Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      all this red tape we have to go through … stops us doing our job propper innit cliff

      Tank Girl

        @DJCliffy 362495 wrote:

        Well you never know TG. I’d love to be a copper, would be an awesome job, but what with my lifestyle i’d say it would never happen lol! :weee:

        you might get to meet lots of kinky women :laugh_at:



        and for your future reference::wink:
        SlangSearch: Crime

        Tank Girl

          @DaftFader 362498 wrote:

          all this red tape we have to go through … stops us doing our job propper innit cliff

          bless!!!! :laugh_at::laugh_at:

          I still have my lighter :wink::wink:



            @DaftFader 362498 wrote:

            all this red tape we have to go through … stops us doing our job propper innit cliff

            Yeah man you know that, I mean how are we meant to do our jobs properly and stop these raves from going down when i have to write down everything i do.

            I can’t even take bribes anymore, gotta jot that down too. They really are taking the fun away from the job.

            I don’t even remember the last time i bashed a hippy.

            Tank Girl

              @DJCliffy 362572 wrote:

              I don’t even remember the last time i bashed a hippy.


              never trust a hippie 😉


                @Tank Girl 362624 wrote:


                never trust a hippie 😉

                the world is a funny place
                when i forst joined squatjuice about 6 years ago i got slated for writing that

                Tank Girl

                  @globalloon 362738 wrote:

                  the world is a funny place
                  when i forst joined squatjuice about 6 years ago i got slated for writing that

                  I used to have a leather biker Jacket with that painted into the colar 😉

                  funny thing is one of my ‘nik names’ is neil neil orange peal 😉


                    poor hippys


                      HIPPY JAM FESTIVAL!


                        Police on Teeside have issued a warning after several youths have fallen ill after taking the drug mephedrone.

                        The drug is commonly known as “bubble”, “drone” or “legal high”, imported mainly from China and sold as a plant fertilizer online, police said.

                        Five youths on Teesside have been admitted to hospital in recent weeks after taking mephedrone.

                        Its chemical formula is one molecule different to ecstasy and is not on the official list of banned substances.

                        Insp Kevin Tuck said anyone found with mephedrone would be arrested on suspicion of possession of a banned substance.

                        ‘Deadly substance’

                        Darlington Drug and Alcohol Action Team warned its use can result in severe nose bleeds, nose burns, hallucinations, blood circulation problems, rashes, anxiety and paranoia, fits and delusions.

                        It can become addictive and if taken with alcohol or cut with other drugs it could result in death, the action team said.

                        Insp Tuck said: “An 18-year-old has already died in Sweden, where this drug is now banned. No drug is safe and we believe mephedrone, especially when mixed with alcohol or taken with other substances, could be deadly.

                        “We know it is not on the radar for most parents and, sadly, because of its use in our area we would expect it to be readily available throughout every town and city in the North East and the UK.”

                        The drug is illegal in Israel, Norway, Finland and Sweden. Psychiatrists in the UK have lobbied for it to be banned here.

                        BBC News – Police warning over ‘bubble’ drug


                          “Insp Kevin Tuck said anyone found with mephedrone would be arrested on suspicion of possession of a banned substance.”

                          Wasting tax payers money, harassing and intimidating people who are not braking the law? I used to have so much respect for the police, then I grew up and went out into the world. Now I just don’t know what to think. Sucks.


                            yes iv stayed away from this shit for a while now, and iv been warning people to stay away from it. its just not good.


                              p.s 2c#s ftw


                                this applies for every potent chemical stimulant there is…..

                                they just want to give mephe a bad name cos it’s still legal


                                  I ain’t never heard of drone being called ‘bubble’ before


                                    well i didnt find it too great but cant be that bad millions of users and 5 recorded incidents that we have heard of. oh well it was gonna happen one day anyway

                                    General Lighting

                                      @1984 362913 wrote:

                                      “Insp Kevin Tuck said anyone found with mephedrone would be arrested on suspicion of possession of a banned substance.”

                                      Wasting tax payers money, harassing and intimidating people who are not braking the law? I used to have so much respect for the police, then I grew up and went out into the world. Now I just don’t know what to think. Sucks.

                                      he’s only enforcing the law how its always been enforced. Cops aren’t scientists, but they can infer by suspicion that any small pack of fine powder not in a legitimate pharmaceutical packaging. Their argument is it could be mephedrone, amfet, MDMA or cocaine or heroin..

                                      Drug arrests have always been on suspicion of posession rather than actual posession unless the susbstances have been diverted pharmaceuticals where its obvious what they are.

                                      Drug users are outnumbered 2/3rds by straightheads in Britain, even though we have the highest drug use statistics of the EU. Unfortunately a lot of the non-drug users think the Police are too lenient….


                                        @DJCliffy 362926 wrote:

                                        I ain’t never heard of drone being called ‘bubble’ before

                                        yeh they call it bubbles up here, some of them dont even know what it actually it. their like “plant food? this is too good for plants”

                                        makes me sick.

                                        General Lighting

                                          @barnzy001 362928 wrote:

                                          well i didnt find it too great but cant be that bad millions of users and 5 recorded incidents that we have heard of. oh well it was gonna happen one day anyway

                                          its no worse IMO than dexamfetamine but it still creates a burden on the NHS when people overdo it and that is why the cops have “suddenly” started to clamp down.

                                          I didn’t know that it was also illegal in Finland, but I couldn’t find any info other than in their language so couldn’t decipher it as there was a overdose of vowels :laugh_at:

                                          General Lighting

                                            @Buzz 362931 wrote:

                                            makes me sick.

                                            its because its made a lot of people sick as well that the feds are clamping down…

                                            its like groundhog day except each time the government gets quicker, smarter and harder…


                                              i dont care about it, its just money hahahahaha i can get £20 a gram for it LOL

                                              General Lighting

                                                one day though its gonna be illegal – even 6 months in YOI is crap, worse than adult prison. what I’m saying though is it used to be about 2 years from discussion on a place like this to “new drugs” being illegal, now its barely a year…

                                                5 emergency admissions in a single PCT region does tend to make the authorities react quicker.. I don’t think its particularly a “killer” drug but easy for people to give themselves a nasty fright with it and a lot of young folks run crying to the NHS to patch them up..


                                                  yeah for sure, i think people underestimate how pure it is coming in from china and such,


                                                    @1984 362912 wrote:

                                                    Its chemical formula is one molecule different to ecstasy

                                                    The molecule in question there is Methylone (bk-MDMA) with the O= being the one molecule difference. Facepalms all round!

                                                    I’ve also got to say General Lighting, you’ve got it right. People have itchy 999 fingers that go off at the slightest hint that there is something wrong.


                                                      @DJCliffy 362926 wrote:

                                                      I ain’t never heard of drone being called ‘bubble’ before

                                                      it’s a trade name when it’s sold in caps

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC