Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      @Buzz 379233 wrote:

      banning everything is never a good thing lol

      Apart from water. That shit needs banning as soon as possible.


        @GiantMidget 379238 wrote:

        Apart from water. That shit needs banning as soon as possible.


        the essence of life!


          @p0ly 379248 wrote:


          the essence of life!

          It’s dangerous though. Sharks live in it, you can slip on it and you can even drown in it.

          No, it needs banning cos the common man cannot be trusted with it.

          Also there would be no more shark attacks, there’s maybe 6 fatal attacks worldwide but that’s enough to ban water imo.

          You could ban sharks but somehow I don’t think they would care.

          General Lighting
            Techno Viking



                Ah a merge of the threads. For a minute there I thought I had actually lost it.

                Oh wait I have, wibble wobble wibble, I can touch my toes.

                General Lighting

                  @Raj 378645 wrote:

                  Drugs and alcohol as mitigating circumstances are just fallacies – they knew enough to source and consume them so its obviously a choice they made :rant: and not an excuse they should be allowed to use by the courts :you_crazy

                  this incident paints a bleaker picture than ever.

                  Mephedrone was a legal substance, readily available for much less than any other street drug. The young lad could easily have afforded enough to get him high on pocket money or legitimately earned cash. There are other stories emerging of kids stealing from parents/selling posessions to fund their “addiction”, even though it can be overcome with a bit of self-control and self discipline

                  The whole argument in favour of not criminalising mephedrone was that users were sensible enough to self regulate and reduce harm to themselves and others. As soon as this stuff became mainstream, that went out of the window in the space of a few months..

                  if users haven’t learned any commonsense since the 80s/90s why should the Govt do otherwise?


                      that site looks like crap


                        He’s probably trying to mug people off!


                          that is what i thought


                            SWIM got some and liked it alot. SWIM was overall satisfied


                              This thread is on the sixth page on Google if you type Mephedrone.


                                @General Lighting 241339 wrote:

                                if people are sensible about the stuff and don’t binge on it and fuck themselves over or do it at high school during the week then its a lot less likely to get regulated by the authorities 😉

                                26-10-2008, 03:58 PM

                                oh my GL, this is on the first page of this thead!! Mephe should’ve had a gl warning sticker on it :laugh_at:


                                  Gl inside like?


                                    I know this shit got banned in the UK, but I’m in the states where it’s still legal (well, sorta, who know with the analog laws) and I’d love to take it for a test drive. Anyone know a site that still sells it and ships to the US I’d be in your debt. Google finds lots of sites but most seem shut down or in China selling it by the fucking kilo.


                                      All sites that flogged it have been shut down now. If you do find any UK based sites be wary cos they’ll most probably just nick your money.

                                      You’re better off avoiding this shite mate. It really is nasty stuff once it gets hold of ya.


                                        Yeah I know better than to order from the UK, thought there might be sites somewhere else in europe that still sell it. I’m not to worried about getting addicted to it, my drug of choice has me by the balls and I dought 4-mmc can take it’s place. Just hate the idea there’s a drug I haven’t tried.


                                          I found a site in Lithuania which sells just about everything and is linked to alot of other sites. I won’t post the website uhm WWS That should be enough if you know the place. Legit?


                                            hi, since bubble became popular in my area i started taking it with a few friends, we shared a gram at first then it got more and more after then, we had a gram each every weekend for a little buzz on a night out. i dont think we were addicted, we just was searching for an adrenaline rush, the maximum ive had in a night is probably around 2-3 gram. i dont know if thats a lot or not in terms of seriousness.

                                            but overall i’ve probably had around 20 over many weeks, mostly 1 gram a week on a friday night or something.

                                            i hate the stuff now and will not touch it, its pointless and only last awhile for a stupid price, you look like a muppet and its seen as disgusting to most people.

                                            i see myself trying to get off it now, i dont know whether i should stop altogether or just gradually go down?

                                            but recently, when im out, hear music, have sex, or get any form of adrenaline i sometimes get little twitches or a need to get that adrenaline from the substance again, i crave it a little, i want that to go away? or is there any way of stopping that?

                                            and finally, does anyone know the long term effects or short term effects it can have upon me and my organs, should i go and see a doctor?

                                            im getting a little worried about it tbh.

                                            thanks in advanced.

                                            Tank Girl

                                              @tunny 384544 wrote:

                                              i dont know whether i should stop altogether or just gradually go down?

                                              and finally, does anyone know the long term effects or short term effects it can have upon me and my organs, should i go and see a doctor?

                                              If you want to stop – just stop – no point ‘cutting down’ as after a few lines you’ll want to hoof the lot and then you’ll want to ‘cut down’ next time and the viscious circle continues

                                              and this is the thing with these ‘new’ chemicals – we dont know enough about them, dosing, long / short term effects on the body – etc etc
                                              this is one of the main reasons why they rushed it through to make illegal – lots of people fucking caining it and getting panicked or genuinely ill and ending up in A&E etc – the media then jumping up and down and then middle england gets to hear about it and its a household name…… and panic


                                              General Lighting

                                                @tunny 384544 wrote:

                                                and finally, does anyone know the long term effects or short term effects it can have upon me and my organs, should i go and see a doctor?

                                                im getting a little worried about it tbh.

                                                thanks in advanced.

                                                you might as well just stop as its already stopped being fun for you!

                                                Although the amount you are doing isn’t enough to cause really bad effects, now its illegal you’re better off either quitting or doing safer illegal drugs as in moderation they aren’t as toxic to the body and their long term effects are better known..


                                                  ok thanks guys 🙂 yeh im definetly deciding on quiting full stop thats the best idea, ill keep you updated on what goes on though. ill let you know how i feel on nights out and stuff. im sure ill be fine and the phase of needing it will die away. ill distract myself and spend time with friends, and thanks for the re-assurance of what i’ve been taking isn’t enough to do me serious damage, that helped me a little. wont be as worried now.


                                                    @tunny 384557 wrote:

                                                    ok thanks guys 🙂 yeh im definetly deciding on quiting full stop thats the best idea, ill keep you updated on what goes on though. ill let you know how i feel on nights out and stuff. im sure ill be fine and the phase of needing it will die away. ill distract myself and spend time with friends, and thanks for the re-assurance of what i’ve been taking isn’t enough to do me serious damage, that helped me a little. wont be as worried now.

                                                    good man, get that crap out of your live, wont take long and then you will feel so much better I bet


                                                      @tunny 384544 wrote:

                                                      hi, since bubble became popular in my area i started taking it with a few friends, we shared a gram at first then it got more and more after then, we had a gram each every weekend for a little buzz on a night out. i dont think we were addicted, we just was searching for an adrenaline rush, the maximum ive had in a night is probably around 2-3 gram. i dont know if thats a lot or not in terms of seriousness.

                                                      but overall i’ve probably had around 20 over many weeks, mostly 1 gram a week on a friday night or something.

                                                      i hate the stuff now and will not touch it, its pointless and only last awhile for a stupid price, you look like a muppet and its seen as disgusting to most people.

                                                      i see myself trying to get off it now, i dont know whether i should stop altogether or just gradually go down?

                                                      but recently, when im out, hear music, have sex, or get any form of adrenaline i sometimes get little twitches or a need to get that adrenaline from the substance again, i crave it a little, i want that to go away? or is there any way of stopping that?

                                                      and finally, does anyone know the long term effects or short term effects it can have upon me and my organs, should i go and see a doctor?

                                                      im getting a little worried about it tbh.

                                                      thanks in advanced.

                                                      Dont worry about things. If you want to get checked over by a doc then do it. Drugs creep up on you when you least expect it. When you are weak. Stay strong and if you do get weak dont beat yourself up. Address the issues that are bothering you at that time and move on with out the drugs again. A relationship with a partner that doenst allow drug taking often helps to completely eradicte drugs from peoples lives.

                                                      Thing that bothers me about mCAt etc is that it feels so good when you are on it. I always have really good ideas then the miunte i come down I feel dupped about the good time because my good ideas suddenly and immediately seem absolutly obserd/Rediculous. I tell you dont get carried away with sweet talking people because when you sober up you suddenly feel like a fool.

                                                      It is what it is. A drug to help you have an artificially good time guaranteed. You can feel like you are exhausted and cant even walk up stairs when home form work. But if at top of stairs you sniff a big line you will suddenly feel full of energy, very happy and positive and go running off to a club for dancing. And you are such a good dancer when you are on that stuff? Not!! Its your mind playing tricks on you. Sure you got entusiasm and that is often 70% of good dancing as anything carried out with Gusto and Confidence looks reasonable. Anyway you only live once. My advice is to do it for a short period once in a while and then stop once you have had a full helping of it. I think life is a balance which is hard to et right. Even things that are good for you become harmful if you have it too often. Yeah. Keep your eyes on the ball. If you come home and realise you had unprotected sex with a minger spent a fortune and lost your keys then its not a good idea to repeat exercise. If however you et back with no issues and you feel you had a good night then carry on for a bit longer.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC