Forums The Vibe Chat Deadly Fire at Illegal Rave in Amsterdam

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      Found this thread on SJ :;action=display;num=1100857718,,30200-13249163,00.html


      A blaze at an all-night rave in an Amsterdam warehouse has killed one person and injured six others.

      The fire broke out between 7am and 8am Sunday, when several hundred party-goers were still inside the building.

      The rave was being held at an industrial estate occupied by squatters.

      “The firemen found one deceased victim inside,” Amsterdam fire brigade spokesman Kees Jongh said.

      “Six have been taken to hospital with severe burns as well as breathing problems.”

      A thick column of smoke could be seen from many parts of Amsterdam after the blaze broke out.

      Some 15 fire engines were still trying to control the fire by mid-morning.

      A 30-year-old man has reportedly been arrested.

      Raves are popular in Netherlands, often filling an entire stadium with over 10,000 party-goers attending. “

      This is very sad. I’ve been to a few parties over the years where a fire has broken out, but it has always been quite small and has been put out quickly by on the ball ravers.

      I’ve also been to a few parties over the years where I’ve thought that if a fire was to break out, then we would all have been fucked – e.g. a few thousand ravers in an underground / basement venue with only one corider/exit in and out.

      Makes you think doesn’t it?

      General Lighting

        just checked some other news reports – the 30 year old man is allegedly the “organiser” and has been charged with “culpable homicide” ( a charge which could result in a prison sentence of some years 🙁 )

        it has also been reported in specialist press for the Emergency Services – and will no doubt be used by authorities EU-wide as another reason to say “why raves should not happen”..

        Unfortunately I do not speak dutch so any extra news from those who do and have access to their own local media will be welcome! At least the authorities are not linking it with the ongoing civil conflict in the Netherlands.

        This incident is a tragedy to those hurt and killed; out of respect for them we must learn from it and do everything possible to minimise risks at all rave events (licensed ones can often have as many fire hazards).


          thats intresting, what happens to us in this country say a rave organiser who puts on a party and something like that happens or a floor closes in and eveyone falls through or the likes?

          General Lighting

            The gory details of what could happen..

            1. First blue light service to arrive if not the Police calls for Police backup (clamining potentially hostile crowd on drugs)

            2. Police declare “major incident protocol”

            3. TSG units arrive en-masse and clear site of all non-injured (using batons, dogs, CS if required)

            4. Fire and Rescue/Ambulance receive clearance to enter premises. Hazards (fire, damageed area) made safe – Dead/Wounded evacuated and dealt with by standard NHS procedures – this will only happen BTW after cops say it is OK – and any delay will be blamed on “hostile ravers blocking emergency services 🙁 “

            5. Police cordon off area and declare “crime scene” (just like on the movies, blue and white tape, people in “space suits”)

            6. If organisers not arrested at scene (usually those nearest to the rigs or playing records) they will be nicked when they try to claim back their equipment (assuming its still in one piece)

            They could potentially face charges of involuntary manslaughter (if there were deaths) – couldn’t find a “criminal negligence” law in my books but the “no ents license” law has a max penalty of £20,000 and prison time – there is a already precedent in Essex of prison time handed down to a promoter who used a dangerous building (and this without any injuries)

            Cops or CPS may also pass on details to victims families of how to make a civil claim against the promoter. The stress of the incident would have probably ended many friendships and relationships already, the lawyers would be just waiting to pick up on this. (think of the fees!)

            There would be no easy way out of this one unless someone was prepared to abandon their rig, their vehicle and even their friends some of whom may be dead or injured.

            Nasty stuff? Yes indeed. A good reason to make sure buildings are as safe as they can be…

            Techno Viking



                Jesus!! thats bad someone died, I don’t really like warehouse raves cos shit like that can happen all too easily if peeps ain’t careful.

                At least if we go to one now i think its a good idea to take a few fire extinguishers along in the car just in case eh:wink:


                  its a shame, thoughts are with the relatives of the victim


                    I can see this thread is 3 years old..

                    Are people not more aware of the danger now ,or is it the same ?

                    I would think people learn from things like this or maybe not..

                    General Lighting

                      Dr B and various others from Holland have posted other Dutch party news over the years. Much of it gave the impression that NL parties were even better organised than those in the UK!

                      I expect this was an isolated incident, and since then either party organisers have been more clued up – or, like Britain, there has been a backlash and clampdown so less events happen anyway.

                      It is actually fairly easy to make a warehouse party safer against fire risks provided the building isn’t overcrowded – when my mates were doing them they always had fire extinguishers and at least an informal “escape plan” should fire start (they have put out fires without many people realising one had started in the first place!)

                      and I have been to many warehouse parties I consider to be safer than legal ones (some legal venues do not pay as much attention to fire safety as they should).

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                    Forums The Vibe Chat Deadly Fire at Illegal Rave in Amsterdam