Forums The Vibe Chat How fucked up is this!!!

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      Is this real? Cos if they could do that back then imagin the advancements of that technology nowdays! Not that I agree with what’s being done mind you. :yakk:



        Oh wow I remember this from like years ago!
        I loved that video, I thought it was amazing. Speaking as someone with a scientist mentality I wish people were aloud to carry out such experiments more regularly.


          It is pretty amazing. That dog looks fucking well unhappy tho(he has just had his head cut off so I don’t blame him!!!). Not nice.


            @DaftFader 418495 wrote:

            It is pretty amazing. That dog looks fucking well unhappy tho(he has just had his head cut off so I don’t blame him!!!). Not nice.

            That and they’re stimulating all it’s sense with acid and the like.
            It’s probably just not got the muscle strangth to smile and whatnot.

            General Lighting

              @DaftFader 418490 wrote:

              Is this real? Cos if they could do that back then imagin the advancements of that technology nowdays!

              Cardiopulmonary bypass – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                @General Lighting 418498 wrote:

                Cardiopulmonary bypass – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Ah yeah dunno why I didn’t think about heart bypasses. Guess it’s exactly the same technology just they are keeping the whole body alive rather then just the head.


                  how did THAT get past ethics laws?

                  General Lighting

                    there weren’t any in the Soviet Union in the 1940s…


                      soviet union reminds me that i passed my russian exam yesterday.
                      i am now a qualified russian linguist 😀

                      hah not really, i can pretty much ask for cigarettes and vodka and that’s it..

                      but i think this is really unethical. the rule is that unethical things CAN be acceptable if the findings will be greatly beneficial. as cool and interesting as this is, i’m not so sure what it helped to solve..

                      General Lighting

                        its certainly a very unpleasant animal experiment, but it (and the American copies) helped create the heart lung machine that I posted in that wikipedia link

                        The Soviets weren’t that harsh to cut up dogs just because they could, and these days stuff like that is definitely banned in Russia (actually Mr Putin has a satellite tracking collar on his dog as he gets worried about her going missing)


                          personally I don’t see how it is “unethical” The dog was techincally dead before as far as I’m aware. I’m not sure if testing on dead animals is considered evil.


                            One of my ex’s was russian … she taught me how to say:- Hello, How are you, I’m fine, I love you and porno in russian. Quite worrying really lol.


                              i think saying it is easy but writing it is a whole different ball game 😐

                              i’m kinda finding it difficult to work out how this thing works.. the dog is getting oxygen from the blood but not glucose and both types of respiration need glucose to happen, and is it possible to “oxygenate” blood outside the body? how are any of the cells working if the dog isn’t getting glucose to them? and doesn’t the body shut down completely when it gets traumatized.. i would say that having your head lopped off is quite traumatizing.

                              i don’t think the dog was “dead”.. it’s brain must have been functioning at some level. tbh, i think this is kinda creepy.

                              General Lighting

                                attached is the US research paper where they managed to keep entire dogs alive leading to the development of the human life support kit. I don’t understand much of how it works, I expect Harr!et would. However if I lived anywhere near that uni and had a dog I don’t think I’d let it out of my sight :crazy_diz


                                  @harr!et 418558 wrote:

                                  i think saying it is easy but writing it is a whole different ball game 😐

                                  i’m kinda finding it difficult to work out how this thing works.. the dog is getting oxygen from the blood but not glucose and both types of respiration need glucose to happen, and is it possible to “oxygenate” blood outside the body? how are any of the cells working if the dog isn’t getting glucose to them? and doesn’t the body shut down completely when it gets traumatized.. i would say that having your head lopped off is quite traumatizing.

                                  i don’t think the dog was “dead”.. it’s brain must have been functioning at some level. tbh, i think this is kinda creepy.

                                  There would be a certain amount of glucose allready in the blood I would assume. Even the moden ones they use on humans can only keep you alive for aprox 45 mins acording to wiki.


                                    my biology teacher doesn’t think that this dog thing is real.. he talks real fast but he got a cambridge biology degree so i trust him.

                                    he’s fit too.
                                    not as fit as my physics/psych teacher but he’s well up there.
                                    so he must be right, always 😀

                                    General Lighting

                                      I don’t think the Soviets gave the whole story in their propaganda film but suspect they may have been doing something very similar to what the Yanks were did and didn’t want to give away their secrets…


                                        so could you cut off a human head and do the same?


                                          @joshd96320 418691 wrote:

                                          so could you cut off a human head and do the same?

                                          Anyone you got in mind? Arsene Wenger maybe? :crazy:


                                            Hi All ,
                                            Yes it is horrible , but it wasn’t done for fun . All these type experiments have a reason and at end result a bennifit . Heart and lung and any organ transplant all came from experiments like these . Yes i still find it horrible but if you needed any of these operations would you refuse ? i don’t think so we all want to live 🙂

                                            ps long way we all be healthy and happy 🙂


                                              @GiantMidget 418706 wrote:

                                              Anyone you got in mind? Arsene Wenger maybe? :crazy:


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                                            Forums The Vibe Chat How fucked up is this!!!