Forums The Vibe Chat lemon or lime?

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      does anyone have lime in their drink? i was just wondering randomly why you always get coke or something with lemon in it!

      do people walk down the street eating a lime like a apple? ๐Ÿ˜‰


        yeeeeuch serious prune face time:weee::weee: bring on the puckered face


          prune face lol ๐Ÿ˜› :crazy:

          General Lighting
            limey wrote:
            does anyone have lime in their drink? i was just wondering randomly why you always get coke or something with lemon in it!

            do people walk down the street eating a lime like a apple? ๐Ÿ˜‰

            in the early 1990s lots of places used to serve this mexican beer called “Sol” with a slice of lime in the neck of the bottle. It was the in thing for ravers to drink back then – not sure if its still even sold today…

            Agent Subby
              General Lighting wrote:
              in the early 1990s lots of places used to serve this mexican beer called “Sol” with a slice of lime in the neck of the bottle. It was the in thing for ravers to drink back then – not sure if its still even sold today…

              I remember it well. My pals used to drink it regularly when we went partying. Myself, I never used to mix alcohol with ‘little fellas’. Could never understand why people mixed a downer with an upper, unless you used it to come down that is. Still think the best way to come down is with a nice chillum filled with quality charas!:groucho: :groucho:

                General Lighting wrote:
                in the early 1990s lots of places used to serve this mexican beer called “Sol” with a slice of lime in the neck of the bottle. It was the in thing for ravers to drink back then – not sure if its still even sold today…

                Bloody ell I had forgotten about that, thats really brought back a few memories.

                  General Lighting wrote:
                  in the early 1990s lots of places used to serve this mexican beer called “Sol” with a slice of lime in the neck of the bottle. It was the in thing for ravers to drink back then – not sure if its still even sold today…

                  Yup you still get it an with the lime in the neck as well its well tasty ๐Ÿ˜‰


                    Lime an lemonade wiv ice mmm please….jus testing my signature is showing….:bounce_fl

                      Acidfairy wrote:
                      Yup you still get it an with the lime in the neck as well its well tasty ๐Ÿ˜‰

                      A bit like your good self Fairy:groucho: :groucho: … Ive been told:groucho:

                        HARTY wrote:
                        Bloody ell I had forgotten about that, thats really brought back a few memories.

                        Ah, those were the days!


                          your signature is working april:groucho: :groucho: :groucho: :groucho:


                            yer we still have it down this way, but mainly with corona

                              HARTY wrote:
                              A bit like your good self Fairy:groucho: :groucho: … Ive been told:groucho:

                              Now who’ve you been talkin to????

                              Chemical Brother
                                stax wrote:
                                yer we still have it down this way, but mainly with corona

                                we get it here as well, theres nothing like starting a drinking session off with a few bottles of corona with a slice of lime, tickles my taste buds like.

                                General Lighting
                                  Chemical Brother wrote:
                                  we get it here as well, theres nothing like starting a drinking session off with a few bottles of corona with a slice of lime, tickles my taste buds like.

                                  hmm – seems like some sort of 80s/90s nostalgia thing…..

                                  Chemical Brother

                                    not really i just enjoy the taste, i dont drink it unless it has lime in it, it has to be a slice of lime tho because lime cordial and corona.. not good at all. spoils the drink.

                                    General Lighting
                                      Chemical Brother wrote:
                                      not really i just enjoy the taste, i dont drink it unless it has lime in it, it has to be a slice of lime tho because lime cordial and corona.. not good at all. spoils the drink.

                                      true, but what I meant (obviously can’t speak for up North though) is that the bars in my area went through this big stage of selling the stuff in the late 80s and early 90s…then it fell out of fashion in the mid 90s (for one thing it means the bar staff have got to bother with cutting up the slices of lime) and everyone went back to drinking normal lager…

                                      now it seems its becoming popular again…. ๐Ÿ˜‰


                                        Yuppy central again then…:groucho:

                                        funny cat

                                          i discovered if you mix maluibu with lemonade and a slice of lime it very tasty! :love:

                                          Chemical Brother
                                            General Lighting wrote:
                                            true, but what I meant (obviously can’t speak for up North though) is that the bars in my area went through this big stage of selling the stuff in the late 80s and early 90s…then it fell out of fashion in the mid 90s (for one thing it means the bar staff have got to bother with cutting up the slices of lime) and everyone went back to drinking normal lager…

                                            now it seems its becoming popular again…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

                                            ohh, ive got ya now. yeah its in just about every bar you goin in newcastle, the even sell larg packs of both corona and sol in my local morrisons like, crackin drink indeed.

                                              Acidfairy wrote:
                                              Now who’ve you been talkin to????

                                              The voices in my head….. it was them they told me:you_crazy

                                                HARTY wrote:
                                                The voices in my head….. it was them they told me:you_crazy


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                                              Forums The Vibe Chat lemon or lime?