Forums The Vibe Introductions From hannah

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      I have joined this site so I decided to write !!

      My name is Hannah, I am 17 years old and a student at college down in the south west of England, studying commerce and business. I also help to run a small family business.

      So that you can know me a bit better I have put together a short ‘Potted History of my life, likes and dislikes so read on!

      The early years.

      I was born on 31st Oct 1988 at a town called Kares Creek about 250 miles north west of Jo’s burg in South Africa. My first name is spelt the same back wards or faorwards, and my initials HJH (Hannah Jane Hughes) are the same, Neat h heh?. My father Jon, a Frenchman, ran a small engineering company there (with his friend/partner Peter, whose is still out there.) My mother, Eva had met dad whilst on holiday and married him.

      When I was five we came back to the UK, (Well back for my mother, not for me or father). I could not understand why we had left the warm home land for this damp and dreary place. My mother explained that she had to take over our grandfather’s business, but I was not impressed. We moved down to here in Devon and I was sent off to boarding school, in Kent and for the next 5 years I really only saw my parents at school holidays and occasional trips home. In the end I got to enjoy boarding life in Kent. When I was eleven my I transferred to senior school, this time a convent boarding school called “Mayfield” in East Sussex.. Life at Mayfield was great, especially in the upper school, I steered my education towards business/commerce because that was from early years that is what I had my heart set on, whilst my friends where planning on finishing school, I was focussing on getting the right grades for Uni.

      So that is my life history up to now. I am now in my 1st year at Plymouth Uni. That’s during the daytime. When I am not at Uni. I spend most of my time with practical experience of running the family business. We have a small hotel/pub and some shops.

      Ok so I live in an apartment, at the hotel which is in West Devon on the edge of the DartmouthNational Park. about 38 miles form Plymouth. It has : 23 bed rooms, 3 bars, 2 function rooms and a restaurant for 60.
      Ok that’s enough about home life for now!

      I love music and will listen to anything from classical to House music. But my collection and tastes have been some what influenced by my mother, she really loved rock. So now I tend to listen to older groups like The Who, Pink Floyd, Wishbone Ash, Doors, Curved Air, Black Sabbath, The Groundhogs just to name a few of the quieter groups!!!

      Do you like sports? I’ve just taken up golf, I try to have at least a few holes and a lesson once a week, other than that I seem only to get time to go swimming or out for a long walk on Dartmoor. I used to play squash, but I don’t seem any time for these days…I wasn’t very good anyhow.

      Do you like playing the guitar! I can play a little. When I was at school we had to be able to play three instruments, mine being the piano, flute and clarinet. But one of my room friends, a Spanish girl called Marie Amazona was very good, her father was a professional player (Spanish acoustic) and was always giving concerts all over the world, she took after him.

      Well I seem to have gone on for a good while. Maybe you will fell like mailing back. If you don’t I will understand. But if you do I would really like it. Send a photo if you can. I will certainly answer you, you might find I will surprise you!

      Have fun everyone .

      Yours Hannah.


        welcome to partyvibe Hannah


        nice to have you here

        [and yes this is the second time i have welcomed you today :groucho:]


          A bit more in depth than the usual intro…:weee::weee::weee:. Good to have you here though… Good taste in music too:weee::weee::weee::love:.

          Golf always seemed to be an unnecessary excuse to go for a long walk to me, but I’m in the minority here methinks (live in Scotland where any bit of land that might have some flat bits get used for the sport immediately…:crazy_fre:crazy_fre. We don’t have trespass laws tho’, so you can trot across the fairway as long as you are not worried about being flattened by ballistic sports equipment)

          So…(wide moment alert:groucho:), when you are running the business can we come and have a rave in the function rooms at some point?:bounce_fl:bounce_fl You can say NO-bugger off btw. I won’t be offended…:weee::weee::weee:…Had to ask tho’:wink:

          And welcome to PV:love::love::love:


            Hi Hannah :weee: :weee:

            Welcome to Partyvibe..

            Good of you to join usraaa raaa raaa

            Tank Girl

              :bounce_g::bounce_fl:bounce_g: welcome to PV :bounce_g::bounce_fl:bounce_g:

              General Lighting

                welcome 🙂


                  Hi Hannah, welcome to partyvibe.

                  Thanks for the lengthy intro. I play a little bit of golf but not regular and I don’t own any clubs.

                  the rev

                    Hi hannah, so its a massive party on the moor and then back to yours is it?:wink:


                      Hi Hanna , we have some things in common, I like Black Sabbat and Pink Foyd, I play guitar (besides DJing) and I’ve been in South Africa (vacations for a month) when I was a kid. Remeber felt very sad when I left. It’s beautiful down there.
                      So , I wish you well in your life ,and take care.:wave:

                      Shit Robot

                        Hi hannah and welcome to PV,nice to have you here.



                          Good to meet you hannah, im in my first year at uni too, impressive to see you got there at the age of 17. Hope your enjoyin it as much as meraaa .

                            noname wrote:
                            So…(wide moment alert:groucho:), when you are running the business can we come and have a rave in the function rooms at some point?:bounce_fl:bounce_fl

                            hahaha just what i was thinking!
                            great minds lol…..


                              Hi nice to meet you :bounce_g: :bounce_g: the who,floyd,sabbathraaa raaa

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                            Forums The Vibe Introductions From hannah