Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      Has anyone bought off before? Just ordered some mephedrone and they want me to do a direct bank transfer rather than using my card/paypal. I’ve never ordered drugs online before, is this usual?

      Are they a reliable source or are they likely to fuck me about?

        cheeseweasel;329582 wrote:
        Has anyone bought off before? Just ordered some mephedrone and they want me to do a direct bank transfer rather than using my card/paypal. I’ve never ordered drugs online before, is this usual?

        Are they a reliable source or are they likely to fuck me about?

        I really wouldnt. They are so likly to rip u off it hurts.


          I know of someone who was actually done and went to court for mephedrone.


            stick to paypal, i can pm you paypal mephedrone link if u like?

              photographthesun;329584 wrote:
              I really wouldnt. They are so likly to rip u off it hurts.

              OK fair, cheers I’ll give it a wide berth.

              p0lygon-Window;329589 wrote:
              stick to paypal, i can pm you paypal mephedrone link if u like?

              Yeh please that would be good.

              General Lighting

                The whole “legal highs” concept is a bit of a misnomer.

                Currently, by international agreement, those in power in worldwide considers the recreational use of chemicals by humans without a medical professionals advice to be a criminal activity.

                As the legal profession does not work as quickly as scientists, situations arise whereby a new substance has not yet been outlawed.

                The harsh realities in most cases the authorities consider the concept of recreational drug use itself to be a crime, just the same as murder or beating people up or nicking things. Whilst more people may disagree with drug use being illegal compared to violence or theft, they are still a tiny minority of the global population and don’t have much power – so many nations have passed laws to allow arrests of people and seizure on suspicion.

                if you send enough unidentified white powder across borders or even within a country, the authorities will ask questions, whether its sugar, amfetamines or a “legal” high. you might not go to jail for some of the newer substances, but might still have to deal with the hassles of arrest and loss of money/product same as if the stuff was outlawed.


                  hey guys, does anybody know if it’s safe to smoke weed while your on methadrone?

                  a friend told me it can kill you…

                    HaVoK;329688 wrote:
                    hey guys, does anybody know if it’s safe to smoke weed while your on methadrone?

                    a friend told me it can kill you…

                    mate everytime ive done it (properly) ive been super drunk

                    also my mate was very drunk then did loads all night we went to the shop at 7.30 in the morning, bought loads more beer did more mephedrone, then at 1pm started doing ketamine and more mephedrone

                    weed aint gonna do fuck all to you except make it better


                      @HaVoK 329688 wrote:

                      hey guys, does anybody know if it’s safe to smoke weed while your on methadrone?

                      a friend told me it can kill you…

                      lemme rephrase it now…

                      is it safe to smoke weed WITH methedrone? 😉


                        mephedrone can kill u

                        weed cant


                          ya i fouund that out 2night lol 5 keys 7 joints and a lung lol


                            i dunno what a key is.

                            lungs are funny


                              its when u dip a key into the powder and snort it lol

                                HaVoK;330049 wrote:
                                its when u dip a key into the powder and snort it lol

                                Why’d u want to do that? Racking up big lines of meph is more fun!


                                  I know this questions been asked before butttt how long does this usually last for. i.e if you bolt 1/4 of a gram will it last the night? And how much should i expect to pay for a gram. went on a site recommended to me but it’s price was £14 a gram. As this is meant to be a alternative to speed it’s seems a little expensive at the mo. So can anyone pm me some other sites where it might be a bit cheaper. cheers

                                    LFB2009;330069 wrote:
                                    I know this questions been asked before butttt how long does this usually last for. i.e if you bolt 1/4 of a gram will it last the night? And how much should i expect to pay for a gram. went on a site recommended to me but it’s price was £14 a gram. As this is meant to be a alternative to speed it’s seems a little expensive at the mo. So can anyone pm me some other sites where it might be a bit cheaper. cheers

                                    Yeh, sounds gd, £14 is probly the best price, used to be cheaper, but supply and demand and all that. A 1/4g should be ok, but i find that if i have a gram i’l snort my way through it n a night. Yeh, it’s speedy but can be like poor mans mdma, expect quite a lot of gurning!


                                      basically the size of these grams are quite unbelievable, when you see them and rack them up/bomb them you’ll see what i mean.


                                        This stuff is great and can be brought online as I have done many times legally in the UK stuff is well worth the hype and rumours and if u buy in small enoguh amouts or live in theuk you should be ok with any problems with the law altho being legal, you will get haslle if you start buying kilos of it

                                        and as for payment the site i use use google check out ti takes about 24hrs befor you are sent a link to pay for it which i thought was odd but it wasnt a con arrived 4days later takes them a while to ship but once send took 1day nextday delivery


                                          ordered some plant food (mioaw) today £12 so hopefully it lives up to what everyone’s been telling me about it!!

                                            LFB2009;330183 wrote:
                                            ordered some plant food (mioaw) today £12 so hopefully it lives up to what everyone’s been telling me about it!!

                                            Not ordered from that site yet, but know the one you mean 😉
                                            Can you post or pm me how quick they are etc..

                                              LFB2009;330183 wrote:
                                              ordered some plant food (mioaw) today £12 so hopefully it lives up to what everyone’s been telling me about it!!

                                              you wont be disappointed


                                                can someone im me the link to a site where i can buy methadrone please.



                                                  I saw this post a few days ago before the company name was removed,

                                                  I have ordered from them before and they are legit, they are having some problems with paypal, so this is why they are only taking bank trans

                                                  i am told they have a new payment processor that will be online next week

                                                  But the stuff i got was like champs, good quality, will def be using again

                                                  From ordering at lunch time, i recieved the next morning

                                                  There a few companies available if you search google, most are a bit hit or miss as to if they have stock or not


                                                    i just noticed this but the title is “Methadrone”

                                                    but theres no such thing

                                                    its either
                                                    Methedrone (Methoxyphedrine/bk-PMMA)
                                                    Mephedrone (4-Methyl-EPHEDRONE)

                                                    So which one are we talking about? Both are decently differnt (Methedrone is the best in SWIM’s opinion)


                                                      we are speaking about mephedrone, people do not spell it right

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC