Forums The Vibe Chat Go Snus – The Smokeless Social Network

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      Hello Fellow Party Vibers,

      Would like you too all check out my new website, GoSnus – The Smokeless Social Network. . Its a social network for the smokeless scene. The site is focused around snus, but we discuss all forms of smokeless tobacco. You can make a profile, upload your fav music and videos ect ect.

      So , if you stopped smoking cigs, or would like to check us out. Please leave me your thoughts and feedback on the site.

      Thanks a lot everyone and party safe

      Lance (GoSnus – The Smokeless Social Network.)


        Isn’t Snus that sweedish tobbaco that you stick in your mouth?


          Hi all ,
          That sounds like chewing tobbaco ? do you need strong tooth paste to get rid of the stains off your teeth and a spitoon ?



            Snus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            yeah it it’s … I’ve tried this b4 .. It’s vial!

            Alltho my friend said he liked it, the smell put me off it b4 it even got in my mouth (imo it tastes as bad as it smells aswell)!


              Yes, Swedish Snus. It is not chew, nor is it dip. It is more close to dip tho, than chew. There are two versions of snus, loose and portion, loose is just what is sounds like, loose snus. Portion snus is snus in a tea bag like bag. Snus has helped many many people quit smoking cigs, or at least cut down from 1-2 packs a day to 1-2 smokes a day.

              With snus you do not have to spit, so no need for a spitoon. Portion snus leaves no stains left on your teeth. Loose snus leaves juice all over your teeth, but easily wipes off.

              Some snus do have a really strong smell, but it isnt meant to be smelled. Once you get used to it and have a couple days worth of snusing under your belt it is really enjoyable, and a hell of a lot healthier.

              I have some sample packs coming from a friend I will be giving away to members of my site that have never tried “Real” Swedish snus. So if anyone is interested or curious sign up and just let me know! Am also doing a referral contest and giving away 5 cans of snus. I say “real” here because the American version of snus does not compare to the Swedish version.

              The site does not revolve just around snus, although it is the main topic, we also discuss dip, nasal snuff, chew, e-cigs, strips, orbs, sticks, any form of smokeless tobacco is discussed, and membership will always be free.


                The snus I got was brought back from sweeden by a mate. I stand by the fact this stuf is vial but like I said my mate seemed to like it. :you_crazy

                Aparently wider sociaty can look down on you if you take snus in sweeden like if you took drugs over here (UK – I guess it’s the same over where you live with drugs) as it has mild stimulent effects I belive. It is a tobbaco product after all and that is a mild stimulent.


                  @DaftFader 398409 wrote:

                  The snus I got was brought back from sweeden by a mate. I stand by the fact this stuf is vial but like I said my mate seemed to like it. :you_crazy

                  Aparently wider sociaty can look down on you if you take snus in sweeden like if you took drugs over here (UK – I guess it’s the same over where you live with drugs) as it has mild stimulent effects I belive. It is a tobbaco product after all and that is a mild stimulent.

                  Snus does not give stimulant effects, because the nicotine content in mg is so high, it acts as a sedative.


                    Swedish snus acts as a relaxing stimulant, as do tea and coffee.

                    I got this from a website that sells snus.


                      Research suggests that, when smokers wish to achieve a stimulating effect, they take short quick puffs, which produce a low level of blood nicotine.[39] This stimulates nerve transmission. When they wish to relax, they take deep puffs, which produce a high level of blood nicotine, which depresses the passage of nerve impulses, producing a mild sedative effect. At low doses, nicotine potently enhances the actions of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, causing a drug effect typical of those of psychostimulants. At higher doses, nicotine enhances the effect of serotonin and opiate activity, producing a calming, pain-killing effect. Nicotine is unique in comparison to most drugs, as its profile changes from stimulant to sedative/pain killer in increasing dosages and use.


                        @1984 398438 wrote:

                        Research suggests that, when smokers wish to achieve a stimulating effect, they take short quick puffs, which produce a low level of blood nicotine.[39] This stimulates nerve transmission. When they wish to relax, they take deep puffs, which produce a high level of blood nicotine, which depresses the passage of nerve impulses, producing a mild sedative effect. At low doses, nicotine potently enhances the actions of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, causing a drug effect typical of those of psychostimulants. At higher doses, nicotine enhances the effect of serotonin and opiate activity, producing a calming, pain-killing effect. Nicotine is unique in comparison to most drugs, as its profile changes from stimulant to sedative/pain killer in increasing dosages and use.

                        people generaly breath quickly when they want stimulation and slow deep breaths when they want to relax though, wether they be smoking a cigarette or not lol. nicotine wont have anything to do with it


                          im not much of a snuff fanatic

                          i quite enjoy the smoking experience, even if it does mean ill die earlier

                          i enjoy cigars

                          problem is theyre 20 quid each… but i spose it stops me shmokin too manyy


                            Snus isn’t snuff, it’s a lump of foul tobbaco mush you put under your lip.


                              @DaftFader 398507 wrote:

                              Snus isn’t snuff, it’s a lump of foul tobbaco mush you put under your lip.

                              That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. However snus is not foul tobacco mush, in my opinion. I smoked for over 6 years and was able to quit very easily with snus. There is a person on that smoked for 26 years two packs a day, and now smokes 1-2 cigs a day, because of snus, and another that quit after 23 years and smokes zero cigs now he only uses snus ans nasal snuff.

                              Snus comes in a variety of levels and flavors. Levels meaning nicotine content, the smallest you can get is 4mg of nicotine and the highest is 20mg. When you have a 20mg snus, or even an 11mg (for myself) the effects are sedative and not stimulant.

                              A lot of women do not like the strong tobacco flavors, however there are tons of flavors, from wintergreen to spearmint to orange citrus even a banana/cranberry snus. There is something for everyone’s taste pallet, and if you only try one snus and say its gross – your not gonna ever like them. Just with anything , it grows on you the more you use them.

                              And in the end, snusing is by far more healthy than smoking cigs. You feel a hell of a lot better after you quit, and it is quite nice to be able to smell things normally now, and not smell like an ashtray.


                                Snus is healther then smoking tobbaco but can still cause cancer of the pancreas and mouth! Your best option of quitting (IMO) is go tee total. As “Process” off this forum will tell you – try the Alen Carr quit smoking book, Aparently it really works (alltho I secritly think he’s just trying to sell the book!:laugh_at:).

                                Snus alltho a tobbaco product, still hasn’t had enough reaserch done into it to know the full pro’s and cons, just like our RC market of today. They are reaserching into it in europe to see if the benafits outway the negatives in comparison to smoking and on it’s own, and from what I can tell the scientific comunity are somewhat divided on the matter.


                                  @DaftFader 398544 wrote:

                                  Snus is healther then smoking tobbaco but can still cause cancer of the pancreas and mouth! Your best option of quitting (IMO) is go tee total. As “Process” off this forum will tell you – try the Alen Carr quit smoking book, Aparently it really works (alltho I secritly think he’s just trying to sell the book!:laugh_at:).

                                  Snus alltho a tobbaco product, still hasn’t had enough reaserch done into it to know the full pro’s and cons, just like our RC market of today. They are reaserching into it in europe to see if the benafits outway the negatives in comparison to smoking and on it’s own, and from what I can tell the scientific comunity are somewhat divided on the matter.

                                  Snus has been around for hundreds of years. The brand Ettan, is currently the oldest still for sale, which started in 1822.

                                  2. Oral Cancer. The Lancet study above also showed no increased incidence of oral cancer, which is somewhat surprising, since American chewing tobacco is known to have increased mouth cancer risks. Snus are treated differently from American chewing tobacco, however, and part of their curing process involves stripping the tobacco of as many carcinogens as possible and not heating the tobacco to the point where carcinogens are released, which may explain this finding.

                                  3. Pancreatic Cancer. In the Lancet study that tracked cancer rates for snus users, smokers, and people who’d never used tobacco, snus users had about an 8.8 per 100,000 cases rate of pancreatic cancer. The cancer rate for the non-smokers was 3.3 per 100,000, so while snus still has a low cancer rate in this area, it is higher than for the non-tobacco users. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most fast-acting and brutal forms of the disease, with the fourth-highest fatality rates of all cancers in the United States according to a study posted on CA Online, a cancer journal for Clinicians.


                                    Will It Kill You? Snus Edition –

                                    nice little article on Swedish Snus


                                      There wasnt enough propper reaserch done about snus to make it instantly legal in the majority of euroupe. Infact It’s actualy ILLIGAL over here! (UK). Or at least was when my mate brought some back from sweden. There’s a law that makes certain types of smokeless tobacco illigal in most of europe, however unfounded, what was probably first pushed by the cig companies of yesteryear, which ironicaly has seemed to of turned around and shot british american tobbaco in the arse as they couldn’t get this law overturned several years back when smoking bans came in across the states and europe, so are now selling less cigs and no snus legaly in the UK and alot of europe I would imagin.

                                      I know It’s been around for years and It’s no where near as bad as american chewing tobbaco or smoking. The fact is that alltho better then smoking, snus still holds cancer inducing agents, hower much effort has been spent in getting rid of them. Its not 100% risk free and I stand by my point that it’s alot healther to neither do snus or smoke if you’re trying to quit smoking.

                                      One “Quit smoking” gimic that I’ve tried, that is legal over here, is “electronic cigs” and you end up being 10 times more addicted to them then real cigs due to the % of nicotine in the majority of them. They are not designed to help you quit smoking, they are designed to make you addicted to them and spend the cash you would otherwise spend on cigs on the “alternative”. The NHS (national health service) over hear give out “FREE” (payed for by our taxes) nicotine patches.

                                      The problem is tho that nicotine ITSELF may cause cancer regardless of how you intake it!


                                        @DaftFader 398507 wrote:

                                        Snus isn’t snuff, it’s a lump of foul tobbaco mush you put under your lip.

                                        my bad


                                          @joshd96320 398567 wrote:

                                          my bad

                                          IN THE CORNER BOY!



                                            call me old fashioned but smoking tobaco is FTW


                                              @DaftFader 398571 wrote:

                                              IN THE CORNER BOY!


                                              @cozmic 398574 wrote:

                                              call me old fashioned but smoking tobaco is FTW

                                              yes! especially a bit of pipe tobacco 😉

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                                            Forums The Vibe Chat Go Snus – The Smokeless Social Network