Forums The Vibe Chat SE : Swedish drugs forum relays globaloons trip report

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  • #1036298
    General Lighting

      I just found this when googling ; how random is that?

      Tripprapport (saxad från
      Vet inte hur frekventa besökare ni är på, men jag tänkte att det inte kunde vara fel att dela med sig av den här rapporten som åtminstone fick mig att skratta högt:

      BTW, this is a transcript from a trip that was taped

      Me: what the fuck IS this film?
      Mate: What film?
      Me: With the pig?
      Mate: Umm
      Me: and the subtitles? why are they in Russian? no, arabic? what? algebra now?
      Mate: well, i dunno
      Me: I mean, who wants to watch a pig? what are those subtitles for? can you turn the volume up?
      Mate: on the TV?
      Me: yes, I want to know what the pig is doing
      Mate: The TV is off
      Me: No, it’s a film
      Mate: sorry, it’s off, look here’s the plug
      Me: why is the floor sqishy?


      oh, them was the days



        glad we’re making them smile in sweden!

        my (swedish) partner :good_evil was surprised (and happy) that there was a swedish drugs forum at all

        random find, GL!

        General Lighting

          The forum it came from (from which I have mislaid the URL 🙁 ) was a big lifestyle board rather like ours in both English and Swedish…

          I’m often amazed at how widely partyvibe is linked tho’ – particularly in nations which are known to be harsher about drugs – there are loads of links to Malaysia and Singapore and we do get people from these countries lurking here.

          There may be genuine reasons for their wariness in posting.

          SE, MY and SG all have advanced broadband capabilities for their citizens (very similar in setup, perhaps because they may all buy their kit from Ericsson?) they can be and are highly monitored and censorship of these is trivial as all net comms comes from the former state-owned telecoms company.

          Then again there is often little overt censorship but say the wrong thing in the wrong place and all it takes is an e-mail to their security authorities.

          OTOH reading about controversial stuff (unless its extreme pr0n or criminally racist) isn’t illegal in most jurisdictions – but contributing to a messageboard can be classed as “aiding and abetting” or “conspiracy”. This doesn’t of course affect everyone (or most of us would now be in jail!) but when countries are rabidly determined to fight the “war on drugs” individual freedom goes out the window.

          In many nations you might get 10MBs broadband right to the house, but you can be held fully accountable for what you do with it…

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        Forums The Vibe Chat SE : Swedish drugs forum relays globaloons trip report