Forums The Vibe Chat 1969 1989 2009? Are We Due Another Summer of LOVE?

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      Just read something interesting over on Indymedia, if the first summer of love was 69, and the second 89, does that mean we’re due another one?

      The way I’m feeling at the moment it could go either way- but there’s some very positive shoots appearing out of all the crap at the moment- and I reckon if the weather holds out we may just get through it.


      By the way- I’ve subscribed to FeverIam on you tube- he’s a wicked guy who knows his stuff and cuts through all the crap about what’s going on at the moment, but he’s also predicting some pretty dire shit:


      Check out his other videos.


      Tank Girl

        certainly hope so !! :bounce_fl:bounce_fl


          A summer of love? F*cking sign me up!!! I’m quite a loving person anyways so it’s all good! :love:

          General Lighting

            I lived through the so-called “1989 summer of love” (was 17 then) and although the music was good people have “rose tinted glasses” memories of that time.

            It was only the rich yuppies what could afford to get into the expensive pay parties (basically a squat party where you had to pay £25 to get in) and pills were £15-20. Yes they were better quality, but it meant the comedowns were harsher and many of the “early ravers” were fucked up just a few months later – and their shocked rich parents called for (and got) more clampdowns.

            Drugs other than cannabis or sometimes amfetamines were actually hard to get, and raves non-existent outside London and the M25 (hence Orbital :wink:)

            The whole summer of love thing was talked up by a load of commercial party promoters, some of whom were linked to the Young Conservatives :laugh_at: and the “revenue was protected” by some rum gangland types.

            It was only by around 1991 that the party scene became more widely accessible to everyone..


              Shit on our hope why don’t ya….

              I BELIEVE!
              It is going to be a top summer!

              General Lighting;316803 wrote:
              I lived through the so-called “1989 summer of love” (was 17 then) and although the music was good people have “rose tinted glasses” memories of that time.

              It was only the rich yuppies what could afford to get into the expensive pay parties (basically a squat party where you had to pay £25 to get in) and pills were £15-20. Yes they were better quality, but it meant the comedowns were harsher and many of the “early ravers” were fucked up just a few months later – and their shocked rich parents called for (and got) more clampdowns.

              Drugs other than cannabis or sometimes amfetamines were actually hard to get, and raves non-existent outside London and the M25 (hence Orbital :wink:)

              The whole summer of love thing was talked up by a load of commercial party promoters, some of whom were linked to the Young Conservatives :laugh_at: and the “revenue was protected” by some rum gangland types.

              It was only by around 1991 that the party scene became more widely accessible to everyone..


                summer of love or not, this summer is gunna rock for me raaa

                General Lighting
                  rachus;316807 wrote:
                  Shit on our hope why don’t ya….

                  I BELIEVE!
                  It is going to be a top summer!

                  gonna be just the same as any other summer in the last few years –

                  to be fair some of the ones in the early 2000s weren’t bad…the actual party scene in the early 21st century was better than it was in the 90s until people got greedy..


                    Just watched that clip. Holy moose, ima tad unnerved! No love for me this summer.. im be too busy making my shed a bomb shelter…

                    General Lighting
                      rachus;316819 wrote:
                      Just watched that clip. Holy moose, ima tad unnerved! No love for me this summer.. im be too busy making my shed a bomb shelter…

                      bear in mind he’s American (although some of his stuff is geared to a UK audience) – they are a much more angry divided nation with a lot of guns and without the safety net of the welfare state and NHS which most European nations will still have…

                      that said, it does make sense to prepare for electric power, telecoms and supply chain disturbances (i.e less stuff in the shops / shortages of commodities ) – these sorts of things are already happening in the more rural areas I work in…


                        Summer of love :love:

                        Definitely :bounce_g:

                        Tank Girl
                          Angel;316838 wrote:
                          Summer of love :love:

                          Definitely :bounce_g:



                            summer of love? lets hope so! :love:

                            General Lighting

                              TBH the summer of 1999 (or to a lesser extent the summer of 1991) was far better than the summer of 1989 but it doesn’t fit in with the indymedia hacks pseudo-numerology…

                              if you want a real account of what went on back then read “class of 88” by Wayne Anthony 😉

                                General Lighting;316851 wrote:
                                TBH the summer of 1999 (or to a lesser extent the summer of 1991) was far better than the summer of 1989 but it doesn’t fit in with the indymedia hacks pseudo-numerology…

                                if you want a real account of what went on back then read “class of 88” by Wayne Anthony 😉

                                Too right GL summer of 1999 was the first year i started raving and the parties were mental. Nothing like how it is now.


                                  This is going to be an awesome summer, I feel it in my waters. 😉 I might need to take the winter off life to get over it though… :weee:


                                    It most certainly will be for me :love::love::love::love::love:

                                    General Lighting
                                      damo666;316862 wrote:
                                      Too right GL summer of 1999 was the first year i started raving and the parties were mental. Nothing like how it is now.

                                      yep and also the scene was a lot more accessible and open to younger working class people than it was in the 80s…

                                      this whole 80s/90s nostalgia is IMO like how some older people are really nostalgic about steam trains – of course they were good examples of British engineering and did their job in the day, and today you see nice shiny preserved ones in museums, but when they were in service they caused a fuckload of smoke and pollution, way more than todays modern trains and were a lot slower..


                                        Why does it have to be a drug soaked party type summer of love? MAybe this is the point when the whole of society tips away from an obsession with money and towards a new standard of happiness?

                                        It’s already starting IMO. Less money to spend- people start to appreciate things more……


                                          summer of love, lol, not in east anglia!!! lmao

                                          General Lighting
                                            binge;317015 wrote:
                                            Why does it have to be a drug soaked party type summer of love?

                                            well if you ask that question on a rave forum and quote two years where the “summer of love” was pretty much just that its what people are going to assume

                                            the good things you want are happening slowly but it will take a lot more than one summer…. I think older people are up for it as are youths from age 18 downwards, as are junior school age kids but for 20 somethings brought up on affluenza, easy money and unlimited consumption it is going to be fucking painful like making addicts withdraw and some may react accordingly…

                                              binge;317015 wrote:
                                              drug soaked party type summer of love

                                              sounds good to me! :weee: 😉


                                                its shaping up to be an excellent summer :love:


                                                  Love will probably be the only thing we can afford soon anyway.. with drugs.


                                                    Love is the best drug raaa

                                                      Digital-A;317387 wrote:
                                                      its shaping up to be an excellent summer :love:

                                                      I actually think it will be a nice hot summer this year. Goes in sequence i reckon. Two shit summers to one nice summer. This year should be the nice summer. (can’t really remember the summer of 07 tho, tis all a drug blurred memory lol) 😉

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                                                    Forums The Vibe Chat 1969 1989 2009? Are We Due Another Summer of LOVE?