Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC

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      Respect these things… don’t binge for days. You will either end up addicted to something of ODing on something….. Is just sillyness. I don’t mean to sound like an asshole but its people who take so many drugs that they need or think they need an ambulance who will ruin the scene for the rest. By all means call and ambulance if you need one…. but really… why dose up so much of any substance that there is the chance you will need one?


        my mate had a panic attack and called an ambulance yesterday

        i’m not certain what he did yet but i’ve heard mephedrone and shit mdma

        tbh the boy had this comin the shit he does to himself on a daily basis


          I have heard combining drone with mdma (or what’s being passed off as mdma) is not a good move. The shit mdma is most likely BZP and BZP is dangerous when mixed with other stuff.

          People really need to calm down on the drugs. I consider myself lucky to be alive considering the binges i have gone on and now limit it to 1/2 mashups a month if that.

          Everything in moderation folks.


            @DJCliffy 349405 wrote:

            Everything in moderation folks.

            including moderation? it kinda cancels itself out :laugh_at:


              very clever!


                @p0ly 349406 wrote:

                including moderation? it kinda cancels itself out :laugh_at:

                Hmmm i might have phrased that incorrectly :weee:


                  @DJCliffy 349405 wrote:

                  Everything in moderation folks.

                  cliffy wanks in moderation? the pope must piss in the woods then


                    @globalloon 349355 wrote:

                    i’ve tried lone and drone and thought it was like a 5 hour speed hit with a sicky feeling in my stomach

                    snorting = no stomach discomfort


                      @p0ly 349424 wrote:

                      snorting = no stomach discomfort

                      i did snort it and i felt sick as a dog about 30 minutes later for the next 5 hours


                        probaly a good thing, don’t ever take it again


                          @DJCliffy 349037 wrote:

                          Same as that mate. Well actually last decent bit i had was new years. I can’t believe that this time last year i could get as much wicked mud as i wanted.

                          But we are in an ecstasy recession at the moment, Things will improve, I reckon give it a couple more months and we should see an improvement. I say this because of the recent mandy ‘sightings’.

                          Drone is fucking awesome stuff but for me it’ll never replace mdma!


                          Yeah, some people are blaming the actual recession for the lack of mandy.

                          If I had mandy, I’d know when i’d had enough and i’d be able to get a bloody nights sleep after.


                            @joshmow56 349451 wrote:

                            Yeah, some people are blaming the actual recession for the lack of mandy.

                            If I had mandy, I’d know when i’d had enough and i’d be able to get a bloody nights sleep after.

                            It’s still out there but it’s very hard to find. I have heard of ppl buying old school crystal mud at £50 a g.

                            Then again i’d probably pay that for a bit of decent mandy! 😉


                              @globalloon 349355 wrote:

                              i’ve tried lone and drone and thought it was like a 5 hour speed hit with a sicky feeling in my stomach

                              I tried drone and for me it did feel like i was on pills. then the buzz went and i was just very alert, like i was on speed.

                              Didn’t feel tired at all, felt wide awake all day which was strange considering i had necked about 12 cans of lager all night and morning.

                              The lone didn’t really affect me that much (probably the drone counteracting it) then i had a loony and that was me done. Temporary insanity! :laugh_at:

                              General Lighting

                                I got this from a post on drugs-forum.. (DA is dopamine).

                                Note the warnings about the effects on the heart…


                                Legal: Under Australian law, in most states 4-Methylmethcathinone can be considered an analogue of the scheduled (illicit) drug methcathinone.

                                Pharmacological: 4-Methylmethcathinone is sympathomimetic stimulant. From proposed SAR modelling, 4-methylmethcathinone is expected to have similar pharmacological properties to methcathinone, but with increased activity on the serotonin neurotransmitter systems. Methcathinone is suggested as being more potent than its parent cathinone, and methamphetamine (1)

                                Methcathinone is a drug with a high abuse potential, with prolonged, high dosages known to cause psychosis and withdrawal tremors. Methcathinone is regarded as being similar in profile to methamphetamine in relation to neurotoxicity, with marked decreases in DA levels noted among abstinent users. While generally below levels associated with Parkinsons Disease, this is considered to be demonstrative of permanent, or semi permanent neurological damage (2)

                                Compared with controls, abstinent methamphetamine
                                and methcathinone users had significant decreases in
                                DAT density in the caudate nucleus (223 and 224%, respectively)
                                and putamen (225 and 216%, respectively).

                                It can be speculated that the para substituted compound 4-methylmethcathinone may have reduced stimulant activity, but as said, its likely to have additional affect on serotonin via both monoamine reuptake/ SERT inhibition and direct agonist affects of the 5HT2b receptors. Concerns have been raised regarding the actions of 4-methylmethcathinone in relation to peripheral 5HT (serotonin) stimulation and how that, combined with other catecholamine activity, may be dangerous to the heart.

                                In a similar manner to which pulmonary hypertension is caused by peripheral 5HT produced by gastrointestinal carcinoid tumours (and some argue 5HTP), other 5HT2b agonists have been found to cause this effect, which would be exacerbated by increased DA/NE levels and their corresponding affect on the heart. Longer term, such stimulation has been shown to result in fibroblast mitosis of the mitral valve of the left atrium (specifically the Chordae Tendineae). (3,4)

                                While it has yet to be demonstrated by means of scientific study that 4-methylmethcathinone produces these effects, I believe it’s wise to consider carefully the possible toxicity of this compound if you’re intending to ingest or otherwise consume products containing this drug.

                                Analysis of Neorganics Products: 5 new drugs banned in Israel – Drugs Forum

                                General Lighting

                                  @DJCliffy 349405 wrote:

                                  I have heard combining drone with mdma (or what’s being passed off as mdma) is not a good move. The shit mdma is most likely BZP and BZP is dangerous when mixed with other stuff.

                                  combining any amfetamine-type stimulant with BZP is dangerous and ironically may well be what has resulted in the current drought – as in the last few years more and more people are presenting to Emergency Departments across the UK due to “MDMA” overdoses, or just from caning a combination of party drugs. I’ve had this confirmed from both people what have ended up in the hospital plus frontline sources in an NHS Emergency Department in SE England.

                                  Each incident of these gets recorded by the Drugs and Alcohol Action team for the region. The DAAT is made up of not just the NHS but the Police as well so it shapes anti-drugs enforcement – so if one substance is seen as a “problem” the cops target it. I have definitely seen more enforcement against “party drugs” dealers as well as crack/smack dealers in recent times..


                                    @p0ly 349423 wrote:

                                    cliffy wanks in moderation? the pope must piss in the woods then

                                    I need to calm down on that front. starting to go blind in one eye.

                                    General Lighting

                                      @DJCliffy 349479 wrote:

                                      I need to calm down on that front. starting to go blind in one eye.

                                      aim more carefully then :laugh_at:


                                        @General Lighting 349481 wrote:

                                        aim more carefully then :laugh_at:

                                        Might need to invest in a decent defence strategy ie a sock. :weee:


                                          @DJCliffy 349484 wrote:

                                          Might need to invest in a decent defence strategy ie a sock. :weee:


                                          wank socks, classic

                                          wouldnt they go crusty after a while? :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

                                          how about a mask


                                            @joshd96320 349485 wrote:


                                            wank socks, classic

                                            wouldnt they go crusty after a while? :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

                                            how about a mask

                                            The beauty of a wank sock is that upon crustation they can simply be thrown out and a new wank sock employed.


                                              wow… thanks for the very useful info lightning.

                                              Don’t think i’ll be taking much more of this then o.o

                                              General Lighting

                                                @Funnisam 349494 wrote:

                                                wow… thanks for the very useful info lightning.

                                                Don’t think i’ll be taking much more of this then o.o

                                                I would read the warnings in context. A certain amount of the text is speculation and a comparison with cathinone itself (which isn’t sold on line as its a classified drug here). but people are reporting “heart/breathing” type problems on heavy doses

                                                It is easy to get frightened by all the heavy medical words, but the toxicity of 4-MMC seems equivalent to that of dexamfetamine which has been used both recreationally and by the “legit” medical profession for decades.

                                                bear in mind that recreational dexamfetamine and MDMA users are not always getting pure stuff whilst mephedrone is usually much purer – hence people taking larger doses by accident.


                                                  i was talking to cliffy about mephedrone and methamphet and how i thought there might be simalaritys not so long ago… i allso got really bad tremmors when coming down after a few days on mephe at a festival .. mind you it was frezzing at the time and i was in a tent .. so this may of had alot to do with it :laugh_at:


                                                    That document has been around for a long time. I was a bit concerned on reading it but my dr listened to my heart and said its fine/valves are fine. Also I repeat if u are worried about ur heart then go to the dr’s and get it checked it takes 2 mins for a dr to listen to ur heart with a stethescope and tell u if theres anything wrong with ur heart valves.

                                                    If u are getting a sore chest while doing mephedrone its quite simple. dont do any more mephedrone regardless of if its done serious damage or not.

                                                    But its also worth pointing out people who appear to be getting any trouble from it are binge takers. i plead guilty to that
                                                    put cocaine at 10 quid a gram and make it legal and the same problems would occur


                                                      @eumeph 349501 wrote:

                                                      That document has been around for a long time. I was a bit concerned on reading it but my dr listened to my heart and said its fine/valves are fine. Also I repeat if u are worried about ur heart then go to the dr’s and get it checked it takes 2 mins for a dr to listen to ur heart with a stethescope and tell u if theres anything wrong with ur heart valves.

                                                      I feel I need to make a comment to this..

                                                      Just because your doctor listen to your heart and say everything seems fine it’s not a 100% guarantee that everything is fine..
                                                      He can’t find all problems just listening, you need to get examined properly on a hospital for that.

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat Mephedrone – Methadrone – Meow – Miaow – 4-MMC