Good news for the legal highs, this bloke who runs the shop is a legend
feel free to add a comment to the local rag , as it needs some positiveness
i wrote
I fully support steve purchase involvment in the sale of majic mushrooms, And it has been a shame that current draconian legislations are put into place for a culture which has been used in many differnt cultures for many thousands of years. I also support his venture into the sale of khat. Having tryed this many times i feel its much safer than the dangerous ;speed;base which is sold quite often unpure with dangerous additives, also made in incredably dangerous conditions, also fueling crime. And maybee it will give a alternative for young people to venture into legal highs other than the purchase of more sinister drugs ie ( cocaine) which is so readarly available and ten folds as dangerous and addictive.
Use it dont abuse it is the message from me