Forums The Vibe Chat Prepare to be treated like a common criminal

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      Found this in big issue …


      Very soon you will have to take an average of a 50 mile trip to one of the goverments new passport offices. There you will be subjected to “an intrusive interview” about your identity. And then the next stage will be having your biometrics taken, like your fingerprints or a facial scan- effectively treated like a common criminal.

      To learn more about what the goverment isnt telling you about ID cards send for a free information pack.
      Go to:

      Our world our say
      Giving People A Voice


        im all for the i.d cards … i am in my own country and have done and will do nothing wrong …


          Im a common criminal anyway so Im already f–ked or they think I am:wink: no matter what they do to mess me around I will always find a way around it I shall always do as I please and as long as I am not hurting or causing any distress to another individual I think its my right to travel anywhere and do anything without having to answer to them in any way shape or form YOU HEAR ME BIG BROTHER!

            Digital-A wrote:
            im all for the i.d cards … i am in my own country and have done and will do nothing wrong …

            Nothing wrong? When was the last time you smoked a spliff? Went to a free party? While IMO theres nothing wrong with that, the govt find something wrong with that dont they. It will make it much easier for the govt to track people, where they go, what they do, what laws theyve broken (even VERY minor laws) and slowly take away peoples rights if they want to.
            The idea of ID cards i find absolutely disgusting, its the worst thing Tony Blair has done, if you live in your own country and have done nothing wrong, why the fuck should you have to prove it to people all the time.

            General Lighting

              even our local head cop (same force which deployed 14 police units to last weekends rave) has spoken out against ID cards


              but – I wonder if a lot of this is a negotiating tactic. The work on citizens databases has already started 5 years ago as well as the expansion of CCTV.

              the govt (including even Camerons lot if/when they get in next election) may find ID cards aren’t feasible or desirable -so they could easily “abandon” the card project, say that “oh we listened to the public” – but still press on with the development of more advanced surveillance systems and citizens databases.

              But then again the best surveillance system is a divided and angry public.

              If people are so intolerant they call 999 as soon as they see more than 3 young people in one area, or make such a fuss about a party in an airfield no one uses and that creates very little noise, who needs ID cards?

              Middle England has already done the surveillance and social control work for everybody..

                Kensaken wrote:
                Nothing wrong? When was the last time you smoked a spliff? Went to a free party?

                When was the last time i got prosecuted for either of those?

                why would having an i.d card on me go against me in either of those situations?

                Kensaken wrote:
                While IMO theres nothing wrong with that, the govt find something wrong with that dont they. It will make it much easier for the govt to track people, where they go, what they do, what laws theyve broken (even VERY minor laws) and slowly take away peoples rights if they want to.

                And our 4.2 millions CCTV cameras dont?

                and may i add the 3.6 million DNA samples … (largest database in the world)

                Kensaken wrote:
                The idea of ID cards i find absolutely disgusting, its the worst thing Tony Blair has done, if you live in your own country and have done nothing wrong, why the fuck should you have to prove it to people all the time.

                i respect your opinion and await the outcome the i.d debate 🙂


         a great anti ID Card organisation.

                  Some great images / posters here aswell :



                    Shit that is scary!

                    april wrote:
                    Found this in big issue …

                    ID cARDS AND THE PASSPORT tROJAN hORSE.

                    Very soon you will have to take an average of a 50 mile trip to one of the goverments new passport offices. There you will be subjected to “an intrusive interview” about your identity. And then the next stage will be having your biometrics taken, like your fingerprints or a facial scan- effectively treated like a common criminal.

                    To learn more about what the goverment isnt telling you about ID cards send for a free information pack.
                    Go to:

                    Our world our say
                    Giving People A Voice

                      Shit that is scary!

                      Guess i should try to renew my passport before all that comes in!

                      april wrote:
                      Found this in big issue …

                      ID cARDS AND THE PASSPORT tROJAN hORSE.

                      Very soon you will have to take an average of a 50 mile trip to one of the goverments new passport offices. There you will be subjected to “an intrusive interview” about your identity. And then the next stage will be having your biometrics taken, like your fingerprints or a facial scan- effectively treated like a common criminal.

                      To learn more about what the goverment isnt telling you about ID cards send for a free information pack.
                      Go to:

                      Our world our say
                      Giving People A Voice

                        Cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts!!!!!!! Basterds!

                        ID cards are a fucking joke – government making us pay for something we dont even want for them to monitor us with.

                        If your gonna infringe my rights then at least dont have the cheek to ask me to fucking pay for it!!!

                        And something that gets over looked:

                        In this world of identity theft and advancing technology, where within 6 months of any new technology coming out a hacker has cracked the coding (fact!), how the fuck is the security on a biometric chip in an ID card gonna be safe for 10 years (the lifespan of a passport).

                        Do people seriously think that within ten years someone won’t have cracked the protection and be stealing biometric data for the purpose of ID theft!

                        Seriously doubt it – its fucking obviously gonna happen – and prob wont take long.

                        Whats the bets within a year or two of ’em coming in we have a scandal of people being defrauded in this way!!!


                          If everyone makes a stand and says NO ..WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEN …they can fuk right off……………………raaa

                            kaito wrote:
                            Do people seriously think that within ten years someone won’t have cracked the protection and be stealing biometric data for the purpose of ID theft!

                            Seriously doubt it – its fucking obviously gonna happen – and prob wont take long.

                            Someone has already done this and it didnt even take him very long to do ….


                            scary reading and leaves me wondering why they are still trying to implement them at all – they will be, if anything, worse than the current passports as they will give all users who have them a false sense of security :hopeless:

                              Digital-A wrote:
                              im all for the i.d cards … i am in my own country and have done and will do nothing wrong …

                              no offence mate but you have some fuckin weird views for a raver :you_crazy :weee:

                              ID cards… i don’t like ’em on principal. i mean, i think like GL ses we are already at the “surveillance UK” stage, but ID cards is another blow.

                              RIP free country 😥


                                At first i liked the idea, but then i slowly disliked it after i realised what it could be used for, by all means try and stop terrorists and illegal imigrants but i dont think this is a good way at all….


                                  not at all good, not at all. Find it very daunting :hopeless:

                                  General Lighting
                                    cathdreadhead wrote:
                                    not at all good, not at all. Find it very daunting :hopeless:

                                    the worst part of it I think its “heads they win, tails you lose”

                                    they can and maybe will abandon the ID cards as a “sop to public opinion” but it won’t stop the surveillance society

                                    then again I still think its as much fault of the people as the govt, it seems that many people particularly Middle Englanders want to keep track on and judge their fellow ciitzen instead of leaving them to lead their lives

                                      boothy wrote:
                                      no offence mate but you have some fuckin weird views for a raver :you_crazy :weee:

                                      because i attend and love parties this means i cannot hold different views, have different morals and go about my life like i choose??

                                      you can be watched anywhere in the U.K. yet i do not see you throwing rocks at cameras and kicking up a fuss … id more rather carry a piece of plastic than have my face on disk in a room ill never step into.

                                      i do not agree with some aspects of the cards, its true but i do believe something needs to be done … if you have an idea then say so

                                        Digital-A wrote:
                                        id more rather carry a piece of plastic than have my face on disk in a room ill never step into.

                                        Saying that doesn’t make any sense…. by carrying that card you will have your face, retina and fingerprints and vast quantities of data about your lifestyle on disk in a room you will never step into

                                        the government say it will stop illegal immigration. it won’t, because, legal immigrants won’t have to get a UK ID card. the point is a non-starter

                                        the government say it will prevent terrorism. it can’t. who were the last people to commit a serious terrorist act on british soil? british citizens.

                                          globalloon wrote:
                                          Saying that doesn’t make any sense…. by carrying that card you will have your face, retina and fingerprints and vast quantities of data about your lifestyle on disk in a room you will never step into

                                          surely itll be in one central database … anybody can own a cctv camera and point it into the street meaning anybody can have pictures etc of me carrying on with my everyday life and i wouldnt know a thing about it …

                                            Digital-A wrote:
                                            because i attend and love parties this means i cannot hold different views, have different morals and go about my life like i choose??

                                            you can be watched anywhere in the U.K. yet i do not see you throwing rocks at cameras and kicking up a fuss … id more rather carry a piece of plastic than have my face on disk in a room ill never step into.

                                            i do not agree with some aspects of the cards, its true but i do believe something needs to be done … if you have an idea then say so

                                            it was mostly meant as a joke mate, hence the “:weee:”

                                            of course you can hold different views. its a bit odd though. stereotypin maybe, but the idea of bein able to attend free parties is fairly liberal. you voted conservative in the elections. local, i know. but still… the party responsible for the CJA act 1994 and tryin to basically outlaw acid house. pretty weird choice for a party-goer.

                                            of course you don’t see me throwin rocks at cameras. you’re a few hundred miles away. it doesn’t mean that we succeeded in takin down cameras before, if you must know :rolleyes:

                                            so when the ID cards come in, the CCTV is simply gunna be shut off?

                                            i have an idea. solving the actual problem. dealing with it by gettin to the source and solvin it by makin peoples lives better. prevention rather than punishment. a lotta anti-social crime can be stopped happenin with the right incentives etc. well lets prevent the crime happenin not just catch people out.

                                            gettin “tougher” on it is what has led to this mess. thatcher? tough apparently. fuckin destroyed britain dint she. authoritarian rarely works.

                                            have you read 1984?

                                            and sorry if you got pissed off. it was more meant as a joke.

                                              Digital-A wrote:
                                              surely itll be in one central database … anybody can own a cctv camera and point it into the street meaning anybody can have pictures etc of me carrying on with my everyday life and i wouldnt know a thing about it …


                                              that’s a bit of random comment. if mad bob down the road puts his camera in the window, it’s very very different to the ID card scenrio :you_crazy

                                              detailed information about you and your lifestyle is held in numerous government databases already

                                              all that information will be shared into another database. how secure will that be? bear in mind the DVLA have been selling detailed personal information to people with criminal convictions for fraud :crazy:

                                              of all the countries in the world, UK government collect more information about you than virtually any other (we are in the 5 most ‘watched’ nations in the world already)

                                              do you really trust every government, from the current one to all future ones to use all that information in your best interests? :yakk:

                                              anyway, you haven’t answered my points about why the two main excuses the government have given for bringing in ID cards are bullshit 😉


                                                i think a lot of people are quick to jump to the conclusion that everything our government does for us is a conspiracy…

                                                i don’t think that i.d cards are the smartest spend of our tax money, and i really dont think they will improve society in anyway, but i also don’t believe that they are coming in just to keep a tighter control and dictatorship on the public.

                                                the only worry for me, is that in a few decades down the line, that the trust and obedience from members of the public will be abused in a large scale… but maybe ive been reading too much dystopian literature….

                                                maybe i’m on my own on this one, but i quite like cctv at times, with having to live with an increasing population of murders, rapists and other sickos, its a comfort for me to know that possibly theres someone watching, or at least some kind of evidence of whats going on in the streets.

                                                  rach wrote:
                                                  maybe i’m on my own on this one, but i quite like cctv at times, with having to live with an increasing population of murders, rapists and other sickos, its a comfort for me to know that possibly theres someone watching, or at least some kind of evidence of whats going on in the world.

                                                  i agree up to a point, although i know a couple of people who’ve been vitim of crime and the cctv footage helped nothing. in Exeter recently there was a 41 year old mother of 2 who was raped and left naked in a coma in the street and there was loads of cctv footage of the attacker and it was all so blurry it didn’t help at all to catch the attacker

                                                  can i ask that people get back on topic with the thread… ID cards

                                                  amek another thread about CCTV if you want


                                                    erm i think they make no difference to anything …we feel safer yes with cameras on each corner …but the crimes still go on its still getting worse in this country to what it was….thats the goverments fault… for not putting money where it should like school..educating tomorrows adults..on drugs ,pregnency issues hospitals,crime …its all a smoke screen ..the goverment are too busy giving america blow jobs……i hate the goverment ..they have opened the flood gates up an let loads of people in…most have disapeared not traceable …now the goverment is trying to back track an clamp down …it wont work …….. it may end in Anarchy …

                                                    rant over …:crazy_dru

                                                      Kensaken wrote:
                                                      Nothing wrong? When was the last time you smoked a spliff? Went to a free party? While IMO theres nothing wrong with that, the govt find something wrong with that dont they. It will make it much easier for the govt to track people, where they go, what they do, what laws theyve broken (even VERY minor laws) and slowly take away peoples rights if they want to.
                                                      The idea of ID cards i find absolutely disgusting, its the worst thing Tony Blair has done, if you live in your own country and have done nothing wrong, why the fuck should you have to prove it to people all the time.

                                                      like you said tho at the beginning of your post, the majority of us have done something “wrong” though, so i guess we do have to prove ourselves in some way to be moralistic and not a threat to society.

                                                      and i think Tony Blair has done a hell of a lot worse things, declaring war perhaps?

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Prepare to be treated like a common criminal