Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      To drag the topic back onto something interesting I was wondering what the different levels of quality people have found? The powder I got from CL was amazing stuff the next batch from LC I’m hoping will be the same.

        zolacd;338360 wrote:
        what a crap response that was….thanks

        oh really, google it? whats that then, how do you do it?


        to find out what google is you need to google it! good luck!!


          Well I just come accross this thread after seeing a prog on tele about legal highs. Quite interesting lol I’m not going to ask the holy question yet as i’ve just joined 🙁 lol instead up i’ll build up my questions in here to keep you chaps happy.

          How much would you guys recommend as a first time, done mdma n coke before and just want an insight as interested in taking some of this to a festival shortly (3 weeks!!)

          One thing putting me off is not for human consumption, although I think site have to put that as a disclaimer!?


            I used to verify my first meph site, might help.

              Mad-Max;338375 wrote:
              Well I just come accross this thread after seeing a prog on tele about legal highs. Quite interesting lol I’m not going to ask the holy question yet as i’ve just joined 🙁 lol instead up i’ll build up my questions in here to keep you chaps happy.

              How much would you guys recommend as a first time, done mdma n coke before and just want an insight as interested in taking some of this to a festival shortly (3 weeks!!)

              One thing putting me off is not for human consumption, although I think site have to put that as a disclaimer!?

              please read the thread if u want mephedrone information, these questions keep popping up over and over.

              also haven’t you ever heard of erowid? this is why i’m sick of pms, so many dumb questions


                How is it a dumb question, the subject of this thread is mephedrone…I’m asking a question about….mephedrone! A couple of people have posted about how much to take in here, some reasonable amounts 1-2 g’s, you yourself quoted alot more excess! Stupid? Lol !!

                And stop moaning about the pm’s as I for one didnt even send one BECAUSE i’ve read the thread perhaps you should read closer. And my question was dumb? Trying to see how much to consume for a first time?? I thought I was edging on the side of caution whih seems the right thing to do with a drug hardly anything is known about!? Get off your high horse Mr Mephedrone Messiah!! Lol


                  @Mad-Max 338429 wrote:

                  How is it a dumb question, the subject of this thread is mephedrone…I’m asking a question about….mephedrone! A couple of people have posted about how much to take in here, some reasonable amounts 1-2 g’s, you yourself quoted alot more excess! Stupid? Lol !!

                  And stop moaning about the pm’s as I for one didnt even send one BECAUSE i’ve read the thread perhaps you should read closer. And my question was dumb? Trying to see how much to consume for a first time?? I thought I was edging on the side of caution whih seems the right thing to do with a drug hardly anything is known about!? Get off your high horse Mr Mephedrone Messiah!! Lol


                  you gotta be fuckin kidding me

                  he has linked to erowid time and time again which is a far more worthwhile resource. dosing is different for all as you should know and so are effects. erowid has in depth accounts from all types of people, dosing information included.

                  He can moan all he bloody likes, he does get flooded with pm’s, and he has every right to complain. He has made a massive contribution to the community, whereas you havent. back off from my poly or ill eat your eyes.


                    Did anyone see the program on bbc3 last night about legal highs? Won’t be too long until this stuff is rumbled

                      Oldskool;338433 wrote:
                      Did anyone see the program on bbc3 last night about legal highs? Won’t be too long until this stuff is rumbled

                      Yes mate I saw that and wasnt pleased, I was quite annoyed, exploiting something good for money – (making a show on something that is interesteing but for the masses it could mean legal highs banned)

                      I sincerely hope meph does not get illegalised. Not Pleased.

                        Mad-Max;338429 wrote:
                        How is it a dumb question, the subject of this thread is mephedrone…I’m asking a question about….mephedrone! A couple of people have posted about how much to take in here, some reasonable amounts 1-2 g’s, you yourself quoted alot more excess! Stupid? Lol !!

                        And stop moaning about the pm’s as I for one didnt even send one BECAUSE i’ve read the thread perhaps you should read closer. And my question was dumb? Trying to see how much to consume for a first time?? I thought I was edging on the side of caution whih seems the right thing to do with a drug hardly anything is known about!? Get off your high horse Mr Mephedrone Messiah!! Lol

                        it’s dumb cos it has been answered countless times. you are clearly dumb as you have admitted to reading the thread and not seen the information you are after.

                        stick a gram up ur fucking ass mate, that sounds like the right dose for you

                        Sir Meph a Lot

                          HaHa – U two arguin r like a old married couple havin a domestic in Tesco’s in the freezer section………

                          For wot its worth I do a 250mg bomb for the “slap”, followed by a few cheeky lines for good measure……just make sure u get some quality product tho – theres plenty of online vendors sellin flour powdery shite………

                          Go for crystal mephedrone wiff 99.5% purity – once u been there u cant go back:)


                            I’m not arguing just stating some facts. the guy sounds like he needs to stay off the drugs tbh, build up those happy chemicals

                            Sir Meph a Lot
                              p0lygon-Window;338514 wrote:
                              I’m not arguing just stating some facts. the guy sounds like he needs to stay off the drugs tbh, build up those happy chemicals

                              Maybe he just needs some “pwopa nawty” stuff, as my M8 Danny Dyer would say.

                              i.e his meph source is shit??

                              Its just a thought??????

                                p0lygon-Window;338498 wrote:
                                stick a gram up ur fucking ass mate, that sounds like the right dose for you



                                  Just wonderd is this stuff smokable??

                                  Any one tried yet?? what are the effects?? (other than your lungs getting cained!) or ist it not advisable??


                                    @p0lygon-Window 338498 wrote:

                                    stick a gram up ur fucking ass mate, that sounds like the right dose for you

                                    @Sir Meph a Lot 338512 wrote:

                                    HaHa – U two arguin r like a old married couple havin a domestic in Tesco’s in the freezer section………


                                    General Lighting
                                      BMboy;338550 wrote:
                                      Just wonderd is this stuff smokable??

                                      Any one tried yet?? what are the effects?? (other than your lungs getting cained!) or ist it not advisable??

                                      its harsh enough snorting it, the stuff is fairly corrosive… why would you want to smoke it?

                                      the time to “come up” is only about the same as MD/pills or may even be quicker and its worth waiting for..


                                        Hi general L,

                                        just wonderd if any ones tried it, guess its not the norm but as you say it’s proper harsh on the nose, think ill stick to bombing it don’t want me nose to fall off.

                                        General Lighting
                                          BMboy;338561 wrote:
                                          Hi general L,

                                          just wonderd if any ones tried it, guess its not the norm but as you say it’s proper harsh on the nose, think ill stick to bombing it don’t want me nose to fall off.

                                          done a bit of googling and there are mixed reports – some claim the chemical will break down and have less effects, others that it is effective. Some brainy people have piped up (!) on various forums with reports that it is an unstable alkaline salt. This is not good stuff to inhale into your lungs…


                                            had a good time on this yesterday!!


                                              I should stick a gram up my arse lol, sounds like a few ppl in here already explored whats up ur arse poly! The reason I asked for a dosage which somebody kindly DID recommend me on, was because people have already contradicted each other on doses as I said in my post, so perhaps you require some glasses poly?? Lol for what its worth erowid is pretty useless I couldnt find out too much on there and had more luck exploring forums and reading first hand experiences, some people stating there BPM rising to 190 bpm taking under half a gram not a drug I fancy abusing unlike yourself poly 😀 good luck with that by the way!

                                              Sir Meph A Lot, my stuff shit? I havent tried it yet, hence the reason im asking about it duhh? Would of asked for a source but poly gets abit emotional when people do so thought I would save his knickers from getting twisted as per…


                                                wow man u taking this way too serious, ur quite funny to tell the truth!!!


                                                fuck meeee it’s another Col…..


                                                  and don’t u know anything about drugs? everyone requires different dosages, if u were REALLY scared then u should start small and keep doing a little more at a time.

                                                  it’s pretty simple stuff and erowid is the most simple informative drug site around. compare a couple of exp reports…..


                                                    hi col, yes you are quite right, i for one have explored and abused the many orifices that p0ly’s delicious body behold.


                                                      josh loves bragging about it, i think Col is just jealous

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC