Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      @General Lighting 369780 wrote:

      if people did that then the cops/MHRA would know exactly which sites to bust! A lot of the time sites start out with good intentions, then the authorities manage to seize a lot of their stock, it fucks up their cashflow and then orders get delayed.

      it doesn’t matter for shit whether or not the stuff is not yet “illegal”. there are loads of ways authorities can and do fuck over sellers.

      Firstly its still illegal to sell it for human consumption and discussion on rave sites is evidence its being consumed, secondly HM Revenue and Customs have the power to seize any package of white powder coming into this country “to check what it is” under existing health and safety laws, without even bothering to use drugs legislation. Royal Mail and other couriers are also legally bound “not to transport dangerous goods/poison”.

      I’ve seen a similar site used for source checking on steroids. It’s an invite only website. On this site it also costs to become a member and use it’s facilities… Some might say it’s a little too much to just get hold of drone, but then your addicts won’t. o_O


        there used to be a site checking thing, called unfortunatley it died about6 months ago.

        General Lighting

          @nathan2022001 369782 wrote:

          I’ve seen a similar site used for source checking on steroids. It’s an invite only website. On this site it also costs to become a member and use it’s facilities… Some might say it’s a little too much to just get hold of drone, but then your addicts won’t. o_O

          I’ve heard of sites like this for a variety of reasons but a site like that and more importantly its admins are liable to a fair bit of scrutiny from law enforcement worldwide, especially as some steroids are classified drugs in many jurisdictions, and money (which can be traced) is changing hands to support what is viewed as a illegal/contentious activity.

          Feds have a budget for informants and could use cash from this to sign up to a site, when people put that much effort into being covert is when they start doing the proper deep cover stuff. Also journos and wannabe vigilantes could still infiltrate such a site eventually..

          Although there are different laws in each country on the internet sites are liable to the laws of all the countrys of their users, and its increasingly the case that sites discussing or promoting any sort of contentious/illegal activity are being restricted or closed down altogether. The days of “free speech” on the Internet are long gone and its always worth remembering every octet of data you send online traces back to either your home or your workplace.

          bear in mind nothings even stopping scammers dobbing in a site which shows good drugs suppliers to the anti-drugs enforcement groups!


            I can’t believe how unlucky some of you guys have been getting Meph for your plants

            First source I tried came up trumps, never waited more than 3 days for delivery and allways the product is very good for my plants.

            Although I wont be giving links to any sources or PM’s so don’t ask

            Here is a tip!!!

            When you are looking at these so called suppliers see what else they are selling

            If they only have a few items then chances are it will be a swizz

            If you come accross a site that has lots and lots of product’s then you are in with a good chance of getting good PLANT! food

            happy hunting


              @pred1 369800 wrote:

              If they only have a few items then chances are it will be a swizz

              If you come accross a site that has lots and lots of product’s then you are in with a good chance of getting good PLANT! food

              have ye any empirical evidence for that? because the only 2 times I have ordered it the sites only sold that and nothing else. And I know of another site that is legit and that only sells it to.

              Whereas, the ones who claim to sell everything under the sun are usually dodgy scams from abroad.




                  @pred1 369800 wrote:

                  If they only have a few items then chances are it will be a swizz

                  I’m gonna use that word more often…


                    i’m so sick of hearing about mephedrone. it’s a pretty simple, boring drug.


                      have to admit :
                      i am totally MEOW MEOW.


                        @p0ly 369841 wrote:

                        i’m so sick of hearing about mephedrone. it’s a pretty simple, boring drug.

                        You know it mate. That’s why you should rick roll people asking for links.

                        Drone is proper shit.


                          Going snowboarding soon, do you think i can take 5g of mephedrone with me, no problems?


                            snowboarding where?


                              Andorra. Thinking of posting it to hotel for collection on arrival. Better than carrying it i think.


                                powders on planes are just a bad idea, posting it can be done.


                                  Undrugged is still up and running. They just use onion router now

                                    General Lighting

                                      @mongoose 369892 wrote:

                                      Andorra. Thinking of posting it to hotel for collection on arrival. Better than carrying it i think.

                                      @p0ly 369896 wrote:

                                      powders on planes are just a bad idea, posting it can be done.

                                      posting is possible but still risky – a country like that and its postal networks might be be monitored by Spain’s exterior ministry’s security services due to perceived links with ETA.

                                      not sure about domestic laws there as its such a tiny country and I understand even less Catalan than I do Spanish, but it seems to be fairly tight and seems to be a fairly conservative Roman Catholic nation – otherwise it would surely have become the new Ibiza by now?

                                      also, (as bizzare as this may sound coming from a old caner like me) if you’re doing something as fun as snowboarding, do you really need drugs as well? OK it might be a bit of a performance enhancer but I would have thought if you’re really going for it the natural adrenalin would be just as good.


                                        I know a dude who managed to sniff a fat line of konk just before take-off. Said it was the most pleasurable experience on K he ever had!


                                          Suppose i should reap the natural highs. You talked me out of it.

                                          I was also thinking of the nightlife…….


                                            @General Lighting 369926 wrote:

                                            also, (as bizzare as this may sound coming from a old caner like me) if you’re doing something as fun as snowboarding, do you really need drugs as well? OK it might be a bit of a performance enhancer but I would have thought if you’re really going for it the natural adrenalin would be just as good.


                                            it’s gotta be said, though i remember reading a exp report about this pro skydiver who smoked DMT before jumping out of a plane!! was a mental read, he did a test run with a weed hit to begin with.

                                            General Lighting

                                              @mongoose 369966 wrote:

                                              I was also thinking of the nightlife…….

                                              it is up to much in andorra? like I said, I would have thought if it was really a party country the whole of ES and FR ravers as well as DE,NL and UK crews would be rinsing the venue big time…

                                              meow can make you a bit para – I for one wouldn’t want to be buzzing too hard in random foreign clubs where you don’t even speak the language, you don’t know if the bouncers are tolerant about drugs or they grab people on suspicion of being drugged up and dob them in and where cops have guns.. just going by the impression I get of the country it sounds like a “poor but proud” and very religious nation trying to look “decent” in the EU and that implies to me that although they value tourism, they might be strict about these things.

                                              the Foreign and Commonwealth office says

                                              Andorra has strict rules on public drunkenness and the possession and use of illegal drugs and applies zero tolerance.

                                              4-MMC/meow isn’t 100% legal, its is a legal grey area and I expect the Policia are gonna take a dim view of a foreigner with a bag of white powder on his person..


                                                Mephedrone is pretty easy to find.
                                                I think it is a great alternative.
                                                Much cheaper and cleaner than a lot of the street drugs.
                                                Especially if it comes straight from a lab.


                                                  The effects on myself are different to most people, i could quite easily party the night away non para. or sit around chatting. More like a sense of calm.

                                                  Friends wouldn’t even notice. But like you said i probably won’t. I have some other options, just something i was toying with.


                                                    you could pour crystals into a shampoo bottle filled with water then cook it up when ur there


                                                      Or you could just leave the rugs behind and enjoy your holiday.

                                                      You’ll probably find something over there anyway.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC