this on the news earlier, again it mentioned a “cocktail” of drugs… I think if things like MDMA were as easy and cheap to get hold of we would still have stories of deaths :hopeless:

                                    when there was a lot of strong MDMA crystal in the late Noughties the was also people bingeing and ODing on it, I’ve got sources in the NHS who tip me off about stuff like this 😉

                                    I think there were a couple of MDMA deaths and certainly a fair few hospitalisations. the sad thing is the NHS people are young folk like us but it hardens their hearts against drug users seeing greedy stupid people fuck up – its diverting resources away from others what have got ill through no fault of their won.

                                    And although the NHS never grass people up by name, they do pass on to the Police the numbers of overdoses and the details of substances taken, and this shapes anti-drugs enforcement at both a regional and a national level.

                                    SOCA wouldn’t have put so much effort into busting MDMA gangs (thus creating the demand for mephedrone) if people weren’t fucking up on it in the first place.


                                      Well this won’t help keep it legal….

                                      General Lighting

                                        I expect it will be at least class B by the end of the year… under UK law its only legal to sell as a research chemical or “plant food” (despite having no known use) marked up with all the warnings such as Xn (harmful) symbol… if sold or distributed for human consumption there are both criminal and civil penalties applicable.

                                        cops can arrest on suspicion of posession of an illegal substance just on finding the bag of powder/crystals….


                                          a speedy trip? why the fuck would you want that. sounds like shit tbh.


                                            I think the popularity and low cost of this Product will soon be it’s downfall…

                                            They should have priced it higher this way most of the teeny’s wouldnt hve been able to get there hands on it so easy.


                                              not surprised this is happening if people keep hoofing like a gram to themselves

                                              this shit wouldnt happen if drugs were legally available over the counter at pharmacies in pre-measured doses, with maximum dose warnings, risk information etc


                                                @Buzz 376664 wrote:

                                                a speedy trip? why the fuck would you want that. sounds like shit tbh.

                                                never taken an upper and a trip together? you’re missing out

                                                General Lighting

                                                  @pred1 376682 wrote:

                                                  I think the popularity and low cost of this Product will soon be it’s downfall…

                                                  They should have priced it higher this way most of the teeny’s wouldnt hve been able to get there hands on it so easy.

                                                  dude, you must remember the old days, it didn’t quite work like that, the kids still wanted and got drugs but shoplifted or burgled to get the cash… just 2 years ago when parties were still happening I was regularly seeing kids in the mid teens doing fuckloads of MDMA… at least drugs are more affordable and pocket money has gone up (some parents are our age and tolerate their teens doing a certan amount if they know the suppliers are dependable) so they are doing less acquisitive crime..

                                                  @Iacchus 376692 wrote:

                                                  not surprised this is happening if people keep hoofing like a gram to themselves

                                                  this shit wouldnt happen if drugs were legally available over the counter at pharmacies in pre-measured doses, with maximum dose warnings, risk information etc

                                                  this was the case until the 1920s but people still overdosed.. there’d be slightly less but you’d still get greedy folk. The only advantage is some of the revenue could be ring fenced to pay for the NHS..

                                                  IMO what is holding back legalisation in Europe isn’t just religious or political dogma but the reality that the bulk of the populace do not actually take drugs at all, but still have to pay their taxes towards funding the public health service, so idiots what overdo it cost them money for no gain…


                                                    for two friends to die of meth on the same night in seperat places (alltho together earlyer in the night) strikes me as strange … either they both took a fuck load b4 they departed took concoction of substances that didn’t hit them till later or it was contaminated meth … as the chances of two people dieing like that on any substance is pretty strange imo

                                                    General Lighting

                                                      possibly a mixture of alcohol and stimulants. I know of one local lad who has twice ended up in the Emergency Department just through MDMA…

                                                      my NHS sources tell me that party drugs overdoses are way more common than many realise…

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC