Forums The Vibe Chat Memory test Re: Memory test


    1. What do you love?
    2. happy birthday to p0ly
    3. saving up to buy a car
    4. cutting expenses
    5. drug wars
    6. boston marathon
    7. bought 20 boxes of vinyls on ebay
    8. Oh, America
    9. Free will
    10. Is everything around us art?
    11. gay marriage
    12. black friday
    13. noise levels at live events.
    14. black friday
    15. men steal 65k worth of frozen chicken
    16. inspired by psyentist’s topic
    17. raspberry pi

    The rest aren’t really memorable threads so…I don’t remember them. I did have one about building an ondes though, which I’ve just recalled. I have a bunch of stuff for it in a shed but no time to attempt the daunting procedure.