
milcahmilcah's Profile

Name milcahmilcah
About Me Radio is simply the technology of communicating and signaling using radio waves. Radio waves are of high-frequency electromagnetic waves between thirty to 500 kilohertz. The radio signal consists of a series of electrical impulses, which are sent from a transmitter in the form of radio waves to a receiver at a fixed location. Most commonly the transmitted radio signal consists of a single pulse, but some waves transmit multiple pulses. This allows the radio signal to travel long distances over a great distance. There are two types of radio communication, those of general use and those of personal radio usage. General radio uses any type of existing radio services such as CD radio, community radio, satellite radio, broadcast radio, and others. In these cases, the radio transmitter transmits its radio wave signal in the radio band, which is the same band as used for regular radio services. Personal radio waves usually operate within a specific radio service, usually on a single frequency. These usually are the most popular types of radio stations and are also the most widely-used ones. Radio receivers can receive and broadcast this same signal over again. When people talk over the radio, they are typically talking into a microphone that has a receiving antenna, and then it is amplified by the radio waves that are transmitted out and back to the speaker. Some individuals and companies use their radio stations to broadcast information directly to the public. For example, they may operate free radio stations that they communicate to the general public through an FM transmitter and receivers. Some countries use such free radio stations to allow citizens to access free radio stations. In the United States, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) licenses the operation of free radio stations. When individuals talk on their radio stations, they are operating within the radio spectrum of the FCC, which is why it is called the FCC spectrum. FM radio stations operate in a different frequency range than their American counterparts, which is why you hear two different radio stations with the same name (airwaves). The difference lies in the way the frequencies are arranged. Unlike America, in many countries the radio stations operate on one frequency range, called fixed, for a longer period of time. As opposed to America's famous "free-for-all" radio stations that transmit on all frequencies, fixed frequencies only transmit on a specific set of frequencies for a set period of time. Fixed frequencies are important in a way that they help maintain consistency within a specified area. When you have a fixed frequency, it is not possible for other stations to transmit on that same frequency for a longer period of time, as it will require them to adjust their transmitting antenna to get a signal. Because of this, there are times when your neighbor's radio station might come into play, but they are unable to transmit on your fixed frequency. To accommodate for this situation, your transmitter frequency will change slightly every so often, which is known as 'chirping'. If your neighbor happens to pick up on this chirping and begins to transmit, your transmitter frequency will shift slightly to accommodate for the new frequency, effectively changing your radio station.
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