Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      @DJCliffy 347041 wrote:

      I have never heard of anyone doing this, Least not round here.

      some one sold my mate crushed up pills mixed with coke as coke .. i know this cos one of the rocks of coke had half the same patten of the pills i had bought off him the day b4 on it :hopeless: … wen’t mad at they guy and got some propper coke as the guy who bought it had never done pills b4 .. and was unfair not giving him the choise as to wether he wanted to try them or not …


        @DaftFader 347042 wrote:

        some one sold my mate crushed up pills mixed with coke as coke .. i know this cos one of the rocks of coke had half the same patten of the pills i had bought off him the day b4 on it :hopeless: … wen’t mad at they guy and got some propper coke as the guy who bought it had never done pills b4 .. and was unfair not giving him the choise as to wether he wanted to try them or not …

        Now that’s just cuntish. I’m not disputing it happens but it’s never happened round my way at least not to anyone i know.



          That had happened to me before, brought some coke with crushed up Gurners in. We was not really going to have a session, ended up 2 sweaty topless men, with the hands reaching for the lasers(my mates mums light in the front room)


            @TheLostOne 347093 wrote:

            That had happened to me before, brought some coke with crushed up Gurners in. We was not really going to have a session, ended up 2 sweaty topless men, with the hands reaching for the lasers(my mates mums light in the front room)

            they was shit pills as well :/

            Pike Tom Us

              has anyone heard of or tried this stuff? ive just come across some and dunno what to think of it..

              Tank Girl

                  it’s mephedrone m8


                    @DJCliffy 347041 wrote:

                    I have never heard of anyone doing this, Least not round here.

                    MDMA costs more than coke, so don’t see how that would make any financial sense.


                      Just flicked through an article in mixmag on my way home. Put mephedrone at £15-30/g. Wtf are people paying thirty for it?


                        @joshmow56 347128 wrote:

                        MDMA costs more than coke, so don’t see how that would make any financial sense.

                        Yeah man decent mdma is finally turning up again round here, 50 quid a gram. But an actual gram so ain’t too bad. Would be pissed off paying 50 for a .7!

                        @joshmow56 347129 wrote:

                        Just flicked through an article in mixmag on my way home. Put mephedrone at £15-30/g. Wtf are people paying thirty for it?

                        Yeah i read that. I thought drone was the ecstasy substitute though instead of the coke sub? 😉


                          @DJCliffy 347142 wrote:

                          Yeah i read that. I thought drone was the ecstasy substitute though instead of the coke sub? 😉

                          Suppose it’s personal preference and how you choose to take it. I feel more euphoria and a bit more trashed if i bomb it.. When i feel euphoric but also much more focused when snorted, perfect for waitering, lol


                            @joshmow56 347143 wrote:

                            Suppose it’s personal preference and how you choose to take it. I feel more euphoria and a bit more trashed if i bomb it.. When i feel euphoric but also much more focused when snorted, perfect for waitering, lol

                            So would you say bombing it is the best way to take it. 😉


                              Personally, on a night out, a bit off both. Do a bomb then do a line, so you come up quickly but theres still something to kick in later.

                              General Lighting

                                @joshmow56 347143 wrote:

                                Suppose it’s personal preference and how you choose to take it. I feel more euphoria and a bit more trashed if i bomb it.. When i feel euphoric but also much more focused when snorted, perfect for waitering, lol

                                it fucking canes though, snorting 4-MMC. A mate of mine who is older than me, otherwise quite a “big hard bastard” and not shy of drugs physically cannot do it as it hurts so much.


                                  Don’t find it too bad most of the time, but the taste is easily worse than mdma!


                                    @DaftFader 347094 wrote:

                                    they was shit pills as well :/

                                    What makes you say that?


                                      @joshmow56 347128 wrote:

                                      MDMA costs more than coke, so don’t see how that would make any financial sense.

                                      crushed up pills?pills are dirt cheep .. and if you think about a ~G of PURE coke .. not street shit …. and a G of pure mdma .. then coke is gonna cost more … your probably only gettting like 7-14% actualy coke in your “Gram” of coke n e way


                                        I know guys who were selling mephedrone as coke for £50 a gram and getting away with it! they probably still are!


                                          i think mdma is alot worse to snort and tastes alot worse than mdma


                                            great shit mate


                                              This forum must have the world record for the most threads on Mephedrone.


                                                maybe but i wouldnt put anything past the drugs forum


                                                  Can anyone tell me a proper place to get this from which is safe? Cheers!

                                                  Hi everyone btw, hope you are all ok!


                                                    @p0ly 347228 wrote:

                                                    i think mdma is alot worse to snort and tastes alot worse than mdma

                                                    I used to love snorting mandy back in the day. Specially when mixed with K. Ah i took it all for granted back then, Shame things are so shit now. 😥


                                                      @DaftFader 347225 wrote:

                                                      crushed up pills?pills are dirt cheep .. and if you think about a ~G of PURE coke .. not street shit …. and a G of pure mdma .. then coke is gonna cost more … your probably only gettting like 7-14% actualy coke in your “Gram” of coke n e way

                                                      Sorry missed your other post, I thought you meant that they were putting actual mdma into coke.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC