Forums The Vibe Chat Attacked?

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      Anyone ever been innocently attacked by a group or person?


        no, have you?


          well i’m the only person to vote on the poll so far, didn’t you notice?


            i got the shit kicked out of me and hospitalised cos of something that had nothing to do with me .. does that count?


              well that was innocently attacked!

              what was it to do with?


                just one of my mates making a joke earlyer on and the person taking it the wrong way.. and these little jumped up kids rushed us later on .. i didn’t even know anything had happened earlyer at the time … was only 3 of us and over ten of them attacked us with planks of wood with nails in and metal pipes/poles … still got a nasty scar on my face from it and that was a good few years ago now

                muos o-_-o

                  I got jumped getting off a bus and I can tell you the fucker that did it got the shock of his life 😉


                    @p0ly 349551 wrote:

                    well i’m the only person to vote on the poll so far, didn’t you notice?

                    didnt see there was a poll tbh, what was ur result then, snice theres now 6 votes


                      no, i’d have told my story


                        I had my left arm shattered by a mentalist drug addict back when i was in school. He asked to borrow my mobile and nick a fag and when i told him no he ran into his house picked up a hockey stick and whacked me.

                        He was aiming for my head as well cos i put my left arm up to defend myself and it hit me on the elbow. He probably would of killed me had he got my head. Left arm completely broken, still hurts now in the cold.

                        He died of an overdose a few months later. I actually was quite happy with that, the fucking cunt.

                        muos o-_-o

                          “He died of an overdose a few months later. I actually was quite happy with that, the fucking cunt.”

                          LOL to right!


                            in the elbow!! oooouch, what a loser.


                              oh.. true teng 😛


                                Yea i have, but i think my friend gets it worse.

                                He got invited back to have drinks with these guys. When he got there claimed they were Nazi’s and that he should have a swastika tattooed onto him by them.

                                Obviously he said no, he’s also Jewish, so they carved the star of David into his back.


                                  i got put through a double-glazing door-window thing head first


                                    @Glittersniffer 349670 wrote:

                                    Yea i have, but i think my friend gets it worse.

                                    He got invited back to have drinks with these guys. When he got there claimed they were Nazi’s and that he should have a swastika tattooed onto him by them.

                                    Obviously he said no, he’s also Jewish, so they carved the star of David into his back.

                                    thats fuckin grim, people like that are just unspeakably disgusting.

                                    i’ve been hit for no reason, however my friend had just hit his friend through the window of a car:lol_fast:, but their fight had stopped and he just walked over as if to talk and hit me full on in the face.
                                    i had been drinkin so went into rage mode, i actually enjoyed the resulting fight:shy:

                                    not normally like me tbh


                                      interesting thread…

                                      due to having aspergers syndrome i stay stuff that sounds strange sometimes… a couple of people took offence at some silly (and to me totally innocent) comment i made and caught me off guard. I was woozy on certain thingies and very mellow and not able to defend myself at all

                                      they kicked the shit out of me and left me unconscious sprawled across a main road, spent 3 days in hospital before i could walk, 3 months in a neck brace and 3 years later i’m still in daily pain from the neck injury…

                                      some people are just beyond contempt…

                                      Tank Girl

                                        I’ve been sexually assaulted on a bus, tube and in a club, thankfully nothing too serious but enough to make me go into shock and I punched 1 of them in the face when I realised what had happened and ran away, the one in the club got ‘delt’ with by a biker friend of my brothers who recognised me. :love:

                                        I’ve been assaulted at work several +++ times unprevoked, kicked, spat on, punched, stuff thrown at me but unfortunatley that was the ‘nature of the job’ and is expected and not at all delt with seriously enough IMO. I dont mind when its from someone who ‘doesnt know what they are doing’ but I fucking did when it was someone who just wanted a fight or …… whatever :hopeless: but dont work in that environment anymore thankfully

                                        General Lighting

                                          I had a lot of hassles in my younger days until mid teens and the late 1980s but it certainly wasn’t random attacks, I was being targeted because of my skin colour. When it started in 1977 and carried on until 1987 (then amazingly racism became “uncool” for a fair few years) you learn to live with it.

                                          Nowadays its very occasional verbal abuse (unsurprising due to the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, as well as anger over foreign workers and jobs being outsourced) but I am very careful who I interact with and never let my guard down (even in supposedly “safe” places like raves because people aren’t as friendly as they used to be and not everyone does the same kind of “happy” drugs.

                                          I also avoid town centres and “townie” type social occasions other than occasionally going to legal rave-type events. Often its not so much an issue in the venues itself but getting across town after the events finish…

                                          it means I am not outwardly as friendly and carefree as I used to be 10-15 years ago but you have to be like that to survive nowadays. The practice of of a gang of people “befriending” someone only to attack them (that glittersniffer mentions) is becoming depressingly common these days, more so than it was in the 90s..

                                          muos o-_-o

                                            I had a lot of hassles in my younger days until mid teens and the late 1980s but it certainly wasn’t random attacks, I was being targeted because of my skin colour. When it started in 1977 and carried on until 1987 (then amazingly racism became “uncool” for a fair few years) you learn to live with it.

                                            my wee nephew is black and lives in huddersfield and it still full of racist cunt’s

                                            Never let your gard down that’s not raving that’s just living what a shame it’s all turned to shit!!

                                            Fucking Mondays!!!


                                              @General Lighting 349725 wrote:

                                              I had a lot of hassles in my younger days until mid teens and the late 1980s but it certainly wasn’t random attacks, I was being targeted because of my skin colour. When it started in 1977 and carried on until 1987 (then amazingly racism became “uncool” for a fair few years) you learn to live with it.

                                              Nowadays its very occasional verbal abuse (unsurprising due to the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, as well as anger over foreign workers and jobs being outsourced) but I am very careful who I interact with and never let my guard down (even in supposedly “safe” places like raves because people aren’t as friendly as they used to be and not everyone does the same kind of “happy” drugs.

                                              I also avoid town centres and “townie” type social occasions other than occasionally going to legal rave-type events. Often its not so much an issue in the venues itself but getting across town after the events finish…

                                              it means I am not outwardly as friendly and carefree as I used to be 10-15 years ago but you have to be like that to survive nowadays. The practice of of a gang of people “befriending” someone only to attack them (that glittersniffer mentions) is becoming depressingly common these days, more so than it was in the 90s..

                                              wow i cant believe it still happens that much, some people are so stupid and cant think for themselves that they just copy the racist traits of other friends or family or whatever



                                                even if there was one race i think people would still find a way to hate on others and be against them… probaly labelism or something like that

                                                people love hating on others thinking they are superior


                                                  @p0ly 349749 wrote:

                                                  even if there was one race i think people would still find a way to hate on others and be against them… probaly labelism or something like that

                                                  people love hating on others thinking they are superior

                                                  Yeah I think it is in the Human Genes to hate for certain reasons. The world will never be a peaceful place. Just like cats won’t stop chasing birds.


                                                    @p0ly 349749 wrote:

                                                    even if there was one race i think people would still find a way to hate on others and be against them… probaly labelism or something like that

                                                    people love hating on others thinking they are superior

                                                    people hate on people with dif hair color .. more or less cash .. any diferance .. people can hate on … if there was no race divide then there would allways be something else that makes people not the same as some one else .. and that’s all it is .. diferance … people hating on people that are diferant … no one is ever gonna be the same as anyone else (unless the govenment start cloning everyone lol) .. so there’s allways gonna be predadist of some kind untill people are educated properly and not taught to see these diferances as weeknesses or streanths .. as all they are is diferances … uniquness

                                                    Tank Girl

                                                      @DaftFader 349759 wrote:

                                                      people hate on people with dif hair color ..

                                                      yes, being ginger wasnt that much fun at skool either…

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Attacked?