Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      can some freind let me know if its safe to mix tfmpp with mephedrone,and how they felt of it.i have both an would like to know if its safe to mix them.thanks


        i wouldn’t wanna find out if that’s a safe mix

        be very careful

        General Lighting

          @peyote 342378 wrote:

          can some freind let me know if its safe to mix tfmpp with mephedrone,and how they felt of it.i have both an would like to know if its safe to mix them.thanks

          Mixing piperazines with any other stimulant is dodgy. At best case its a unpleasant comedown, at worst case you will be very ill indeed or even have some kind of medical emergency.

          Its one of the reasons why people are getting worse comedowns/effects of “MDMA” and also why there are more hospital admissions from the stuff..

          if you have mephedrone then just do it on its own, or you can get away with small amounts of stuff such as K or 2C*, but even then you might find the mephedrone buzz so good you don’t want anything else!


            Can anyone send me a link to buy this stuff sounds tasty 😛 thanks


              @Joeg 342462 wrote:

              Can anyone send me a link to buy this stuff sounds tasty 😛 thanks

              yeah, tasty for the plant you will be feeding


                haha yeh cause 😛


                  might have a wee taste of this soon .. 😀


                    @peyote 342378 wrote:

                    can some freind let me know if its safe to mix tfmpp with mephedrone,and how they felt of it.i have both an would like to know if its safe to mix them.thanks

                    Erowid Experience Vaults: Mephedrone, TFMPP & BZP – No Advantage in Mixing These – 79652

                    brand new experience report, sounds like a dangerous waste of time.

                    Herbal daft

                      yea you all think its good know jus like i have 4 the past month and a half i am from arbroath scotland and evey cunt is lovin tht shit up here but be warned i over done it and by tht i only mean a poxy 2 g and it fucked me up i was rushed to hospital and pumpt full o morphine to slow my heart down it was beating like a fuckin budgies NO JOKE it can sereously fuck u up ppl stick to yhe illegal stuff its more safe

                      Herbal daft

                        if you start feeling these symptoms get yourself to the hospital fucking straight away
                        really sore rib cage like something inside trying to burst out
                        unusall shortage of breath
                        really fuckin fast heart
                        blue lips
                        tingiling in your hands and fingers
                        then its a 999 job and hold on its a fuckin scary ride it lasted 4 me 4 2 days GOOD LUCK

                        General Lighting

                          @Herbal daft 342831 wrote:

                          yea you all think its good know jus like i have 4 the past month and a half i am from arbroath scotland and evey cunt is lovin tht shit up here but be warned i over done it and by tht i only mean a poxy 2 g and it fucked me up i was rushed to hospital and pumpt full o morphine to slow my heart down it was beating like a fuckin budgies NO JOKE it can sereously fuck u up ppl stick to yhe illegal stuff its more safe

                          Which substance? the last posts are mentioning piperazines.

                          did this happen from only taking mephedrone alone?

                          a lot of anecdotes are hinting at a dose of more than 1g in a session being risky – though I would say that is the case for a pure amount of all stimulants. Bear in mind your “gram” of mdma or amfetamines may be cut with inert substances…


                            Glad you’re ok Herbal! Sounds fucking horrible mate, 🙁


                              @p0lygon-Window 342745 wrote:

                              Erowid Experience Vaults: Mephedrone, TFMPP & BZP – No Advantage in Mixing These – 79652

                              brand new experience report, sounds like a dangerous waste of time.

                              there is no point taking bzp’s and ruining another good drug with it.


                                @General Lighting 342837 wrote:

                                Which substance? the last posts are mentioning piperazines.

                                did this happen from only taking mephedrone alone?

                                a lot of anecdotes are hinting at a dose of more than 1g in a session being risky – though I would say that is the case for a pure amount of all stimulants. Bear in mind your “gram” of mdma or amfetamines may be cut with inert substances…

                                yeah when ever i go over a G of really nice mandy i start to feel a bit dodgy … so i tend to not do more than a G in one sesh … what i have heard is the does and effects of mephedrone are very simila to mdma .. so it stands to reason a G would be a safe-ish limit to stick to


                                  @DaftFader 342859 wrote:

                                  yeah when ever i go over a G of really nice mandy i start to feel a bit dodgy … so i tend to not do more than a G in one sesh … what i have heard is the does and effects of mephedrone are very simila to mdma .. so it stands to reason a G would be a safe-ish limit to stick to

                                  I’ve seen someone sketch out on half a gram (mandy) before, bearing in mind he did a whole half in one bomb.

                                  Being greedy will get you nowhere, been there, survived that! :hopeless:

                                  Most people learn the hard way but it’s all about moderation folks!! raaa


                                    @p0lygon-Window 341690 wrote:

                                    well i suppose i can, but only if you right me a little love song about how much u love me and want the link

                                    Did you get your love song? :laugh_at:


                                      hey iv been tryin to get some BuBBleLuV but the sites sold out can anyone point me in the rite direction??? cheers!


                                        @DJCliffy 342860 wrote:

                                        I’ve seen someone sketch out on half a gram (mandy) before, bearing in mind he did a whole half in one bomb.

                                        Being greedy will get you nowhere, been there, survived that! :hopeless:

                                        Most people learn the hard way but it’s all about moderation folks!! raaa

                                        yeah i was talking about the recomended safe dose of .2/.25 max of a gram in one go .. and no more than a g in total .. and spacing out bombs with at least a 2-3 hour gap (alltho i don’t follow this strictly ..cos i am pretty hardcore :laugh_at:… but with meow i am gonna take it easy as i never tryed it b4 .. )


                                          @DaftFader 342870 wrote:

                                          yeah i was talking about the recomended safe dose of .2/.25 max of a gram in one go .. and no more than a g in total .. and spacing out bombs with at least a 2-3 hour gap (alltho i don’t follow this strictly ..cos i am pretty hardcore :laugh_at:… but with meow i am gonna take it easy as i never tryed it b4 .. )

                                          I’d say i am fairly hardcore as well but there’s something about meow that makes me slightly cautious. Probably cos it’s a new thing eh.

                                          On one hand i hear how good it is but on the other somethings still niggling at the back of me mind. 😉

                                          My mate Dobbys gonna try it in a couple weeks time so i shall let you all know how he gets on. :crazy_dru


                                            Hi all, could someone please pm me a few links as to were to purchase the stuff, prefare payment paypal or credit card.

                                            Thank you.


                                              You have to write a love letter proclaiming your love for runner beans first.


                                                @Hissyfit 342873 wrote:

                                                Hi all, could someone please pm me a few links as to were to purchase the stuff, prefare payment paypal or credit card.

                                                Thank you.

                                       there ya go .. just make a post in the drugs section 😉


                                                  And we’ll never see them again.


                                                    @DJCliffy 342883 wrote:

                                                    And we’ll never see them again.

                                                    Or maybe you will


                                                      @rydersonthestorm 342887 wrote:

                                                      Or maybe you will

                                                      Good good. 😉

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC