Forums Radionics DE : Decoding a weather forecast from DWD LF sender (147.3 KHz)

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  • #1057266
    General Lighting

      It may seem odd this old technology is still used in the 21st century, but this signal can be received some 20km inland in England, at night using a simple wire antenna (one part is on the wall, the other is at floor level connected to the receiver earth. The RX is powered from a separate 12V battery, if I use the metal pipes in my house as earth or any earthed battery or power supply the signal is swamped by interference from the UK Power Networks mains earth. DWD transmit this info at other frequencies and in English but the German LF service is strongest in my area (Germany no longer use LF frequencies for public broadcasting unlike UK, FR and DK).

      Pat McDonald

        And the chances of weather forecasts being accurate?

        Look, the British solved this problem a LONG time ago, with the invention of A) Wellington boots. B) The Mackintosh raincoat and C) The umbrella.

        That’s what I call the solution, not faffing around wondering what’s going to happen – carrying the means to cope. That’s the answer.

        General Lighting

          if you check for obvious garbled data the weather is accurate for my area (perhaps not so around Coventry, being inland and landlocked) ; it is intended mostly for mariners. you can compare it with similar data from Met Office and KNMI – they all share the data anyway, as do the Russians (cold war or no cold war they have always done that, as everyone gets the weather) and there is a further HF fax broadcast from RAF Northwood which feeds into met office, their transmitter power isn’t as strong and they shut the carrier off between broadcasts making it hard to find.

          I still buy cycling jackets from Northern Scotland, as if they use them in their country they should handle any British weather. Umbrellas aren’t as much use in the middle of the North Sea. I am not sure what nautical types usually wear for footwear on deck, from those I have met it is prudent not to get into casual discussions about fashion, as cultural stereotypes can lead to disappointment; especially those who may have been to sea in SE Asia may think I hold the secret of how to wear garments intended originally for another gender.

          Unfortunately I am too still fat even for many of the boys clothes; although Biotech (who lives in a nautical area) managed to find a goth vamp dress which was actually his size (and he is not a small chap either). I’m not sure if he did buy it; in any case being a reponsible dad it would not be the done thing to wander around the fish docks thus attired; he mifght ause someone to run their vessel aground.

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        Forums Radionics DE : Decoding a weather forecast from DWD LF sender (147.3 KHz)