Forums Music YOUR Favorite Rave / Dance Tune?

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  • #1064099
    funny cat

      can’t say I know a lot of hardcore tunes to be honest but my boyf downloads music all the time, so I’ll get him to download some of these tracks! I’m not too bad just stuck bored out my brain at work! Brighton is freezing and soggy, how about things your end? I don’t know what that person’s problem was its not like people are suggesting robbie and geri tunes!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž


        Dj Seduction/ Hardcore Heaven.
        Q Bass/ Dancin People.

        Can youre fella find any tunes on the internet by either the Scientist/ or the /Hypnotist?

        Or anything on ‘Rising High’ record label!
        Also anything on ‘Stay Up Forever’ is pretty damn good.

        I used to tune in to Kiss100fm London in 1989 when it became a commercial radio station and COLIN FAVOR, and COLIN DALE used to tear it up on a thursday night with Hardcore, Ambient, and Techno( or whatever it was in them days! These tunes were player at FANTAZIA @ CAstle Donnington1992

        and are still the best yet
        anyway have you got any mates , i have just split from me bird!!!!!! :;
        cheers, scott


          How could i forget to mention the weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

          It is absolutely chucking it down with snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

          We are 16miles north of Watford and about 29 from London……….

          I reckon it is on its way to you folks!!!!!!!

          scott…….only joking…..


            while we’re on the subject of some of the tunes that made the early 90’s


            never have you seen such a thourough archive (and you can listen to it all as well as downloading mixes) ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜Ž

            funny cat

              I’ll have to get boyfy to read this thread and find out if can get any of those tunes.. oh man the snow has stopped here, its just horrible and soggy! What other tunes do I like?? I bought Squash and Turbulence the other day, a couple of blinding d ‘n’ b tracks in my opinion! Have I got any mates? Unfortunatley not single and into the party scene, but will let u know if the situation changes! :p :rolleyes: :p


                Top Geezer!

                My favourite rave tapes were Clarke/Hype @ Dreamscape4 in Milton Keynes
                @ The Sanctuary in July 1992. If i can find any of those tunes that were on that tape i will be f’in lovin it!…………………………………..

                Cheers dude..


                  if your affter some “full blooded hardcire” then try out or pm me for my ss user as i have about 2000 hradcore tracks (all riipped from vinyl obviously *cough*) on my pc though i would like some advice on hard tek as im really liking my minimalistic h/t at the moment

                    scottsummers wrote:
                    Now thats one hell of a trakk!

                    Blame / Music Takes You!

                    Just getting it off the net NOW!
                    will let u know what i think!


                      I think I like it! It is hard to tell with the sound coming out of my laptop at work need a sound system with some bass ! ! !

                      ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

                      funny cat

                        hey you, I’ll have to have a listen later ๐Ÿ˜€

                          Unregistered wrote:
                          you think you know all but you don’t……..

                          try and actually listen to the music before you write about it…….


                          Maybe you should educate us then mate. What are some of the tracks that push your buttons?

                          I always get it wrong you see. I always think that if you hear some music and your head goes “yeah I like that” and makes you want to hear more or maybe have a dance then I get tricked into thinking it’s music that I like and I say silly things like: “Hyper on Experience are fucking wicked”

                          Just need some help from educated fellows like yourself to keep me on track and tell me what sort of music I should be listening to so that I can try and force my mind to like it and then i’ll be that little bit more accepted by the true music lovers.

                          I just can’t keep up sometimes. I think i’ll just stcik to what makes me rush.

                          Techno Viking
                            Unregistered wrote:
                            you think you know all but you don’t……..

                            try and actually listen to the music before you write about it…….


                            If you we knew each other, you’d know that I’m the first to admit I know nothing. Stating an opinion doesn’t make you a know it all. Then again I’m also of the opinion no-ones knows much, so by that token neither do you! Having said that I did say I didn’t know what I was talking about, so maybe you’re not a troll after all…


                              Yaker wrote:
                              My top 5 would be in this order –

                              1 – Raise me – Bizarre Inc
                              2 – Living in Darkness (original) – Top Buzz
                              3 – Black Meaning Good (Slavery Mix) – Rebel MC
                              4 – Runaway (Masters at work mix) – Nuyorican Soul
                              5 – Ivory – Skin up

                              List could go on and on! Don’t hear them anymore out, only in my spare bedroom, mixing em every night.

                              Badman! where do you live, maybe i can sort you out a set! nice party tunage (have to say havent knowingly heard the first two)…



                                OK ! I have been thinking long and hard about this one!
                                Best Rave tunes for me are….
                                in no order

                                Bad Ass – Mickey Finn [Original mix]
                                Original nuttah – Shy FX
                                Activ 8 [holocaust mix] – Altern 8
                                Police in Helicopter – Congo Natty
                                Higher state of consciousness [Tweaking Funk Acid Mix] – Josh Wink

                                Other tunes I love that you do not hear at raves.

                                Concrete Schoolyard – Jurassic 5
                                Pusherman – Curtis Mayfield
                                Mr. Wendel – Arrested Development
                                Junglist – DJ Zinc Rmx
                                Magic Bus- The Who
                                Jump Around – House of pain
                                Inner City Life – Goldie
                                All Along the Watchtower – Jimi Hendrix
                                Work Mi Body (Chicken Scratch Mix) – Monkey Mafia
                                The Beatles – Tomorrow Never Knows
                                Honkey Tonk Women – Rolling Stones
                                The Message – Grand Master Flash

                                  PaulM wrote:
                                  Concrete Schoolyard – Jurassic 5

                                  That is one BRILLIANT track! Shear lyrical masterpiece, with a gorgeous rolling tune to accompany it.

                                    PaulM wrote:
                                    Police in Helicopter – Congo Natty

                                    absolute classic riiiiiiiight

                                    Concrete Schoolyard – Jurassic 5
                                    Magic Bus- The Who
                                    All Along the Watchtower – Jimi Hendrix
                                    The Message – Grand Master Flash

                                    at about three raves i’ve optimistically brought my vinyl for that presigeous 9’o’clock set :rolleyes: and have played the above tunes. actually it was the dylan version of ..watchtower, wesley harding is a sick album, love the ballad of frankie lee and judas priest…

                                    “if you see your neighbour carrying something, help him with his load, and dont go mistaking paradise for that home across the road”

                                    baba o’riley by the who and copious joni mitchell are also orders of the day.

                                    my “sets” (a source of amusement/embarrasement to my crew) are basically hiphop/downbeat sets with folk vocals over the top…perfect for the morning when no one can be fucked to dance and just wants some bass and summat to trip out to…i made a couple o mix tapes in bristol, but gave them to freinds (damn) one of my better signature mixes is super sharp shooter vs snap water jack by carol king…”you cant talk to a man, with a shotgun in his haaayand…super super sharp shooter shots pew pewpewpew..” comedy arena.

                                    i always get a mixed reation to my marmite mixes…what does anyone recon? more diversity at raves (especially the morning or on chillout rigs?) or techno/dnb/trance the whole way?

                                      USE wrote:
                                      super super sharp shooter shots pew pewpewpew..”

                                      HAHA! That is the campest gunshot sound i’ve ever heard/read. Made me LOL.


                                        it was gonna sound gay no matter how i wrote it…though i’d go the whole hog….

                                        *use goes red *

                                          USE wrote:
                                          i always get a mixed reation to my marmite mixes…what does anyone recon? more diversity at raves (especially the morning or on chillout rigs?) or techno/dnb/trance the whole way?

                                          Sounds good to me :shade: :shade:

                                          General Lighting

                                            until she had to retire due to pregnancy, Bird used to always play a set of “wrong” music at every Thames valley area rave – mostly 80s stuff and things like “my old mans a dustman”. once one of TVP’s traffic cops actually danced to it ๐Ÿ˜€

                                            USE’s sets can’t be any worse, apart from reminding me of my childhood in SE London (my parents and aunts listened to those folk records. It was the 70s ater alll….)

                                              General Lighting wrote:
                                              “my old mans a dustman”
                                              classic !
                                              got that 1 on 7in love to piss people off with it! :omg:
                                                USE wrote:
                                                i always get a mixed reation to my marmite mixes…what does anyone recon? more diversity at raves (especially the morning or on chillout rigs?) or techno/dnb/trance the whole way?

                                                yeh im looking into setting up my system….i have the plans just not the cash to fund it yet (should be sorted in about 2-3months at most) but yeh i want a bog standard techno hardkor an dnb rig til bout 9am when its going to magically transform into a reggae an ska system….when ive got the money im going to add a stack of scoops just for the rolling bass lines on the ska…though thats a loooongg way off

                                                  USE wrote:
                                                  i always get a mixed reation to my marmite mixes…what does anyone recon? more diversity at raves (especially the morning or on chillout rigs?) or techno/dnb/trance the whole way?

                                                  next time you get a mixed reaction drop some sid vicious

                                                  once it’s getting light :sun: shit needs to chanje :camera: :clock: :thumbs_up


                                                    Its always difficult to nail down your fave tune to one track…so im going to plump for ‘Voodoo Ray-A Guy Called Gerald.As its one of the tunes that made me think that there might just be something in this dance music thing.

                                                    funny cat

                                                      well getting off the track slightly, other tunes I love include anything by curtis mayfield (anyone else listen to him?) especially freddies dead, little child runnin wild and move on up. I’ve also been gettin into muse lately and they look like they’d be fantastic live. I also like ‘fun’ hip hop like eric b and rakim and fun lovin criminals. But for 9am sess its gotta be a bit of curtis :cat: (he he a funny cat!)

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                                                    Forums Music YOUR Favorite Rave / Dance Tune?