Forums The Vibe Chat Work trouble

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  • #1042757

      Had finally found a job as chef..

      Was perfect…30 hours a week, daytime and no weekends..


      I get a lot of medicine that make my blood thinner ,because of my heart problems and I cut myself on a knife last Wednesday…

      I was bleeding like hell and the cut weren’t very big.

      I had to stay home from work Thursday and Friday because I couldn’t stop it bleeding…

      Was called in to my bosses office yesterday.

      The incident had scared the hell out of her and she was afraid what would happen if I really cut myself…

      To be honest..It scared me too

      She told me she didn’t want me to work in the kitchen any more , but I could stay and do the dishes instead..I turned around and walked out…

      I kind of knew it could happen , but I gave it a shot…

      Dream job as a chef..

      I’m not allowing this to get me down,have been there for a long time and wasted a lot of time (what can I say) feeling sorry for myself…

      Not again..

      I need to start over,not sure with what yet,but I’ll find something…

      Stay positive :weee:

      Love you guys :group_hug

      Techno Viking

        And don’t let this get you down, we all go through problems at work but it’s up to you get through it, move on and keep fighting!

        Techno Viking

          And don’t let this get you down, we all go through problems at work but it’s up to you get through it, move on and keep fighting!


            I’ll not let it get me down..

            Have wasted 2 years of my life being depressed and sad..

            Not anymore..

            I’m stronger that I ever thought I would be (thanks to you guys :love: ) and I have my daughter living with me part time now..I need to be strong for her too..she’s 16,and that’s a terrible age :crazy_diz

            Have twin sons who need me more than ever..I have to get on with my life

            I’ll say I’m close to be happy..

            Just need a man now :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:


              I’ll not let it get me down..

              Have wasted 2 years of my life being depressed and sad..

              Not anymore..

              I’m stronger that I ever thought I would be (thanks to you guys :love: ) and I have my daughter living with me part time now..I need to be strong for her too..she’s 16,and that’s a terrible age :crazy_diz

              Have twin sons who need me more than ever..I have to get on with my life

              I’ll say I’m close to be happy..

              Just need a man now :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:



                Sometimes we get these curve balls Angel 😉

                You are still here and thats whats really important :group_hug and your kids too :group_hug

                You will find something else without big knives[please :wink:]



                  Sometimes we get these curve balls Angel 😉

                  You are still here and thats whats really important :group_hug and your kids too :group_hug

                  You will find something else without big knives[please :wink:]


                    That’s proper shit, Angel. Sorry to hear that.

                    I’m sure that with your positive attitude something else will come along though. Keep your chin up!!! <(British phrase for not letting things get you down)


                      That’s proper shit, Angel. Sorry to hear that.

                      I’m sure that with your positive attitude something else will come along though. Keep your chin up!!! <(British phrase for not letting things get you down)



                        Don’t forget the Great Badger’s forever looking after us !!!


                        Never give up,never surrender !!!





                          Don’t forget the Great Badger’s forever looking after us !!!


                          Never give up,never surrender !!!



                          General Lighting

                            sorry to hear that…. its a big shame when this happens… I think my mum has to take these same drugs sometimes and she has to be careful with sharp objects…

                            best of luck finding a new job..

                            General Lighting

                              sorry to hear that…. its a big shame when this happens… I think my mum has to take these same drugs sometimes and she has to be careful with sharp objects…

                              best of luck finding a new job..

                                General Lighting wrote:
                                I think my mum has to take these same drugs sometimes

                                That made me feel really old :laugh_at::laugh_at:

                                Thanks guys :group_hug

                                  General Lighting wrote:
                                  I think my mum has to take these same drugs sometimes

                                  That made me feel really old :laugh_at::laugh_at:

                                  Thanks guys :group_hug


                                    sory to hear that mate.never a good thing when things go tits up with work especialy after puting alot of effort into something!!

                                    i have been donig a bit of work in my mates butcher recently an im 1 clumsy mofo when it comes to big knives so i said to him that i wos geting a bit paranoid about loosing fingers…he then produced a chainmail glove which made me feel 100% safe.this wos quite heavey duty and would probably not be very suitable for vegtables but im sure if you lookd into it there would be some kind of light weight version (especialy with all the new alloy metals we have these days).maybe this would be of some use to you so can cary on with the carear which you want..


                                      sory to hear that mate.never a good thing when things go tits up with work especialy after puting alot of effort into something!!

                                      i have been donig a bit of work in my mates butcher recently an im 1 clumsy mofo when it comes to big knives so i said to him that i wos geting a bit paranoid about loosing fingers…he then produced a chainmail glove which made me feel 100% safe.this wos quite heavey duty and would probably not be very suitable for vegtables but im sure if you lookd into it there would be some kind of light weight version (especialy with all the new alloy metals we have these days).maybe this would be of some use to you so can cary on with the carear which you want..


                                        just hang on, stay positive and do what you want to do,

                                        many smiles, tomm :group_hug


                                          just hang on, stay positive and do what you want to do,

                                          many smiles, tomm :group_hug


                                            When i used to chef i was looking at some finger guards for when i was chopping veg etc as i have a nasty tendency to chop big holes into myself when i am around sharp objects.

                                            something like this,

                                            Can imagine it would take some getting used to though


                                              When i used to chef i was looking at some finger guards for when i was chopping veg etc as i have a nasty tendency to chop big holes into myself when i am around sharp objects.

                                              something like this,

                                              Can imagine it would take some getting used to though

                                              Playground Politics

                                                like starlaugh said, wear some PPE

                                                Playground Politics

                                                  like starlaugh said, wear some PPE


                                                    ahhhh mate :group_hug bastard luck!

                                                    But . . ur obviously not meant to be in kitchens and with anticoags its not really a good idea!

                                                    You will find somethine else, or it will find you, life has a funny way of getting us where we’re meant to be going sometimes is all

                                                    keep smiling sunshine :love:


                                                      ahhhh mate :group_hug bastard luck!

                                                      But . . ur obviously not meant to be in kitchens and with anticoags its not really a good idea!

                                                      You will find somethine else, or it will find you, life has a funny way of getting us where we’re meant to be going sometimes is all

                                                      keep smiling sunshine :love:

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Work trouble