Forums The Vibe Chat UK users – what region/country are you in?

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  • #1042430
    General Lighting

      OK we’ve done the international one a while ago but I’m curious to know what part of England you are currently in…

      I’ve used the big “euro-regions” deliberately so we get a rough idea but we can keep our privacy if we want..


        Would a UK one not be better so as to include the Welsh & Scotts?


          Would a UK one not be better so as to include the Welsh & Scotts?

          General Lighting
            MrAHC wrote:
            Would a UK one not be better so as to include the Welsh & Scotts?

            I did think about it but there’s a limit on how many options you get in one poll.
            we did do an international poll a while back (for all the world users) which had the UK split into all 4 parts (which I am trying to find) that most of the Scots and Welsh responded to.

            The other issue is that Welsh and Scottish regions are smaller, and cover more potential “party land” – this means more info that people such as old bill and landowners who also read here could use against us – especially if they just get the wrong idea due to paranoia

            The English regions are large – for instance the current definition of East of England contains both Southend and Cromer which is are over a hundred miles apart, and crosses many traditional county boundaries.

            General Lighting
              MrAHC wrote:
              Would a UK one not be better so as to include the Welsh & Scotts?

              I did think about it but there’s a limit on how many options you get in one poll.
              we did do an international poll a while back (for all the world users) which had the UK split into all 4 parts (which I am trying to find) that most of the Scots and Welsh responded to.

              The other issue is that Welsh and Scottish regions are smaller, and cover more potential “party land” – this means more info that people such as old bill and landowners who also read here could use against us – especially if they just get the wrong idea due to paranoia

              The English regions are large – for instance the current definition of East of England contains both Southend and Cromer which is are over a hundred miles apart, and crosses many traditional county boundaries.


                Theres a couple of Jocks on here so they can voice up if need be.


                  Theres a couple of Jocks on here so they can voice up if need be.

                  General Lighting

                    A very large proportion of our regular users are from Scotland :laugh_at:its just they are all partying this weekend.

                    it looks like I can just about get in two extra poll options (some sort of mod function) so I’ll see if I can add the two countries if not the regions.

                    General Lighting

                      A very large proportion of our regular users are from Scotland :laugh_at:its just they are all partying this weekend.

                      it looks like I can just about get in two extra poll options (some sort of mod function) so I’ll see if I can add the two countries if not the regions.


                        Dunno whether to count meself Scottish or Welsh – I’m living in Wales in me bus but from Scotland, where I’ve got a house, though before that I was in England and I was born in Spain – well the poll asks where we are now so I s’pose I’d have to go for Wales :crazy_dru


                          Dunno whether to count meself Scottish or Welsh – I’m living in Wales in me bus but from Scotland, where I’ve got a house, though before that I was in England and I was born in Spain – well the poll asks where we are now so I s’pose I’d have to go for Wales :crazy_dru

                            HappyHippy wrote:
                            Dunno whether to count meself Scottish or Welsh – I’m living in Wales in me bus but from Scotland, where I’ve got a house, though before that I was in England and I was born in Spain – well the poll asks where we are now so I s’pose I’d have to go for Wales :crazy_dru

                            Can you not just drive your rig over the border spend a night there then fill in the poll then drive back over??

                              HappyHippy wrote:
                              Dunno whether to count meself Scottish or Welsh – I’m living in Wales in me bus but from Scotland, where I’ve got a house, though before that I was in England and I was born in Spain – well the poll asks where we are now so I s’pose I’d have to go for Wales :crazy_dru

                              Can you not just drive your rig over the border spend a night there then fill in the poll then drive back over??

                              Disco Tim

                                Speaking of regions, ive been trying to start a new thread on doing regional meet ups following on from the talks that ended up with a possible festival. Im up for doing one very soon in my area so this is a handy poll. Anyone know why when i go to submit the thred it signs me out and asks me to sign in…..wooosh the topics gone then ent it!

                                Disco Tim

                                  Speaking of regions, ive been trying to start a new thread on doing regional meet ups following on from the talks that ended up with a possible festival. Im up for doing one very soon in my area so this is a handy poll. Anyone know why when i go to submit the thred it signs me out and asks me to sign in…..wooosh the topics gone then ent it!


                                    I dont know where to put myself.

                                    Central .. ??


                                      I dont know where to put myself.

                                      Central .. ??

                                      General Lighting
                                        Sandals wrote:
                                        I dont know where to put myself.

                                        Central .. ??

                                        South East (Buckinghamshire)

                                        General Lighting
                                          Sandals wrote:
                                          I dont know where to put myself.

                                          Central .. ??

                                          South East (Buckinghamshire)

                                            General Lighting wrote:
                                            South East (Buckinghamshire)

                                            Cheers Al, i never know where to put myself when i get asked that question. I wouldnt really class buckinghamshire as south or east. ahhh well .. :p

                                              General Lighting wrote:
                                              South East (Buckinghamshire)

                                              Cheers Al, i never know where to put myself when i get asked that question. I wouldnt really class buckinghamshire as south or east. ahhh well .. :p

                                              General Lighting
                                                Sandals wrote:
                                                Cheers Al, i never know where to put myself when i get asked that question. I wouldnt really class buckinghamshire as south or east. ahhh well .. :p

                                                UK geography is apparently the most complicated in Europe!

                                                a “region” is often defined differently according to the views of

                                                – the Royal Mail
                                                – the Ministry of Of Defence (Ordnance Survey)
                                                – the wider public sector
                                                – the BBC and commercial media (both have different boundaries)
                                                – peoples own individual perceptions

                                                and everyone has different ideas… (actually Bucks, Beds and Herts are a sort of “no mans land” which is “neither SE England nor East Anglia” – but Bucks is SE whilst Beds, Herts are East)

                                                General Lighting
                                                  Sandals wrote:
                                                  Cheers Al, i never know where to put myself when i get asked that question. I wouldnt really class buckinghamshire as south or east. ahhh well .. :p

                                                  UK geography is apparently the most complicated in Europe!

                                                  a “region” is often defined differently according to the views of

                                                  – the Royal Mail
                                                  – the Ministry of Of Defence (Ordnance Survey)
                                                  – the wider public sector
                                                  – the BBC and commercial media (both have different boundaries)
                                                  – peoples own individual perceptions

                                                  and everyone has different ideas… (actually Bucks, Beds and Herts are a sort of “no mans land” which is “neither SE England nor East Anglia” – but Bucks is SE whilst Beds, Herts are East)





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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat UK users – what region/country are you in?