Forums Radionics Pirate Radio NL : Oeps! naughty boys got in some trouble here

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  • #1055461
    General Lighting

      these lads did not use correct filtering on their output, and maybe too loud audio (overdeviation) and too much power on the transmitter, and the signal got into the aero bands (just above Band II at 108-137 MHz) :crazy_diz:crazy_diz

      Twee etherpiraten uit Steenwijk zijn afgelopen week uit de lucht gehaald omdat ze de communicatie tussen piloten verstoorden. De piraten waren daarmee een bedreiging voor de veiligheid van het luchtverkeer. Agentschap Telecom heeft ingegrepen na klachten van de Belgische luchtvaartautoriteiten en Groningen Airport Eelde. Het ging daarbij om het vliegverkeer in de aanvliegroute naar Brussel.

      two radiopirates from Steenwijk were put off the air last week because they interfered with communication between aircraft pilots. The pirates were therefore a threat to the safety of aviation.
      Agentschap Telecom intervened following complaints by the BElgian airtraffic authorities and Groningen Airport in EElde. This involved aircraft on the flight path to Brussels.

      De piloten die boven Duitsland en België vlogen en communiceerden met de luchtverkeersleiding, hoorden daardoor in plaats van luchtvaartcommunicatie, Nederlandstalige muziek en ruis.

      the pilots that fly between Germany and Belgium and communicate with the air traffic control, heard in place of the aeronautical comms, Dutch music and noise.

      rest of the article (in Dutch) is below – One lad was a teenager and got a strong warning and the other one voluntarily surrendered the transmission equipment to the AT..

      if you are going to play with such toys, at least be careful of intereference (a scanner for airband is cheaper than the TX anyway and unless you look like a terrorist no one is going to thing its odd listening to planes, its a common hobby in Europe). After all all of us and our families might want to get on an aircraft for holidays sometime, and their VHF radio is very important. When I set my scanner up here in Ipswich UK I can hear many planes going to both Stansted and Maastricht the air is very busy…

      (at least no one was hurt..)

      Agentschap Telecom – Twee piraten storen internationaal luchtvaartverkeer

      Gylfi Gudbjornsson



          sounds like they were dealt with sensibly at least

          General Lighting

            To be fair Ofcom would do just the same if it were only kids.

            What the communications ministries understandably do not like is people running unlicensed stations to make money which was happening to some extent in NL.

            Curiously the Dutch pirate radio scene revolves around beer, tobacco, and folk music rather than dance genres and drugs, in their music they quite often mock Hilversum for being too “English/international” and neglecting the culture of the rural areas, so I suspect that the authorities treat it more lightly than in other countries, Many of the Dutch pirates are only run for certain times after all the farm work is done and they have a party in the barn as well.

            I’ve not yet encountered a Dutch pirate playing dance genres (other than the odd bit of hardstyle or trance as a bed for a spoken jingle), maybe this is because 3G is better and its possible to listen to online stations even in vehicles etc by plugging a phone into the in car soundsystem..

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          Forums Radionics Pirate Radio NL : Oeps! naughty boys got in some trouble here