Forums The Vibe Chat you’ve had flash mob now freeze mob….

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  • #1047909
    Tank Girl

      Video: London Freeze | Culture |

      London Freeze

      There’s been the silent disco, the mass pillow fight and flashmob the opera, but last Wednesday evening time stood still at London’s hectic Liverpool Street station for the latest in a series of improvised ‘freeze mobs’


        freeze mobs been about since flash mobs afaik .. not as interesting tho imo … once you seen one .. you seen them all

        Tank Girl

          @DaftFader 346900 wrote:

          freeze mobs been about since flash mobs afaik .. not as interesting tho imo … once you seen one .. you seen them all

          oh, I’ve not seem the freeze ones before, but although its a lame myspace culture thingy – I llike the energy / fun spirit of the flash mob ones


            yeah i seen some funny freeze ones mind you … they did one in america in a burger bar .. half the people in the cue just froze haha .. loads more at tabels and walking about with trays as well .. but the cue was funny as fuck cos the person at the till was froze so no one could get there food .. and the whole cue was at a stand still cos a few others that were frozen :laugh_at:

            General Lighting

              whats so innovative about that? they’ve got mobs of people what stand around on railway premises behaving irrationally and/or doing fuck all all the way up to Norwich, they are called Network Rail and National Express East Anglia staff..


                @General Lighting 346912 wrote:

                whats so innovative about that? they’ve got mobs of people what stand around on railway premises behaving irrationally and/or doing fuck all all the way up to Norwich, they are called Network Rail and National Express East Anglia staff..

                it’s art innit >.< :you_crazy

                Tank Girl

                  @General Lighting 346912 wrote:

                  they are called Network Rail and National Express East Anglia staff..



                    @General Lighting 346912 wrote:

                    whats so innovative about that? they’ve got mobs of people what stand around on railway premises behaving irrationally and/or doing fuck all all the way up to Norwich, they are called Network Rail and National Express East Anglia staff..


                    mind u they were helpful today.

                    couple of issues today actually :weee:

                    firstly, we arrived at ipswich and theyve got them automated things now. so there we stood, fooling around, and it would work. about 10 minutes and 300 tries later, we were informed that infact the felixstowe service doesnt work on them yet.

                    secondly, on our return to the stowe, i parked us on the wrong train (if u know where the felixstowe train usually is, i thought that was just for felixstowe). apparently it goes to cambridge too. nice little road/train trip though. the geeza on the train saw our tickets and told us to get off at needham market and wait for the 1 going back to ipswich. nice scenic station that is, except the train go past at fucking lightning speed and the like.. wind knocked my mini oreo tub over.

                    thank fuck for the ticket man, or we would be staying the night on cambridge streets!

                    General Lighting

                      yep the notorious 3 way split platform 3. it serves Felixstowe, Lowestoft and Cambridge everyone I know (myself included) has got on the wrong train at least once.

                      last time I was there with Scouse we see this big fat trainspotter dude (must have been around 40+) taking photos of freight locomotives.

                      In hindsight we should have bribed him with a years supply of Best Norfolk pies to rob one of them and a few carriages in return for hiding it up somewhere around Stowmarket and ferrying us and our mates about to parties etc..

                      Normally anyone who carries on spotting trains after reaching puberty either works for or wants to work for the railways and actually knows everything about driving trains, so it would have been mutually beneficial to all of us – he gets trains to play with and we get free transport. Would have been greener too (although I doubt the anti-terrorist court would agree)




                          @General Lighting 347001 wrote:

                          yep the notorious 3 way split platform 3. it serves Felixstowe, Lowestoft and Cambridge everyone I know (myself included) has got on the wrong train at least once.

                          last time I was there with Scouse we see this big fat trainspotter dude (must have been around 40+) taking photos of freight locomotives.

                          In hindsight we should have bribed him with a years supply of Best Norfolk pies to rob one of them and a few carriages in return for hiding it up somewhere around Stowmarket and ferrying us and our mates about to parties etc..

                          Normally anyone who carries on spotting trains after reaching puberty either works for or wants to work for the railways and actually knows everything about driving trains, so it would have been mutually beneficial to all of us – he gets trains to play with and we get free transport. Would have been greener too (although I doubt the anti-terrorist court would agree)


                          thing is, my mate was like, that train looks different, u sure?

                          i was just like get on the fuckin train this bit is just for felixstowe where else is it meant to go its a single line!

                          you dont need the train for transport, just have the party on the train! :laugh_at:

                          its better than the train blowing up!

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                        Forums The Vibe Chat you’ve had flash mob now freeze mob….