Forums The Vibe Chat Sad tankette

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  • #1054287
    Tank Girl

      Hey all

      after being ill in bed since tue,

      missing out on a fancy dress halloween (my favorite time of year) party last night, that I’d spent hours making my costume, and sobbing on Marcus as I was fed up with feeling so shite last night (I tend only to cry when I’m ill :cry:)

      I was finally feeling better today :group_hug

      the olds (my parents) came a visiting and said ‘how’d your car get that damage’?

      I initially thought they were kidding (my dad thinks he’s funny :you_crazy)

      but no, some utter cunt has driven in to the side of my car and massively dented the back side panel

      so burst into tears again – not really about the car, but not feeling well enough to cope, and the hassle its gonna cause me and this being the 2nd time its happened where someone hasnt stopped and its been parked, and having to pay another £350 excess as they not done the decent thing, when money is tight etc

      however 1/2 an hour later this lovely kind lady knocked on the door, and said ‘did that guy give you his details yet?’
      she’d seen him do it last night, she’d spoken to him and he’d said to her he’d come and give me his details but she didnt believe him and took them down on her phone, including his reg, model and make :bounce_fl

      My faith in the human race has been restored, and I am happier, still not happy at the hassle its gonna cause me. But there are decent human beings out there!!


        Diamond in the rough eh.
        Hope you feel better soon there is a bug going aroumd but it shouldnt hang around to long

        MC G-Tek

          At least there’s a bit of good news in there mate, good thing your neighbour was on the ball. Chances are that the Old Bill are gonna want a word with the fella who smacked your car, he’s failed to stop at the scene of an accident and also presumably failed to report it. Pain in the ass having to get your insurance company involved, but at least you’ll be compensated for the hassle (eventually).

          Tank Girl

            cheers guys,

            amazing thing is she was just a passer by and he’s a fucking neighbour……

            we are being good and resisting the urge to have a word….


              I can fix your broken parts but it aint gonna be cheap, I got the tax man looming over me at the minute so I can’t be doing any of my frankinstein specials on you. We will have to use the new government sanctioned clones for parts i’m afraid.

              Tank Girl

                Awww! my nice neighbor (not the crack head ;P) just brought me over a bottle of cider and some chocolates!!

                she knows me well 🙂

                MC G-Tek

                  @Tank Girl 503422 wrote:

                  Awww! my nice neighbor (not the crack head ;P) just brought me over a bottle of cider and some chocolates!!

                  she knows me well 🙂

                  Ha ha, wicked mate, guess that’s sunday night sorted for you now then!

                  Pat McDonald

                    Well, thing is with Halloween costumes is you can wear them at other fancy dress events.

                    Ok, you missed out on celebrating this year. That’s not great, but plans change.

                    Hope it goes OK with the neighbour. Might be an altruistic reason why they didn’t tell you but DO get the passby’s details too if you can.

                    You might want to report the damage yourself to the cops – criminal damage caused. OK, the damage might be an accident, but not reporting a driving accident is an offence.

                    Tank Girl

                      indeed Pat, I’m sure there will be other parties I can wear my costume to! just gutted as not seen the Cambridge lot since January

                      And yes I have reported him to the police, as there is no way I am paying for the damage sustained (its gonna cost quite a lot) so needs must! and I got the nice ladies contact details and already text her to thank her !


                        @Tank Girl 503745 wrote:

                        indeed Pat, I’m sure there will be other parties I can wear my costume to! just gutted as not seen the Cambridge lot since January

                        And yes I have reported him to the police, as there is no way I am paying for the damage sustained (its gonna cost quite a lot) so needs must! and I got the nice ladies contact details and already text her to thank her !

                        To be fair this Halloween was especially cold.
                        I wouldn’t have managed an outdoor party no way hosay!

                        Tank Girl

                          @Izbeckistan 503770 wrote:

                          To be fair this Halloween was especially cold.
                          I wouldn’t have managed an outdoor party no way hosay!

                          well this is the thing – I fucked up and booked a house party when there was also a sound systems 20th birthday party going on the same weekend —- and I’ve seen the pics and vids, it wasnt out doors it was in a fucking mansion!!! gutted x2!

                          but I cant complain – I have another sound systems 19th party first weekend of dec! (and indoors!)


                            @Tank Girl 503772 wrote:

                            well this is the thing – I fucked up and booked a house party when there was also a sound systems 20th birthday party going on the same weekend —- and I’ve seen the pics and vids, it wasnt out doors it was in a fucking mansion!!! gutted x2!

                            but I cant complain – I have another sound systems 19th party first weekend of dec! (and indoors!)

                            I was thinking of getting the PVers together in december, I think p0lys visiting brighton the first week of december other that I was thinking of hitting up a freeparty.
                            No more venues…pah! (although EOL was really good…some of the others didn’t like certain regulations teehe)


                              I left because of the attitude of the bouncers, I’ve been to too many places where there have been bouncers like that and things have gone horribly wrong for people, so I just leave now if I see a lot of bouncers with an attitude problem. Will cracked me up with his replies to the bouncer being arse to him (we’d actually met up in the exit both thinking of leaving anyway cos of them, so he didn’t give a shit about the possibility of getting chucked out for being cheeky to the bouncer cos he was leaving anyway).

                              TBF I would of gone back and told everyone else that I was going if Will hadn’t of said that to him, but I couldn’t let him be a lone marter. :laugh_at:


                                Well I kindly asked the bouncer if i could check up on one of my mates that left and all he said was ‘if someones left because we don’t like them and you associate with them…we wont want you here.

                                So all I could do was ring everyones phone to no avail.
                                Then I thought fuck it and danced with savvy, know hope and a few others till six o clock :p


                                  @Izbeckistan 503789 wrote:

                                  Well I kindly asked the bouncer if i could check up on one of my mates that left and all he said was ‘if someones left because we don’t like them and you associate with them…we wont want you here.

                                  So all I could do was ring everyones phone to no avail.
                                  Then I thought fuck it and danced with savvy, know hope and a few others till six o clock :p

                                  Yeah we tried calling people too, but you can’t hear shit inside them places.

                                  U never got to experience Club 414 did you … that shit was funny! The two guys who never took acid before properly came up in there cos of the chilled vibes and trippy decor after standing outside the other place in the cold for ages trying to work out what they were going to do. One was like “OMFG IS THAT MOVING?!?!?!” with a look of amazement on his face, then pointing at some inanimate object like a wall or a chair. :laugh_at:


                                    ahhh first time acid experience!
                                    I get really sketchy in places like london so I have to stay relatively sober.
                                    Also I worry about my mates being of there tits in the cold streets…mother hen coming out hehe.

                                    Tank Girl

                                      @Izbeckistan 503802 wrote:

                                      ahhh first time acid experience!
                                      I get really sketchy in places like london so I have to stay relatively sober.
                                      Also I worry about my mates being of there tits in the cold streets…mother hen coming out hehe.

                                      I’m the same, hense I dont tend to go to london unless its the partys on the beach,
                                      I also like to get home (or in my van) when I (!!) want to
                                      so the van is perfect for me as I can go to bed when ever I want, or go in for a rest and a cuppa etc


                                        I love stories like this :love:
                                        Hang in there TG

                                        The Psyentist

                                          Not sure what else I can contribute that hasn’t already been said. I hope your next thread is entitled Happy Tankerbell

                                          Tank Girl

                                            @The Psyientist 503819 wrote:



                                            I got a little parcel from Canada today that made me happy,

                                            It’s 2 really cool beer mats my friends saw in a bar, and sent me for my van – called ‘red racer’ with a sexy red head 50’s lady riding a cool bike

                                            (my van is covered in 50’s pin ups and psychedelia)

                                            I have some great friends! :love:

                                            General Lighting

                                              @DaftFader 503787 wrote:

                                              I left because of the attitude of the bouncers, I’ve been to too many places where there have been bouncers like that and things have gone horribly wrong for people, so I just leave now if I see a lot of bouncers with an attitude problem. Will cracked me up with his replies to the bouncer being arse to him (we’d actually met up in the exit both thinking of leaving anyway cos of them, so he didn’t give a shit about the possibility of getting chucked out for being cheeky to the bouncer cos he was leaving anyway).

                                              over the years the “friendly” bouncers (i.e those what sheltered dealers in return for a cut of the profits / turned a blind eye to drug use) rarely work the doors as they have to work alongside townie rentaguards (like what you get in shops) – and these they hate drugs and drug users because they always are dealing with junkie shoplifters etc, but there are way fewer events, security staff depend on other day jobs and they can lose their SIA card for “tolerating drugs”. IME the foreign security staff used to be more tolerant (them dudes have usually been soldiers in their countries and and been shot at and all sorts so drugs are small potatoes) but they are understandably paranoid about the natives grassing them up, as they can lose their work permit and them and their family all deported back to the same shit they tried to escape in the first place.


                                                @General Lighting 503827 wrote:

                                                over the years the “friendly” bouncers (i.e those what sheltered dealers in return for a cut of the profits / turned a blind eye to drug use) rarely work the doors as they have to work alongside townie rentaguards (like what you get in shops) – and these they hate drugs and drug users because they always are dealing with junkie shoplifters etc, but there are way fewer events, security staff depend on other day jobs and they can lose their SIA card for “tolerating drugs”. IME the foreign security staff used to be more tolerant (them dudes have usually been soldiers in their countries and and been shot at and all sorts so drugs are small potatoes) but they are understandably paranoid about the natives grassing them up, as they can lose their work permit and them and their family all deported back to the same shit they tried to escape in the first place.

                                                I rarely go to legal nights (tbf I hardly go to any raves at all these days), Squat party bouncers (when we are talking about the properly well organized squat parties) are generally much nicer as they been told by the organizers what the deal is. If they start being nasty to people they’ll not be used again, or are already “mates” of the organizers anyway. They are there to stop violence and aggressive/unwanted behavior, and not instigate it for some other reasons like drug taking, and know this.

                                                Legal events have to deal with more stringent conditions what force bouncers to aggressively throw out non-violent people for stuff.

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                                              Forums The Vibe Chat Sad tankette