Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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    General Lighting

      @Helper 390875 wrote:

      Thing that bothers me about mCAt etc is that it feels so good when you are on it. I always have really good ideas then the miunte i come down I feel dupped about the good time because my good ideas suddenly and immediately seem absolutly obserd/Rediculous. I tell you dont get carried away with sweet talking people because when you sober up you suddenly feel like a fool.

      Emotionally its like MDMA (hence its popularity) but both the ups and downs are a lot faster. Hence it being particularly harsh on younger people who going through greater emotional turmoil and are more prone to impulsive behaviour as it is, yet those of us in our 30s and above having relatively few issues with it.

      I do think it can be harsh on the mind and body when overused for anybody. I’ve noticed a lot of right on hippy parents who are otherwise liberally minded when it comes to drugs are proper freaked out/shocked at the effects its had on their teenagers.

      I don’t think its as permanently damaging as ketamine (unless of course its use leads to suicide or self harm – but that risk exists with all recreational drugs.

      Sadly I think the main difference between mephedrone and other party drugs was its former legality and availability – the prohibitionists have been handed a victory on a plate.


        :crazy: kryptonite has just come on the market and one site is sending out free samples yes U heard right free samples as I am awaiting mine, they said its in de post and I will get it tomorrow lol They are in the UK and have plenty to go around, I think its £10 brick for 0.5g, so the samples can not be allot but I will let U know when it comes. May tell my mate its green methradone lol so he can guinepig it, only heard little about it and its meant to be like methadrone but allot stronger, I have only had coke and speed and never tried research chemicals so hoping for a good hit.


          I am only going to try small amounts of these research chemicals as anything more would be suicide. That vanilla sky is meant to be stronger than crack ( which I have smoked ) as the local head shop in the toon stopped selling it, they only sell herbal highs apparently lol


            Meph has sure as fook turned out to be a proper see you next Tuesday!

            If anyone is thinking about trying it (dont know if anyone actually hasnt yet though!) Dont!!!!!

            I used to get on it every weekend with my mates, like i mean 3-4 day benders without sleep and rinsing about 10g’s each! It was too much! Alot of my mates still do it, and they say they arent addicted, But when you sneak off every night and dont tell anyone and start lying, You sure are addicted!

            Not going to lie, it is a good buzz….But it is sooo addictive! Like someone said earlier, also have the urge to want to get on it.

            NEVER TOUCH IT KIDS!!!!!!


              @McCoys 401120 wrote:

              Meph has sure as fook turned out to be a proper see you next Tuesday!

              If anyone is thinking about trying it (dont know if anyone actually hasnt yet though!) Dont!!!!!

              I used to get on it every weekend with my mates, like i mean 3-4 day benders without sleep and rinsing about 10g’s each! It was too much! Alot of my mates still do it, and they say they arent addicted, But when you sneak off every night and dont tell anyone and start lying, You sure are addicted!

              Not going to lie, it is a good buzz….But it is sooo addictive! Like someone said earlier, also have the urge to want to get on it.

              NEVER TOUCH IT KIDS!!!!!!

              I never had this problem and i only know 1 person who overdid it but they didn’t keep it up for very long. 1 month of chronic use, and that’s minor use to 10g in one night, that is ridiculous! do you have a jaw left?


                @p0ly 401160 wrote:

                I never had this problem and i only know 1 person who overdid it but they didn’t keep it up for very long. 1 month of chronic use, and that’s minor use to 10g in one night, that is ridiculous! do you have a jaw left?

                Yeah, Worst come down of my life haha


                  Anyone know Where I can still get my hands on this stuff? It’s gotta b up there wiv my favourate dabble?
                  Ligit or not, please PM me with details


                    Legit or not? are you askin pv members 2 scam you?

                    FREE MONEY HERE!


                      Anyone know of a legit vendor(s) who ships to/from the USA? PM please, if so? Damn, I’m late to the game, but it sounds amazing…


                        Reading some of the comments about mephedrone has been really helpful with my current mental state.

                        I started taking that shit last August and thought it was awesome – the pills and coke are awful where I am so this RC brought back some of the memories of when I first started taking pills as a fresh faced 15 year old in the early 90’s.
                        I’ve been fortunate with my life in that I am a qualified accountant so luckily have a bit of disposable income so when the ban was coming up so I stockpiled 50gs thinking that I would be able to stash some for various events like xmas and next summer etc. How wrong was I, 4 months down the line the stash had been tanned due to long benders and necking it during the working week, bizarrely I was able to function well and my house was the cleanest its ever been. The initial down from finishing my stash was fine which was quite surprising, however 3 months on and I’m still getting daily cravings. I took that stuff all over my town in some really random places so when I walk or drive past the area it comes back to me what I did and I start thinking that I’d love some more. Upon reading some comments it would appear that some feel the same.


                          just had a little line of drone, been ages. Wish it was still possible to get it, seen it a few times but not much.


                            @1984 402741 wrote:

                            just had a little line of drone, been ages. Wish it was still possible to get it, seen it a few times but not much.

                            im sure you said you were going to be taking it easy and not getting mashed all day… 😉


                              @process 402747 wrote:

                              im sure you said you were going to be taking it easy and not getting mashed all day… 😉

                              I’m not getting mashed I just had a little line to see what it was like. Couldn’t tell I had taken it apart from the slightly burnt throat.

                              Got personal training sessions at the gym sat sun mon tue so I dont feel too guilty

                              mr dobalina

                                i swear NRG-2 (which most vendors are flogging off dirt cheap <£10 a gram), IS old stocks of mephedrone (maybe crushed up with other now illegal stuff too). I could taste it on the back of my throat the same way. a bit more ‘flourey’ tho. (prob crushed/mixed?).


                                  @mr dobalina 402754 wrote:

                                  i swear NRG-2 (which most vendors are flogging off dirt cheap <£10 a gram), IS old stocks of mephedrone (maybe crushed up with other now illegal stuff too). I could taste it on the back of my throat the same way. a bit more ‘flourey’ tho. (prob crushed/mixed?).

                                  probably has got some in, its probably a bit of whatever is around.


                                    Flephedrone and the likes.


                                      I still don’t belive flephedrone even exsists!

                                      I’m sure it’s a made up thing alongside flounder fish!


                                        It does exist 😉

                                        General Lighting

                                          @DaftFader 403370 wrote:

                                          I still don’t belive flephedrone even exsists!

                                          I’m sure it’s a made up thing alongside flounder fish!

                                          @p0ly 403470 wrote:

                                          It does exist 😉

                                          both exist. but flephedrone was never that popular and is now also illegal, whilst some flounders were too popular (as a valuable food fish) and are becoming endangered.

                                          I do not think this applies to the European flounder which can be found on the coast round here. A halibut is also classed as a flounder… I’m sure if Daft goes to Billingsgate he will be able to see these fish for himself…

                                          I would not advise trying to catch flounders with flephedrone – this will get you arrested anywhere in the EU.

                                          MarLIN – The Marine Life Information Network


                                            @General Lighting 403478 wrote:

                                            I would not advise trying to catch flounders with flephedrone – this will get you arrested anywhere in the EU.



                                              theres a new and stronger and better version of the old banned 1, its amazing stuff.


                                                @2shay 404096 wrote:

                                                theres a new and stronger and better version of the old banned 1, its amazing stuff.

                                                but NRG1 was horrible and just full of any old crap the sites wanted to shift (including illegal drugs)…


                                                  no its a brand new product. and its a secret at the mo, theres no proper name for it


                                                    @2shay 404105 wrote:

                                                    no its a brand new product. and its a secret at the mo, theres no proper name for it

                                                    sounds like yet another RC scam. joy.


                                                      @ wrote:

                                                      and im loving it! more to arrive today woop!

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC