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      Like a bit of hardcore every now and again but I must say that most, if not all, happy hardcore tracks after 94 are not my bag at all. The furthest I stretch is stuff like “Sky High” & “Vampire” and that’s on a particularly cheesy day.

      It’s not like I haven’t given it a chance. I try to get in to it at the hire nights we do sometimes but the happyness and euphoria is ladled on so thick with a giant spoon that it just becomes sterile and emotionless.


        personally i think it’s FAKE and has nothing to do with proper underground music, such as acid trance,tribal teknospiral etc..
        been to a couple of freepartys years ago that played it, NOT FUNNY OR CLEVER.. its club music 4 nob eds but at least the people that like it don’t often turn up 2 avit partys does’nt effect me, each 2 their own:crazy_diz


          happy hardcore is utter shite !



            happy happy:group_hug :bounce_fl bounce bounce … come on lets go ,boom boom raaa boom boom………oh come on how can you not love it…how come when your at a rave a dj starts playin happy hardcore and the dance floor is full of nutters:group_hug with massive smiles on there faces … then a new dj comes on a plays trance or sumat shite ,:yawn: :yakk: 😥 and the room emptys cos people are lookin for another arena thats playin happy hcore or hardcore:laugh_at: :bounce_fl .
            although if we are talking about new happy hardcore utter shite bollocks wankness 2000 onwards then ive nothing to say about that:you_crazy
            we all know heart o gold an the likes is utter tripe…ut what about grove control , six days on the run etc all a mix between hardcore and happy hc
            .anyways luv ya an leave ya


              i did start off liking happy hardcore as all of the people i went about with did,,,BUT i soon discovered techno and have never looked back, some tunes do give me some good memories though,,,but i just cant listen to it for very long because i thinks its to commercial :yakk: lol hardtrance all the way raaa

              General Lighting

                ironically “happy” hardcore and hard trance share the same revenue streams from commercial events etc (have a look on DSI to get an idea of this…)

                TBH I think the genres are all merging into freeform anyway – and on another note I feel both “commercial” and “free party” heads need to unite more and more as even licensed events are under threat at the moment..


                  happy hardcore is for chavs!

                  General Lighting
                    onyx1 wrote:
                    happy hardcore is for chavs!

                    in “normal society” all dance music is associated with chavs…

                    I can see what you are getting at though as IMO the “chav culture” is trying to imitate the early 90s rave fashions and acceptance of drug use, plus there are links between happy hardcore and “gary boy” (car cruising/racing) culture..

                      atm23 wrote:
                      sorry to bang on, but I really dont like the term Happy Hardcore at all, its either just Hardcore or its tripe…Pretty Green Eyes and the like..

                      When the question is asked ” do you like happy Hardcore” most people are thinking about tracks like Green Eyes, shooting star etc so the answer is skewed. If anything ws ever “Happy” Hardcore I would think of stuff like Ravers Choice, Fat Controller etc.

                      I love all Hardcore…just hate Tripe:wink:

                      My sentiments exactly!

                      General Lighting

                        a lot of the worst cheese coincides with the first term of Tony Blair and the false euphoria “cool britannia” era…

                        I wonder if a lot of producers were thinking that if they commercialised their tunes enough they might have a shot at the pop dance market getting a major recording deal like what briefly happened in the early 90s….

                        of course it never happened as the whole “being down with da yoof” and letting people get away with a surprising amount of stuff (less control on clubs, more free parties etc) was merely because the govt hadn’t worked out how to properly implement the social control structures..

                        perhaps we can blame Blair for bad hardcore tunes….

                          General Lighting wrote:
                          in “normal society” all dance music is associated with chavs…

                          this annoys me so much, when asked what music im currently listenin to or summat, and i say summat like jungle or dnb people make references to chav or to the shite that is played on galaxy! total misconception! :you_crazy

                          still, some bands such as pendulum have got into mainstream and started puttin some credability into dance music, even if some people don’t like em, at least it helps defeat the dance = chav thinkin of many!

                            AJS wrote:
                            It’s awsome. Every happy hardcore tune I’ve ever heard of and hundreds more.
                            Hours of fun (“,)

                            that’s not happy hardcore. most of the tunes on that site are proper jungle techno


                              happy hardcore … hummm you can tell a happy hardcore fan because they insist that everybody loves it, its the greatest and nothing matches it. to be honest its the biggest pile of E fuelled crap in the world, the producing can be done on a thomas the tank engine keyboard and a bob the builder mic … you no, for the the ”singing”.

                              i am sorry i will fight my corner on this one …

                              1.) … a hardcore event

                              –> the same 8 djs
                              –> oooo yes the same ”mc’s”
                              –> same people turnin up paying £25 for a ticket

                              2.) a hardcore fan

                              –> must have a liking for ”cyber” clothing
                              –> fluffies … each to their own i guess
                              –> must enjoy playing it in their car at 7.30am on the way to work insisting that hixxy is a legend ”ive seen him 58323298 times”

                              each to their own i say but please ban hardcore

                              im sorry if i have annoyed anybody by this its just the way i feel 🙂

                                timid rabbit wrote:
                                listen mate i didnt read anymore of your post past , happy hardcore, its fucking shit.

                                a well deserved high five

                                General Lighting

                                  surely the “cyber/fluffy/DJ worship” issue is more a “free party vs commercial party crowd” debate and goes wider than genres?

                                  There is plenty of DJ worship and fashion victims at legal events on the wider hard dance or even psytrance scenes (lots of fluoro gear there)

                                  TBH always associated cyber/fluffy gear more with hard trance/house events…

                                  D&B has its own fashions/superstar DJ’s as well..

                                  I don’t like the over commercialised, high-priced, fashion based events all that much (whatever genres are played there) but the harsh fact is that in many areas the cops have successfully downsized the free party scene and this and other pressures are driving a lot more people back to these sorts of events..

                                    General Lighting wrote:
                                    in “normal society” all dance music is associated with chavs…

                                    I can see what you are getting at though as IMO the “chav culture” is trying to imitate the early 90s rave fashions and acceptance of drug use, plus there are links between happy hardcore and “gary boy” (car cruising/racing) culture..

                                    As to normal society possibly all dance music is associated with chavs? But the entire rave scene was and is driven by the traveller and new age groups certainly not nike wielding chavs in a modded saxo without the first clue about lsd! D and b is different to ‘happy hardcore’ and gets aired regularily at squats I have been to.

                                    General Lighting
                                      onyx1 wrote:
                                      As to normal society possibly all dance music is associated with chavs? But the entire rave scene was and is driven by the traveller and new age groups certainly not nike wielding chavs in a modded saxo without the first clue about lsd!

                                      I’m talking about non-ravers; many of whom don’t care about the finer points of subcultures. They just hear the noise coming from peoples cars and read and believe what the media says and as far as they are concerned everyone who listens to dance music is labelled as chav scum.

                                      Also, many travellers these days and new age types (and I know a few) down south have distanced themselves from the rave scene (even if they still like the music) due to the bad image outdoor raves have got (also, if they allow a rave on their site it is closed down on ASBO laws and everyone evicted)

                                      D and b is different to ‘happy hardcore’ and gets aired regularily at squats I have been to.

                                      this is true – OTOH I’ve seen quite a few modified vehicles turn up at indoor and outdoor raves (and some have to be pushed out of ditches, as they are not really suited to driving up dirt tracks :laugh_at:) and there is a definite crossover between the modified vehicle scene and dance music

                                      I am however only speaking about what I’ve seen in SE and Eastern England – of course things may be different up North….


                                        I dont think happy hardcore is the best genre in the world, not even close. Yea its a pile of cheesy shit, yea every track is the same but who cares!?! It doesnt try to be a serious genre or try to push things in other directions, its just a laugh.
                                        Other musical genres, (ill take psy trance as an example but its not the only one) try too hard to seem serious, and i find psy really pretentious and annoying sometimes, despite the fact it follows exactly the same generic structures and musical techniques all the time. This is the case with almost every genre of music.
                                        If chavs listen to happy hardcore then, again, who cares!?! While its obviously not the sole reason anyone here dislikes it, if chavs or anyone else liked it, it wouldnt put me off, if people associate different music and their scenes with certain people then its their loss.
                                        Ill finish this post with what ive been saying before, Happy Hardcore: You gotta love it!

                                          Kensaken wrote:
                                          I dont think happy hardcore is the best genre in the world, not even close. Yea its a pile of cheesy shit, yea every track is the same but who cares!?! It doesnt try to be a serious genre or try to push things in other directions, its just a laugh.
                                          Other musical genres, (ill take psy trance as an example but its not the only one) try too hard to seem serious, and i find psy really pretentious and annoying sometimes, despite the fact it follows exactly the same generic structures and musical techniques all the time. This is the case with almost every genre of music.
                                          If chavs listen to happy hardcore then, again, who cares!?! While its obviously not the sole reason anyone here dislikes it, if chavs or anyone else liked it, it wouldnt put me off, if people associate different music and their scenes with certain people then its their loss.
                                          Ill finish this post with what ive been saying before, Happy Hardcore: You gotta love it!

                                          ah thats a good respose! i agree with you Kensakenraaa

                                            Kensaken wrote:
                                            Other musical genres, (ill take psy trance as an example but its not the only one) try too hard to seem serious

                                            you talk jazz my friend, psy … seem serious? please explain


                                              If people want to listen ti happy hardcore that is up to them (even I had a phase of it Ill admit) BUT no matter what anyone says I know how well it would go down at any self respecting freeparty/rave whatever you wan’t to call it if 3 hours of happy hardcore was reeled out.


                                                After thinking about this. I do love ‘Techno Wonderland’!

                                                And I did listen to Happy Hardcore when I was about 17, before I discovered proper hardcore.

                                                  XLeanne06X wrote:
                                                  i did start off liking happy hardcore as all of the people i went about with did,,,BUT i soon discovered techno and have never looked back, some tunes do give me some good memories though,,,but i just cant listen to it for very long because i thinks its to commercial :yakk: lol hardtrance all the way raaa

                                                  Yeah fairplay very much my opinion indeed!!!


                                                    ok ok i admit i do like abit of happy hardcore and i do like eto listen to it quiete alot but it not as gd as breakbeat reggae hardhouse trance etc but it still great xxxxxxxxxxxxxx raaa raaa raaa

                                                      binge wrote:
                                                      My sentiments exactly!

                                                      Good man …I am bias on this one being a self proclammed Hardcore deciple 😉


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