Forums The Vibe Chat on my own for a few days, what to do?

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      @p0ly 512685 wrote:

      😀 only just saw this.

      There’s only room for 1 girl in my life atm… ok i lie defo 2… but when i think about it that’s bullshit too but i’ll push those thoughts out and pretend just 2 😀


        @p0ly 512684 wrote:


        I remember the skin fad like 6 years ago.. Loads of little skins kids dressing all emo/scene and bumming it going to skins myspace scene kid parties to take pics looking all faggy LOLZ

        the worst is when some dude from the show came to my town to this fucking AWFUL club which is now a whetherspoons (typical eh) and people had photos took with him… The photos look awful and the people in them thought they were so cool.. It was just some dude with glasses like … ‘who are these odd fucks wanting to be in pics with me :/’

        Remember ‘nu raave!’
        It was bang smack in the middle of my six form / college years.
        Neon tops, skinny jeans, 80s game memorabilia like nintendo control pads on belt buckles; pretending to be bisexual, myspazz, emo fringe, hudoken,the klaxons , sabrepulse and tight boxers with superhero designs :p


          fucking skins, made me so angry when I read this the other day. Have any of you ever been to an illegal rave (free party) – The Student Room

          Was in the right mind to make an account and put these facking children in their place.

          FUCKING PENLID!!!!


            @Izbeckistan 512732 wrote:

            Remember ‘nu raave!’
            It was bang smack in the middle of my six form / college years.
            Neon tops, skinny jeans, 80s game memorabilia like nintendo control pads on belt buckles; pretending to be bisexual, myspazz, emo fringe, hudoken,the klaxons , sabrepulse and tight boxers with superhero designs :p

            Yeah. I said it wasn’t real and stuck with that mindset… nu rave isn’t even considered a genre by anyone.

            Sabrepulse are good though, decent chiptune breakcore mashup shit.


              That fucking band that palyed that “it’s not over” tune done my fucking head in soo much.

              Well it was when them cunts started to infect my ears I decided to become a heroin addict. I just couldn’t take it any more :S




                General Lighting

                  @thelog 512743 wrote:

                  fucking skins, made me so angry when I read this the other day. Have any of you ever been to an illegal rave (free party) – The Student Room

                  Was in the right mind to make an account and put these facking children in their place.

                  FUCKING PENLID!!!!

                  The worst part of it is a lot of them aren’t exactly kids. from 90s/2000s it was more common to have at least a gap year after sixth form and in some cases go to work for a short term full time job (call centre, office admin etc) to raise money for fees, and then go up to uni in their mid 20s or older. drugs/partying are seen as a very short term lifestyle choice and many people do it at teenage years and then quit, often precisely because they want to get their edumacation and go up to uni. By the time they then come out they have fuckloads of debt and don’t want to take excessive risks in their lives. increasingly those young people what still attend raves or even follow EDM scenes are the ones what don’t go up to uni. Or if/when they do they give up partying for the last few years we’ve had a fair few young people ask for their profiles to be deleted because they’ve gone up to uni, I’ve not previously seen anything like it.

                  I encounter a lot of college kids, current students and graduates at the radio station and they are horrified at the concept of drug taking or even drinking. They’ve seen at “street level” a lot of people fuck up here, and rave culture is “their mum and dads music”. OK this isn’t too far off the mark here as people breed early here and most folk my age are parents of teenagers or even young adults now.

                  younger people today are not “conservative” as such, they are anti racism, pro environment and decent citizens but those who actually have brains and education seem genuinely horrified by what they hear about the drugs and music scenes “back in the day”.

                  I think some of them suspect I’m on day release from HMP Hollesley Bay or St Clements, and find it hard to believe someone with my past actually has a decent responsible job!

                  Dark Train

                    Not met a student who was ‘horrified’ at the thought of drugs and I’ve been at Uni for 2 and a half years. In fact they’re pretty commonplace round my circle of friends. Most young people I have met seem to have dabbled but most prefer to stick to alcohol.

                    In spite of that I still think this generation of young people sucks. It feels to me as if sex, alcohol and drug use are now a means for young people to make a statement about themselves to other people. As if it’s some sort of competition. Maybe it’s part of this to craze be some sort of celebrity like those ‘gorgeous’ people they gawp at on TV. And what makes you a celebrity? Being a selfish, shallow arsehole of course!

                    I don’t want to sound too harsh – I have made lots of friends at Uni. Even if I don’t share their tastes/preferences, I think one will always find some common ground with people who seem very different.

                    General Lighting

                      Attitudes vary from region to region and over time. Universities in the South/SE of England, London and metropolitan cities do tend to have slightly more liberal attitudes, but as you say yourself most prefer to stick to alcohol.

                      just because youngsters aren’t grassing their mates up to the cops for drug use doesn’t mean they aren’t judging them behind their backs.

                      I agree with you about the “reality TV” attitude but its been going on since I was in my teens in the 1980s and was a unintended consequence of removing cultural borders and boundaries to try and increase the consumer society. Even Thatcho said it was a mistake in hindsight, shortly before she went down with illnesss.

                      but at “street level” it soon passes when folk realise the rest of society won’t tolerate it. A funny thing I read about recently was some reality TV stars came to a townie club here, their behaviour (from booze, not drugs) shocked the bouncers so much they walked out and reported their own employers to the licensing committee and the place got a closure order slapped on it! And I thought bouncers were supposed to be big hard people and not easily shocked :laugh_at: But this also illustrates that the bouncers often have brain as well as brawn, (especially those who come from foreign lands, many are actually highly qualified but can’t get jobs with their qualifications) and they realise that they don’t need to be dependent on work like that, when they can get the same money being a rentaguard for a shop or a block of offices and not have to deal with half the idiots.

                      As you would expect, most of the students I encounter at the radio station are 6th form or in their final years (getting work experience in a liberal arts course). Also there are young graduates whom I tend to still view as “students”, because they have come to learn something about how the radio station works. TBH I think in this environment everyone is still a student, myself included, as there is always something new to learn.

                      But what scares younger people isn’t simply “drugs being illegal/bad” but seeing what has happened to their freinds or older siblings. in this coastal area it was a pioneering region of the English rave scene and thus has had to deal with all the attendant drugs casualties, and as in England we are too stubborn to have a “gedoogbeleid” policy like Holland the problems get pushed under the carpet and made worse.

                      Pat McDonald

                        @Dark Train 512898 wrote:

                        Not met a student who was ‘horrified’ at the thought of drugs and I’ve been at Uni for 2 and a half years. In fact they’re pretty commonplace round my circle of friends. Most young people I have met seem to have dabbled but most prefer to stick to alcohol.[/quote]

                        Bear in mind, it’s not exactly a career enhancing move – outside of the “licensed rebel”, or entertainment industry as some call it – to admit to any kind of drug experience. So I reckon there is a good chance some of them were not telling the truth. If I’m not sure of this point, I’ll generally say “Give us a blood test then” and watch their eyes.

                        @Dark Train 512898 wrote:

                        In spite of that I still think this generation of young people sucks. It feels to me as if sex, alcohol and drug use are now a means for young people to make a statement about themselves to other people. As if it’s some sort of competition. Maybe it’s part of this to craze be some sort of celebrity like those ‘gorgeous’ people they gawp at on TV. And what makes you a celebrity? Being a selfish, shallow arsehole of course!

                        I don’t want to sound too harsh – I have made lots of friends at Uni. Even if I don’t share their tastes/preferences, I think one will always find some common ground with people who seem very different.

                        Sadly, bitter experience has taught me that the last point isn’t always the case. And being young is something that you CANNOT be experienced in, by definition. So I’ve got quite a bit more faith in “da Yuth” than most folks. I mean, look around you – what is the point in struggling all your life to pay a mortgage when you can just stick a couple of traffic cones on your chest, wiggle your arse to a canned track and get paid a fortune for it? That isn’t dumb, that’s being honest that hard work is for donkeys.

                        Depends on the type of work and employer though. Some people realy LIKE working hard and are generously paid and valued. Doesn’t happen in the UK anymore of course, which is why the most sensible young people say “I’m off out of this shithole as soon as I can get there.”


                          People will always complain about ‘the youth today’ and I daresay they always will. Whether its the 60s the 80s or the present. Funnily enough I was talkung to my dad last night who is adament street violence has decreased. Recons you couldn’t go out in canterbury high steet without seeing a fight kick of in the street. (in the 80s)
                          During the 60s many parents complained about how teenagers where too selfish and only interested in hedonism and fashion. For those unlucky enough to come from wealthy families it was a case of working a 50hr week for a pitance or being stuck in a loveless marriage unable to divorce your cheating husband. Both my grandparents hate the beatles they got sick of them in 1969.

                          They are starting to refer to this generation as ‘generation Y’
                          Y work for the man?
                          Y have kids?
                          Y not spit in the streets?
                          Y pull my pants up??


                            y not murder my flat mate


                              oi you lot stop bitching about me 😥

                              General Lighting

                                These days “young people” is anyone from age 15-45 due to longer life expectancies and changing social values (especially in metropolitan areas, folk are not expected to get married and have children as early as before, or even to do so at all).

                                Street violence certainly has decreased since the 1980s. But that is because rival groups squaring up to another are spotted by CCTV and the towniewatch radio schemes, which means that the cops, councils and NGOs such as drugs/alcohol harm reduction charities, street pastors etc defuse a lot of trouble before it escalates. Weekend violence plummeted during the early rave days of the 90s but the sketchiness of comedowns etc meant a lot of really bad things happened even amongst groups of friends during midweek. There was and still is a lot of issues with interpersonal violence amongst friends/acquaintances and domestic violence (even in provincial areas where fears over gangs are way exaggerated).

                                The 60s/70s/80s/90s youth scenes were blighted by bullies, sexists, racists and nonces (as is now coming to light via the current investigations into both mainstream and alternative figures). Even in the 90s when attitudes were changing there was a lot of bad shit going on in the early days of the rave scene, I’ve personally witnessed incidents I wish I’d not seen..

                                To be fair young people today who still have something to live for still tolerant, enlightened in their views but much more clued about their own and others safety. however those of any age who feel they have nothing to lose can do a fuckload of damage, and society has to accept this and be prepared for it in various ways, both giving positive ways to use their energies and being aware of (and isolating from society) genuinely dangerous people.


                                  @thelog 512988 wrote:

                                  y not murder my flat mate

                                  You have a flatmate?


                                    @Izbeckistan 512986 wrote:

                                    People will always complain about ‘the youth today’ and I daresay they always will.

                                    You are right its page one chapter one sociology. The public’s/media perception of a constant moral panic. Much like my death; the mods vs rocks rumours were greatly exaggerated; even in Brighton that day.

                                    The Psyentist

                                      @Tank Girl 512551 wrote:

                                      the first season is the best, 2nd OK, not really watched the 3rd…

                                      Yeah I fell in love with it at first but then it went all skins and keeps changing cast without concluding storylines. That’s fuckin annoying. None of the original cast left since Curtis topped himself. And you know why Kelly is suddenly in Uganda removing landmines? To keep things politically correct as she was charged with racial assault outside a night club in between filming series 3and 4 so the production company dropped her from the cast. If Rudy goes too I’m giving up on it.

                                      General Lighting

                                        @photographthesun 513046 wrote:

                                        You are right its page one chapter one sociology. The public’s/media perception of a constant moral panic. Much like my death; the mods vs rocks rumours were greatly exaggerated; even in Brighton that day.

                                        I know fuckloads of ageing hippies and although there was a few scum amongst them conventional societies authorities caught up with them sooner or later. the rest did far less drugs, sex and rock and roll than folk thought, and many dropped back into society and did a lot for our country in both public service and even the military when required.

                                        strangely enough a large bulk of the retirees from Rat Salad Park are into prog rock (or indie if they are younger) and psychedelic culture, even if not the drugs..

                                        The Psyentist

                                          @Izbeckistan 512993 wrote:

                                          You have a flatmate?

                                          No, I think he “had” a flat mate. One minute he’s doin lines of K with loggy off a bible next minute he’s on the side of a milk carton. Meaning loggy lives in the US? Meh I’m rambling. Shut up me go get some sleep!

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                                        Forums The Vibe Chat on my own for a few days, what to do?