Forums The Vibe Chat Should our DJs talk more during shows?

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  • #1041223
    Techno Viking

      They’re going to hate me for saying this but I have to say I do think a little banter from a DJ makes a lot of difference. What do you think?


        I completely agree with you Dr B….


          With a mic :weee:

          Don’t think all DJ’s like that idea :laugh_at:

          But yeah it’s nice to hear them say something..

          But not to much..It’s not a talkshow :groucho:


            When listening to shows, I love to hear a bit of chat…. But the DJ has to have the confidence to pull it off. Not sure I have, but will give it a go next time…

            Would be great to use some jingles too, maybe all the DJ’s put some money in to getting some good ones made.



              did comment but decided to do my own poll to not conflict with Dr B’s


              tomm 🙂

              p.s … your all great 🙂

              Shit Robot

                I Dont Mind Hearing a little DJ banter,but i hate the sound of my own voice:groucho:
                maybe i couldsay a few words few an effects unit one day or then again maybe not lol,like tich says its a confidence thing too,well for me anyway.


                  I used to talk until our mic got put in a pint of beer by some numpty MC. I’ve been borrowing someone elses for soundsystem nights but now don’t have a mic at home.

                  Keep meaning to get around to buying one, but it’s the last thing on the soundsystem shopping list to be honest.


                    what you mean on radio…???
                    in a club at a party? you mean mc …..are you out of your frickin mind……………..Noooooooooooooooooo stupid………………:crazy_dru

                    i luv u………..:bounce_fl

                      april wrote:
                      what you mean on radio…???
                      in a club at a party? you mean mc …..are you out of your frickin mind……………..Noooooooooooooooooo stupid………………:crazy_dru

                      i luv u………..:bounce_fl

                      Yes, on the radio you nutter. Obviously not at parties…… mind you, a little maddonna mic might look quite fetching on me.

                      General Lighting
                        BioTech wrote:
                        Yes, on the radio you nutter. Obviously not at parties…… mind you, a little maddonna mic might look quite fetching on me.

                        you’d have to wear a wig though, or people might just think you are the bouncer :laugh_at:


                          In this sort of style?


                          :laugh_at: :laugh_at: Well it might raise a few eyebrows!


                            Nah totally disagree a dj doesen’t need to talk. It would only be a pointless ramble about nothing. I hate it actually when a tune is about to drop and they stop it for someone to spout crap. Its all about the music. If I wanted talking i’d go to a poetry night.


                              A definate YES.

                              It doesnt have to be pointless chit-chat. A simple “Welcome to Partyvibe radio” at the begining of the show. Also introduce the next DJ by name and perhaps some of the styles they are going to play. Then wrap up the night with a thankyou to all the listeners djs etc…

                              The bluntbeats crew have really got the knack of the mic on the radio. Its great to hear some of the people behind the shows.


                                I personally hate mics and contrary to popular belief hate the sound of my own voice over a mic..


                                  I am happy to use jingles but hate the sound of my own voice….:crazy:

                                    Raj wrote:
                                    I am happy to use jingles but hate the sound of my own voice….:crazy:


                                    Techno Viking

                                      It doesn’t matter what you sound like, just introducing the show would be nice…


                                        Dr Bunsen wrote:
                                        It doesn’t matter what you sound like, just introducing the show would be nice…


                                        agreed 🙂


                                          Defently not…you shold put up a direct and live ticker line in stead where they can present it or them selves….dont wont pat sharpe stylie dj’s, talking dj´s is something that we left behind in da 80’s let it stay that way….no talk, just bring on da musicraaa

                                            BioTech wrote:
                                            Yes, on the radio you nutter. Obviously not at parties…… mind you, a little maddonna mic might look quite fetching on me.

                                            :laugh_at: :you_crazy :crazy_diz :love: i was gonna say !


                                              Something else worth mentioning is the ability to plug / / Theres lots of people tuning in from around the world that might not have heard of or visited the sites. This figure is probably higher than you may realise as a fair portion of the listeners come from or any of the many websites which PV + L1 have spent time getting listed on. Remind them to visit our sites. :bounce_fl

                                              Looking at the poll its pretty much split down the middle. I reckon most of the DJs voted No and the listeners Yes. 😉

                                              Have any Radio crews inspired by this thread to start using the mic occasionaly in the future ?


                                                I think it depends what sort of ‘show’ you are talking about…

                                                I’ve never felt inclined to talk over my set when playing at a party unless some sort of announcement needs to be made (I remember a few years ago: “would the pikies who keep setting off fireworks next to the dancefloor kindly stop it or face a right fucking battering” :lol_big: ) and reckon any sort of banter would sound well out of place.

                                                But if you’re talking about introducing tunes on radio shows then, definately.


                                                  as said althrough this thread, it depends on set, audience and confidence … i personally will be talking through mine, others will not … if you dont like it … then pm the dj/act and tell them what you think … (only if they say you can, i dont wanna be blamed for djs being bombarded with messages:wink: )


                                                    For me I like to be able to give a bit of feedback to the guys in the chat and the amount I talk (although I think still fairly sparse) is determined to a greater or lesser extent by how many people are in there and reacting.

                                                    Like SDZ, I reckon it’s really important to at least name check pv and lv1 because of the wide range of ways there are to access the stream. I also feel it helps to let people know that this is a live show and not just a continuation of the mp3 stream.

                                                    I totally agree with those guys that hate it when the dj talks over just the wrong bit of the track or just talk incessantly – I hope no-one thinks that about my show (I’ve only been using the mike for a bit but haven’t been told to shut the fuck up yet!) and I think that the nerves and judging when to talk have got better over time!

                                                    If you wanna judge for yourself whether I’ve got the levels about right, you could always tune into my show Wednesdays 8-10pm BST on

                                                    I think it would be great to get some proper partyvibe/djshow/lv1 jingles together. Got a couple ideas and I’ll try and get round to something soon 😉 Could they be set to play randomly in between the mp3 streams? :bounce_fl

                                                    As for using a mike when playing out live – only if it’s hardcore and even then someone else not me – there aren’t enough stimulants in the world for me to be able to do that! :groucho:


                                                      I think you should have Tony Blackburn:groucho: or Dave Lee Travis on here to show you how the radio 1 professionals done it:yakk::yakk:

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Should our DJs talk more during shows?