Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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  • #1183250

      from what i read MBDB sounds like filth!!


        methylone (m1) = bk-MDMA
        butylone (b1) = bk-MBDB

        General Lighting

          butylone is a dodgy name as confusable with a trade name of pentobarbital, a drug indicated in both veterinary and human euthanasia. Although pentobarbital is rarely used recreationally these days, (barbs went out of fashion in the mid 1980s), getting this confused with a stimulant may be the sort of mistake a drug user only makes once…

          General Lighting

            @p0ly 349115 wrote:

            from what i read MBDB sounds like filth!!

            hmm – had a look at erowid and the reports don’t look that good..


              Wear the fuck are all these lones and drones drugs coming from/being made, somewear outside the UK ?


                i heard you can get this mega cheap in bulk, the vendors sell it at stupid prices


                  haha i might stick around, plenty of good advice on this site. lots of interesting threads, im more of a lurker than a a mega poster myself, i do appreciate the help tho!


                    Having tried all three I prefer methylone for sure, Although non of them come close to MDMA.
                    For the money there pretty good though, I reckon they will all be illegal soon enough though with the amount of people doing them.


                      Hi I know I know I am a first time poster but I really wanna know where to get this. I had some the other night with some mates, payed 30 pound for a gram of it. Now I have realized it is legal and much cheaper on the internet. Now I am EXTREMELLY worried about using my bank card on these type of sites, found a site called ‘UK LEGALS’ and I am wondering if anyone has experience with them? It’s 10 pound a gram…very cheap.

                      If not anyone know any websites they have used and are not scam sites?

                      Also how is the package delivered? Is it posted through the letter box with no indication of contents? That would be best, otherwise my family will wonder why I want plant food lol. Also do you have to sign for it or do they just post it through the letter box?

                      Please a reply would be great! :weee:


                        like any vendor would put indication of contents on the package

                        people worry way too much


                          @p0ly 349185 wrote:

                          like any vendor would put indication of contents on the package

                          people worry way too much

                          haha ok well do you know a reputable site I can buy off?


                            Hi, also another first time poster been reading this thead for a long while, seen people come and go, finally im ready to give this a try, but as alot of people are finding there are alot of “dodgy” sites out there, has anyone got any sites they have had some success with and would personally recommend. Cheers


                              At the end of a 2 day mephedrone binge, not taking large doses but pretty constant. No sleep for nearly 3 days.

                              I was starting to get slightly paranoid that my foot was changing colour, so took an aspirin (2X 300mg). Immediately

                              my heart beat became very low, it hadn’t slowed but clearly the aspirin had thinned the blood. I went round to my

                              friends place for a bit, as I was leaving I started to get a shortness of breath, so sat down outside.

                              My whole body went into spasm, the ambulance crew think it was probably just a bad panic attack, but happened so

                              soon after the aspirin that seems hard to be just a coincidence. Feel much better now, good times!


                                you should take any drug constantly for 2 days with no sleep … that’s not a good idea … even tryed and tested drugs would fuck you up some what if you did that .. did they know you was taking mephe … the ambulance crew that is


                                  this ship has set sail allready i am afraid … follow links to “selling drugs on pv” that apears in about 10 dif posts above :yawn:


                                    yeh, told them everything. Think it’s stupid when people don’t tell them the truth.


                                      Dude you cant finish a post like that with Good Times!!!!

                                      Be careful man – would be interested if the ambulance crew even knew what it was when told as a dug worker friend of mine said they are only now starting to get drips of info through . . . . . .


                                        yeh, they were interested to know more about it.


                                          I guess this is possibly not the best way for them to find out about it if we dont want mass press outcries and banning orders quickly too . . .


                                            yeah to tell them is a good thing if your health is at risk … it’s just ashame that they may use the info for negative perposes in the long run …


                                              hi josh maybe its better if u stay off the mephedrone for at least a few months that sounds very nasty episode




                                                  @General Lighting 349040 wrote:

                                                  This isn’t as bad as it sounds, its merely because my “sensible” mind is working at combating urges for impulsive or out-of-character behaviour which can be a valuable survival mechanism in todays unpredictable society.

                                                  i was in hysterics when i read that

                                                  General Lighting

                                                    The NHS are well aware of mephedrone and its risks and Josh is not the first person to end up in the wagon because of it, although its effects are often confused with that of dexamfetamine.

                                                    @DaftFader 349247 wrote:

                                                    yeah to tell them is a good thing if your health is at risk … it’s just ashame that they may use the info for negative perposes in the long run …

                                                    if its “negative” its the politicians who are to blame, not the NHS. all they are doing is collecting data and assessing the harm and costs of these incidents.

                                                    I’m of course glad Josh is OK, but that Ambulance cost about £150 to call out and the paramedics and equipment etc has to be paid for. As he is in full time employment, at least the cost is probably covered in a couple of months of his NI contributions but its still one unit called out to a healthy young person with a self-inflicted condition what could be needed for something like treating a RTC victim or an elderly person suffering a stroke.

                                                    we often don’t think about it because this isn’t spelled out to us on paper (unlike the yank what shot himself in the foot and had to pay for his treatment!)

                                                    if this is caused by a recreational substance wider society has every right to state the opinion that use of this substance should be controlled.

                                                    TBH I expect it will go class B by mid 2010 especially when the Tories get back in (as it will probably coincide with the stuff being mainstream and even a short resurgence in legal rave events frequented by my age group…)

                                                    General Lighting

                                                      bear in mind I meow at cats when sober and have been doing so since 2002 – started off with my own pets, and then at random ones, many of which respond positively (I’ve befriended three this way!) This is the sort of concept my sane mind comes up with, so consider what effect drugs must have on it…

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC