Forums Music Sound Equipment Is a new Sound Devices MixPre-10T coming soon?

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  • #1471023


      I guess the -tn or tn- in the name is just for web organisation. usually I’d expect it to mean something like thumbnail, but since it appears mainly on sites based on tag searches it’s probably means something like “tag-name” and the fact why it appears sometimes in beginning or end is likely just inconstant naming schemes. the indication that the old battery options of the MP3/6 are compatible seem to point to a similar form factor. so could be a nice unit for people that need 10 tracks in a small unit without all the bells and whistles.

      Please help.

      I didn’t find the right solution from the Internet.


      Startup Launch Animation

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    Forums Music Sound Equipment Is a new Sound Devices MixPre-10T coming soon?