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      Harry Potter actor: I grew cannabis

      Harry Potter actor Jamie Waylett has admitted growing cannabis.

      Harry Potter actor Jamie Waylett has admitted growing cannabis.
      The 19-year-old, who plays Draco Malfoy sidekick Vincent Crabbe in the popular films, pleaded guilty to growing 10 plants in tents at his mother’s home.
      The teenager and his friend John Innis, 20, were arrested when Waylett took a photograph of police as the pair drove past officers.
      Innis’s black Audi was then searched and police discovered a knife and eight bags of cannabis. They then visited Waylett’s mother’s house in Kilburn, north west London and found 10 cannabis plants.
      Appearing at City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Waylett, of Kilburn, admitted production of cannabis.
      Innis admitted possession of a knife and having 11 bags of cannabis.
      Defending, Waylett’s lawyer said he had been videoing the road side for a music compilation when he caught the attention of officers.
      She told the court: “There are possibly issues as to his future in his field so far.”
      The latest instalment in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, went on general release yesterday (Wednesday).

      That is classic!!! raaa

      General Lighting

        hopefully the knife was only being used for cutting the plants or dividing up the cannabis – It would be really wrong if the lad was indeed carrying it for protection given that another actor from the same movie died due to London’s knife culture…


          i am bit worried that the police wanted to search them for no other reason than they took a picture of the police…….

          …..i know in this case they were doing something illegal, but does that mean the police are going to harrass anyone who attempts their challenge their authority?

          me thinks its a bit like the time they beat up those two women who were taking police badge numbers at the protest


            @ketordeath 341327 wrote:

            i am bit worried that the police wanted to search them for no other reason than they took a picture of the police…….

            …..i know in this case they were doing something illegal, but does that mean the police are going to harrass anyone who attempts their challenge their authority?

            me thinks its a bit like the time they beat up those two women who were taking police badge numbers at the protest

            it seems to me the police must of had the “smart alecs think they can take photos of us … we have the power .. lets go show them who’s boss” kinda attitude that i have seen all too many times with police in recent years :yakk:


              Daft Finder, that is exactly it, fucking cunts,

              General Lighting

                cops have been suspicious of cameras since they were invented, but thats because they know they are powerful as pistols in the right hands. TVP is just as bad if not worse than metpol…

                its stilll a bit stupid and arrogant though to go taking pics of the police (and thus attract attention) when in posession of a large amount of illegal substances, its not even like they were at a hippy eco protest or human rights march where they could claim the moral high ground, and does look a bit like they thought they were “above the law” because they were celebs…

                until such time (if ever) that drugs become legal, people what take them are simply going to have to accept the police have the power and do everything possible to keep out of their way if carrying..


                  @General Lighting 341331 wrote:


                  its stilll a bit stupid and arrogant though to go taking pics of the police (and thus attract attention) when in posession of a large amount of illegal substances, its not even like they were at a hippy eco protest or human rights march where they could claim the moral high ground, and does look a bit like they thought they were “above the law” because they were celebs…

                  Nail on the head mate. Common sense really. If you take a picture of a pig then the pig is most certainly going to harass you for it (or give you the flu).

                  If someone on the street randomly took my picture i would definitely call them up on it.

                  Moral of the story.

                  Hide in the bushes and then take the pictures. All about being subtle. Also don’t do it with your pecker out. :crazy_diz

                  General Lighting

                    looks like this oaf went further off the rails..

                    BBC News – London riots: Harry Potter actor Jamie Waylett jailed

                    Gylfi Gudbjornsson

                      Haha I never saw this thread! Classic bro, just classic!


                        @General Lighting 496756 wrote:

                        looks like this oaf went further off the rails..

                        BBC News – London riots: Harry Potter actor Jamie Waylett jailed

                        what a spaz!

                        Tank Girl

                          @p0ly 496769 wrote:

                          what a spaz!

                          silly boy….

                          Pat McDonald

                            Blimey. What some actors will do for a bit of publicity… but I don’t see many cons on the inside giving him a hard time.

                            Possibly a few beatings to get autographs, but that’s pretty unlikely.

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                          Forums The Vibe Chat Harry POThead