Forums The Vibe Chat Rant Thread! Re: Rant Thread!


    @1984 386086 wrote:

    DBT, its really for borderline patients (not something I have ever been diagnosed with) but it has had good results with depression too.

    Generally I think its really good, and if this is just a blip, which I do hope it is, I will f-ing love it! I think everyone could benefit from mindfulness and some of the other techniques, I will certainly teach it to my kids from a very young age.

    if you think its just a blip then hopefully it will be try to not get stuck in a rut thinking everything is shit. :love:

    You can meditate on the way to work, you can do it in the shower, while you are brushing your teeth, look into mindfulness mate. Doesn’t need to be all that lotus position hour at a time stuff. Its effectively just a high level of non judgemental awareness. (well thats how I understand it, its new to me too)

    “The first component involves the self-regulation of attention so that it is maintained on immediate experience, thereby allowing for increased recognition of mental events in the present moment. The second component involves adopting a particular orientation toward one’s experiences in the present moment, an orientation that is characterized by curiosity, openness, and acceptance.”

    sounds quite similar technique as that vipassana or vipassana MD meditation course that i wanted to do. from what i understand it gets you to realise that you are not unhappy, angry or whatever, but these are just emotions you are feeling and once you are mindful that you are feeling angry then you can stop. if only id done that course then id be able to explain it better! 😉

    If you look at from a psychological perspective rather than the Buddhist it cuts out a lot of the crap in my personal opinion.

    This is what i found as well. when i went to do the first buddhism course it was so interesting and was more a philosophy on how to lead an easy stress/worry free life, but after 2 months it started to get more like a religion so i left. still really glad i went tho as it taught me a lot.