Forums The Vibe Chat daftfaders gif in his sig..

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      i actually have one of those in my computer now, for real. its crawling all over my screen and i cant get it out, doing my brain in! :crazy:

      *edit make that two now! argh!

      General Lighting

        you back in Suffolk? the place is alive with small bugs. I’m not sure what exactly they are, but some of my colleagues misidentified them as fleas and blamed their presence on a perfectly innocent random cat I had been letting into the office. At least I’ve only been encouraging recognised domestic pets and not local poultry (I was tempted to befriend the ducks and geese too but its against health and safety rules)


          @General Lighting 390567 wrote:

          you back in Suffolk? the place is alive with small bugs. I’m not sure what exactly they are, but some of my colleagues misidentified them as fleas and blamed their presence on a perfectly innocent random cat I had been letting into the office. At least I’ve only been encouraging recognised domestic pets and not local poultry (I was tempted to befriend the ducks and geese too but its against health and safety rules)

          yeah mate, im back in bumpkin land! there definatly not fleas, there about 3 or 4 mil long and about 1 mil wide and black, think ones just crawled up my nose! :crazy:


            Are they proper thin little bugs? If so then they are harmless. They always seem to come out in the summer.


              @GiantMidget 390575 wrote:

              Are they proper thin little bugs? If so then they are harmless. They always seem to come out in the summer.

              thats the fuckers. i know they cant bite me or anything, but they get everywhere. theres two in my computer, one up my nose and i think i just saw one in my watch! :crazy:


                I tend to eat em if I find em. Gotta love that extra protein.


                  @GiantMidget 390579 wrote:

                  I tend to eat em if I find em. Gotta love that extra protein.

                  plug them mate, bear grillis recommends it


                    have they got dark purple allmost black wings and are thiner at there head with thin arrow shaped body?


                      @DaftFader 390589 wrote:

                      have they got dark purple allmost black wings and are thiner at there head with thin arrow shaped body?

                      nah they are tiny. cant even see if they have wings, just really small and crawl about. they seem to love the colour yellow for some reason…

                      General Lighting

                        I encountered loads at the weekend cycling from Ipswich to near enough the border area but not so much in this mid Suffolk village. They all appear to have migrated to past Stowmarket since last weekend.


                          @1984 390587 wrote:

                          plug them mate, bear grillis recommends it

                          Bear Grylls is a god among insects.


                            @General Lighting 390619 wrote:

                            I encountered loads at the weekend cycling from Ipswich to near enough the border area but not so much in this mid Suffolk village. They all appear to have migrated to past Stowmarket since last weekend.

                            lol i was cycling the other day. parked up on a lamppost next to like an overgrown alley…. got into my mates house, carried a load of new furniture upstairs, halfway up startling tickling… was covered in the fuckers


                              NANO BOTS!

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                            Forums The Vibe Chat daftfaders gif in his sig..