Forums The Vibe Chat Proper Blizzard!

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  • #1048495

      It’s chucking it down now! raaa

      Tank Girl

        its *finally* attempting to here now :love:

        Tank Girl

          its now crap ‘smoking outdoors’ business :crazy:

          must stop again….. :hopeless: :weee:


            start smoking indoors?

            Tank Girl

              @DaftFader 366527 wrote:

              start smoking indoors?

              nope, not smoked since he moved out. its now all painted and lovely, part of the bigger plan to stop – hopefully I’ll last longer then 5 days which was last time :you_crazy :hopeless:


                my dad is fully kitted out… hats, scarfs, jackets, boots… and a nice cosy wind proof corner.

                wheres ya hat tg


                  Man it’s well windy out there as well. I was gonna go out and get some fags but i think i’ll leave it till the morning now lol!

                  Tank Girl

                    @joshd96320 366534 wrote:

                    wheres ya hat tg


                    I hve 3 to choose from

                    1 was an old ex’s little sis from the 70’s – its great orange yellow and brown and a secret fav
                    the other is a brown dear stlker type the other
                    is a grwy dear stalker type

                    nice and fluffy


                      Hahahaha just seen my cat go outside, big gust of wind hit and all the snow from the trees landed on him.

                      Never seen a cat jump up so quickly and leg it back inside!!

                      General Lighting

                        it is proper snowing here. was “interesting” riding home from work this evening, although I am impressed with the Schwalbe Marathon Plus tyres which handle really well in dodgy weather.. not only this but there are random sugar beet in the road in some parts of my journey which create a extra hazard..might be working from home tomorrow (I hope the electric and telecoms services hold up though!)


                          Still no let up. Be interesting to see how deep it’ll be in the morning!


                            @DJCliffy 366539 wrote:

                            Hahahaha just seen my cat go outside, big gust of wind hit and all the snow from the trees landed on him.

                            Never seen a cat jump up so quickly and leg it back inside!!




                              Gonna snow again later.


                                yep, started snowing again..

                                General Lighting

                                  yep snowing again here in ipswich (about 15 miles West of where Josh is).
                                  -0.3 Celsius outside.

                                  part of the Telephone Exchange in the village I work in crashed this morning, as well as half the landlines just stopping working it also knocked out O2 and T-mobile as all the circuits to the cell sites go via BT anyway (something many people do not realise!)

                                  to be fair on Openreach it was fixed with half an hour and broadband stayed up all the time (which means that at least I can route the calls via VOIP to the other site or even my VOIP telephone exchange under the stairwell in my house)… I think it just got overloaded as everyone is trying to use their phones at the same time to check their friends/family are safe..

                                  been charging up the netbook and a spare mobile in case the leccy or broadband disappears here…..


                                    Shit i hope it passes over here. I got shit to do in an hours time. Please start snowing afterwards!!!!

                                    General Lighting

                                      @DJCliffy 366612 wrote:

                                      Shit i hope it passes over here. I got shit to do in an hours time. Please start snowing afterwards!!!!

                                      looks like I am going to miss the Transition Towns party as the roads are way too treacherous to cycle on now, I’m gutted as I’ve been trying to meet up with the local group for months and always work or something else gets in the way….:cry:


                                        @General Lighting 366613 wrote:

                                        looks like I am going to miss the Transition Towns party as the roads are way too treacherous to cycle on now, I’m gutted as I’ve been trying to meet up with the local group for months and always work or something else gets in the way….:cry:

                                        you should be ok nearly all main roads would be gritted i had to ride my motorbike to work this morning not fun but it gripped fine on the main roads i just pushed it on the little side road i had to use


                                          @General Lighting 366610 wrote:

                                          yep snowing again here in ipswich (about 15 miles West of where Josh is).
                                          -0.3 Celsius outside.

                                          part of the Telephone Exchange in the village I work in crashed this morning, as well as half the landlines just stopping working it also knocked out O2 and T-mobile as all the circuits to the cell sites go via BT anyway (something many people do not realise!)

                                          to be fair on Openreach it was fixed with half an hour and broadband stayed up all the time (which means that at least I can route the calls via VOIP to the other site or even my VOIP telephone exchange under the stairwell in my house)… I think it just got overloaded as everyone is trying to use their phones at the same time to check their friends/family are safe..

                                          been charging up the netbook and a spare mobile in case the leccy or broadband disappears here…..

                                          seen a couple cars from ipswich down these ends who i know, snow looks a lot deeper on the top of their cars.. pretty deep up there? bout 5 inches i would say?
                                          bout 3 inches this morning and a bit ice-snowy (as we found out when we had a mass snow ball fight) i think its gunna b deeper tomorrow here..

                                          @General Lighting 366613 wrote:

                                          looks like I am going to miss the Transition Towns party as the roads are way too treacherous to cycle on now, I’m gutted as I’ve been trying to meet up with the local group for months and always work or something else gets in the way….:cry:

                                          better safe than sorry 🙂

                                          @barnzy001 366614 wrote:

                                          you should be ok nearly all main roads would be gritted i had to ride my motorbike to work this morning not fun but it gripped fine on the main roads i just pushed it on the little side road i had to use

                                          cant say the same for a few of my mates who have peds!

                                          General Lighting

                                            @barnzy001 366614 wrote:

                                            you should be ok nearly all main roads would be gritted i had to ride my motorbike to work this morning not fun but it gripped fine on the main roads i just pushed it on the little side road i had to use

                                            not here in Ipswich / Mid Suffolk – they’ve run out of grit/salt in some areas and to get across town on a bike means going into all the side roads (unless you want to take chances with ending up on the junction to the main A12/A14 approach roads) – 4 lanes of traffic plus various potholes also this sort of weather often brings out the worst in drivers for some reason…


                                              GL – apparently the snow polow & gritter also ran into problems on the a14 so it didnt get done, & it was closed? my mum had a proper hard time gettin to work – apparently the fast lane was covered in snow, and the lane that wasnt, hadnt been gritted – nearly got plowed by a lorry at a roundabout when the brakes didnt work!

                                              General Lighting

                                                @joshd96320 366631 wrote:

                                                GL – apparently the snow polow & gritter also ran into problems on the a14 so it didnt get done, & it was closed? my mum had a proper hard time gettin to work – apparently the fast lane was covered in snow, and the lane that wasnt, hadnt been gritted – nearly got plowed by a lorry at a roundabout when the brakes didnt work!

                                                the A12/A14 was backed up like anything and people stranded in cars at the Copdock end, 12 cm of snow at Wattisham. traffic is still proceeding very slowly across the Orwell Bridge (I can see this in the distance from my bedroom window).


                                                  do u like on the felixstowe side of the bridge Mr Lighting?

                                                  General Lighting

                                                    nope the other side. nearer to where the Gipping and Orwell join.

                                                    Tek Offensive

                                                      hope i get to my van before it snows properly, left my snowboard boots in there, cant board without em.

                                                      got some huge hills round here next to the chilterns, gotta hope it cains it down in the next week as ive got time off now,

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Proper Blizzard!