HI People!,
I remember reading something somewhere about the PLUR party philosophy and that the term PLUR was started by someone (an american Dj maybe??) during the early Acid House raves. Does anybody know who this person was cuz it’s been bugging me for ages and me memories a bit frazzled.
Cheers M8!
This ones been bugging me for a while. I can’t for the life of me remember where I read this. I’ve got a mate who might know who it was. If he tells me then I will share it with you (not that anybody apart from me is interested in such trivial party history).
Nice one Epik,cheers for that. 😀
Worth clicking on the Hyperial link on that page…it takes you to a more in depth look at the origins of PLUR..interesting stuff,wonder what Frankie has to say on the matter?
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