Forums The Vibe Chat Any Ideas For A Mask?

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  • #1047783

      Yeah so on the 8th of this month Im going to Mint Club, Leeds and its a Mask Party. Theres going to be about 20 of us going and probabally pushing a thousand there so I wanted something different and pretty cool.

      Filth Mask Party @ Mint Club (Leeds) – Saturday 8th August 2009 | Tonight In My City

      Cheers in advance, Arron


        just go without a mask azzy baby, theyll think you got the best mask there 😉

        youll want something that ventilates or youll be a sweaty bastard

        failing that wear a gnome mask and hope cliffton turns up


          I have a Homer Simpson mask that i sometimes take to (free) raves. It proper amuses people to see ‘Homer’ moshing it! raaa


            How about a mask with your face pictured on it?

            That failing, I’ll talk to my mate The Batman (see ‘Begins’ and ‘Dark Knight’ for more info) about lending you his. He tends to chill out at home with a ponographic movie on a Saturday night as the OB hit the streets in numbers.

            Tank Girl

              If you’ve got time look on ebay – theres some great ones
              depending on what you want – scarey or more traditional venetian style ones

              Venetian Mardi Gras Costume Masquerade Party Mask Green on eBay (end time 02-Aug-09 02:14:42 BST)

              ~~ Silver Polish Death Lord Killer Skull Mask Men Ring on eBay (end time 02-Aug-09 09:23:47 BST)

              I am also having this dilema for fancy dress at shambala

              I have a plain white mask but dont know how to paint it – or whether to go as something else……..

              decisions decisions :bounce_fl

              (does anyone know if shambala has a theme? as I know secret garden party does…. as this would help me)


                dress up as ur mate and have ur mate dress as u

                mind fuck

                Tank Girl

                  @joshd96320 343518 wrote:

                  dress up as ur mate and have ur mate dress as u

                  mind fuck

                  I did that at primary school once, me and my best mate had those ‘kenny’ style coats, we swapped socks and shoes, put the hoods up and went home with eachothers mums one day…..

                  it didnt go down well but we thought it was funny 😉


                    @Tank Girl 343521 wrote:

                    I did that at primary school once, me and my best mate had those ‘kenny’ style coats, we swapped socks and shoes, put the hoods up and went home with eachothers mums one day…..

                    it didnt go down well but we thought it was funny 😉


                    i nearly ended up going to some kids house for tea… i didnt know my house number or where i lived lol… luckily my mum came thru the back gate this time (usually went through the other gate)
                    today i could have been a muslim sporting robes and flipflops :hopeless:

                    give that kid credit though he always used to give me yazoo raaa


                      I was thinking about getting one of them plane white “ghost” masks and drawing crazy stuff on it in fluorescent paint or putting holes in some crazy pattern and putting glow sticks underneath it. Cheers everyone I think Im going down Monday to see what they have in town and then put something crazy and quite trippy together 🙂




                          @Azz 343502 wrote:

                          Yeah so on the 8th of this month Im going to Mint Club, Leeds and its a Mask Party. Theres going to be about 20 of us going and probabally pushing a thousand there so I wanted something different and pretty cool.

                          Filth Mask Party @ Mint Club (Leeds) – Saturday 8th August 2009 | Tonight In My City

                          Cheers in advance, Arron

                          I actually own this mask and it rocks:


                          I also think masks like this are good as they’re so creepy:


                          i also got one of these masks too:


                          Tank Girl

                            @spage 343700 wrote:

                            I also think masks like this are good as they’re so creepy:


                            this is the one I got, am thinking of painting it but not sure….


                              Creepy clown masks are pretty cool imo, Specially if you took one raving. Be a bit freaky for some, specially if they’re on acid. :crazy:


                                @Azz 343502 wrote:

                                Yeah so on the 8th of this month Im going to Mint Club, Leeds and its a Mask Party. Theres going to be about 20 of us going and probabally pushing a thousand there so I wanted something different and pretty cool.

                                Filth Mask Party @ Mint Club (Leeds) – Saturday 8th August 2009 | Tonight In My City

                                Cheers in advance, Arron

                                what is wrong with your face?

                                it can’t be that bad surely?

                                AGENT 15

                                    @AGENT 15 343938 wrote:

                                    Rubber Gorilla Halloween Masks, Horror Masks, Latex Masks, Scary Masks

                                    Most focked up masks evar!

                                    That’s fucking awesome, I want the Bernard zombie mask, Be funny as fuck getting on the tube wearing that. raaa


                                      @Tank Girl 343753 wrote:

                                      this is the one I got, am thinking of painting it but not sure….

                                      Yeah, you should paint it, go for it. We did a party once a bought a good few of them to hand out to people as they were really cheap. Girls were getting out their lipstick etc and painting lips an dstuff on the masks, that made them a little creapier!

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                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Any Ideas For A Mask?