Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!

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  • #1171543

      Surley that dont change the job roll that you were originally picked for though?

      Tank Girl

        @TheLostOne 460454 wrote:

        Surley that dont change the job roll that you were originally picked for though?

        nope – but there is a possibilty 2nd time around I wont get it,

        and it just postpones it and means i am working for a company I dislike (immencley) for longer 😛

        Tank Girl

          @TheLostOne 460454 wrote:

          Surley that dont change the job roll that you were originally picked for though?

          nope – but there is a possibilty 2nd time around I wont get it,

          and it just postpones it and means i am working for a company I dislike (immencley) for longer 😛


            @kiwifruit 460305 wrote:

            You know when you need some drugs but for medicinal purposes… to help you chill out when you are stressed out and you just know that a nice spliff will make you calm and hopefully put a few things in perspective.
            I am like that now.

            I would cut off my right nipple for a largish one right now.
            Of course where I live while I am sure it is about I have no idea about how to get any. And anyway, this town is too small and any partaking would have to be super secret or I would lose my job 🙁


            Man I wish I was back in London I can tell you.

            Reason for my stressedoutedness is I failed my latest written swedish test. Now I need to pass these and eventually pass the highest one to keep my job. So its not a case of take your time and do it because you want to get better. I literally will lose my job if I have
            not passed the highest test next year. (I am dong the course at the level below the final FINAL step right now)

            I am feeling weepy and down and then have waves of panic and intense stress. I have my course end of course exam in week 3 of 2012 and also the national exam the same week. I am pretty sure I am not going to pass. I am afraid to ask what will happen if I don’t pass… I don’t know if I will even be allowed to stay on the course, or if they make you re do it. And I HAVE been working so hard on it.
            I am one of those people who it just doesn’t come naturally to.

            So anyone who is smoking some weed tonight. Have a big draw for me and send me a virtual stoney peace and love puff.

            Fucking Swedish. I mean- only bloody 9 million people speak it for crying out loud.
            This sheep is me.

            the more you stress the harder it’ll be to get it right. Try meditating and mby doing some hypnotherapy to help you relax. people think clearer when under slight stress , but if it’s alot of stress it’s detrimental.


              @kiwifruit 460305 wrote:

              You know when you need some drugs but for medicinal purposes… to help you chill out when you are stressed out and you just know that a nice spliff will make you calm and hopefully put a few things in perspective.
              I am like that now.

              I would cut off my right nipple for a largish one right now.
              Of course where I live while I am sure it is about I have no idea about how to get any. And anyway, this town is too small and any partaking would have to be super secret or I would lose my job 🙁


              Man I wish I was back in London I can tell you.

              Reason for my stressedoutedness is I failed my latest written swedish test. Now I need to pass these and eventually pass the highest one to keep my job. So its not a case of take your time and do it because you want to get better. I literally will lose my job if I have
              not passed the highest test next year. (I am dong the course at the level below the final FINAL step right now)

              I am feeling weepy and down and then have waves of panic and intense stress. I have my course end of course exam in week 3 of 2012 and also the national exam the same week. I am pretty sure I am not going to pass. I am afraid to ask what will happen if I don’t pass… I don’t know if I will even be allowed to stay on the course, or if they make you re do it. And I HAVE been working so hard on it.
              I am one of those people who it just doesn’t come naturally to.

              So anyone who is smoking some weed tonight. Have a big draw for me and send me a virtual stoney peace and love puff.

              Fucking Swedish. I mean- only bloody 9 million people speak it for crying out loud.
              This sheep is me.

              the more you stress the harder it’ll be to get it right. Try meditating and mby doing some hypnotherapy to help you relax. people think clearer when under slight stress , but if it’s alot of stress it’s detrimental.


                fuck I need a piss but the loo is over 10 meters away and I cant be arsed. Damn you beer!


                  fuck I need a piss but the loo is over 10 meters away and I cant be arsed. Damn you beer!


                    @HSB 460480 wrote:

                    fuck I need a piss but the loo is over 10 meters away and I cant be arsed. Damn you beer!

                    that’s what penis’s are for … they are like aiming nozzles for our vaginas … just point and shoot and you’re away.


                      @HSB 460480 wrote:

                      fuck I need a piss but the loo is over 10 meters away and I cant be arsed. Damn you beer!

                      that’s what penis’s are for … they are like aiming nozzles for our vaginas … just point and shoot and you’re away.


                        @DaftFader 460483 wrote:

                        that’s what penis’s are for … they are like aiming nozzles for our vaginas … just point and shoot and you’re away.

                        you owe me a rug


                          @DaftFader 460483 wrote:

                          that’s what penis’s are for … they are like aiming nozzles for our vaginas … just point and shoot and you’re away.

                          you owe me a rug


                            I’ll give you an Oz of rug if you like?


                              I’ll give you an Oz of rug if you like?


                                wooooow an oz of rug!! hsb’s favouriteeeeeee


                                  wooooow an oz of rug!! hsb’s favouriteeeeeee


                                    @DaftFader 460504 wrote:

                                    I’ll give you an Oz of rug if you like?

                                    nice one


                                      @DaftFader 460504 wrote:

                                      I’ll give you an Oz of rug if you like?

                                      nice one


                                        Thanks sinner and daft… it’s been really tough. I’m not usually so stressed but on top of the Swedish I have had a couple of other things happen this week that I cant go into on the forum. So roll it all into one package and I just couldn’t handle it. Had a huge bawl yesterday on Markus’ shoulder, drunk a lot of red wine and actually today I feel much better.

                                        Sorry to hear about the job TG, hopefully as they have already indicated that you had the first round, hopefully you will still be in their minds when you have to apply for this new one.

                                        Adding to the rant. I sent THREE christmas cards today. 2 to New Zealand and 1 to London and it cost me 5 quid. OUTRAGEOUS. So anyone who was going to get a card from me will now get an e card. Swedish mail is a joke.

                                        Anyway, it has been snowing full on for around 3 days now so we are going to have a BBQ, have made spicy wedges in the oven with my own homemade blend of taco spice (will never buy a packet again!) just the thing to chase away the rest of my blues.


                                          Thanks sinner and daft… it’s been really tough. I’m not usually so stressed but on top of the Swedish I have had a couple of other things happen this week that I cant go into on the forum. So roll it all into one package and I just couldn’t handle it. Had a huge bawl yesterday on Markus’ shoulder, drunk a lot of red wine and actually today I feel much better.

                                          Sorry to hear about the job TG, hopefully as they have already indicated that you had the first round, hopefully you will still be in their minds when you have to apply for this new one.

                                          Adding to the rant. I sent THREE christmas cards today. 2 to New Zealand and 1 to London and it cost me 5 quid. OUTRAGEOUS. So anyone who was going to get a card from me will now get an e card. Swedish mail is a joke.

                                          Anyway, it has been snowing full on for around 3 days now so we are going to have a BBQ, have made spicy wedges in the oven with my own homemade blend of taco spice (will never buy a packet again!) just the thing to chase away the rest of my blues.

                                          General Lighting

                                            if its any consolation, you might have gathered that whilst I don’t have much difficulty with many European languages), out of pure curiosity I was listening to the original “Boten Anna” and thinking “fuck me, this language is difficult – not only do they add extra letters in, and retain the complex case system of Germanic languages (which for instance Dutch has abandoned and even modern Germans simplify it), they don’t pronounce the ones they already have!”

                                            General Lighting

                                              if its any consolation, you might have gathered that whilst I don’t have much difficulty with many European languages), out of pure curiosity I was listening to the original “Boten Anna” and thinking “fuck me, this language is difficult – not only do they add extra letters in, and retain the complex case system of Germanic languages (which for instance Dutch has abandoned and even modern Germans simplify it), they don’t pronounce the ones they already have!”


                                                Got woken up for a frivolous reason this morning and i am well hacked off still at this point in the day :mad_curse b*st*rds

                                                I am starting the radio stream early if anyone is about to listen as a form of therapy 😉


                                                  Got woken up for a frivolous reason this morning and i am well hacked off still at this point in the day :mad_curse b*st*rds

                                                  I am starting the radio stream early if anyone is about to listen as a form of therapy 😉


                                                    my name is earl. never found that show the slightest bit funny..


                                                      my name is earl. never found that show the slightest bit funny..

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread!