Forums The Vibe Chat eastern haze festie Re: eastern haze festie

    gv23 wrote:
    hard as nails security etc

    Yes. I heard there were a few ‘problems’ :hopeless:

    I was about on the Sunday Bio, had my fone switched off tho, got yer message early on monday.. sorry!

    the reggae tent was havin it all weekend, PAIN rocked it on the sunday, as did Tarantism, Monkeyspanner and others who’s names escape me at the mo..

    Damn. I was about in the reggae tent. Caught a fair bit of PAIN, who were wicked. Should have kept my eyes open a bit more but I just assumed yo were holed up in a tent somewhere.

    personally speaking i thought the dance tent and main stage shoud have swapped rigs.. the main stage sounded a bit muddy when ever i went down there.. but thats only my opinion..

    Lets hope next year is all go for Haze 2, there are far too few fests around these parts, they need supporting!

    I was only there for the Sunday but the main stage was sounding lovely when dreadzone were on, really tight bass and the top end was crystal and so efficient considering the amount of aspect cabs (they are amazing).

    Agreed though, the dance tent rig was lush too. Mr **** has certainly come a long way with his system in just a few years. raaa